UNICEF Social Protection Training Course Stephen Devereux Centre for Social Protection Institute of Development Studies (IDS) 17 July 2009 CENTRE FOR SOCIAL.


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Presentation transcript:

UNICEF Social Protection Training Course Stephen Devereux Centre for Social Protection Institute of Development Studies (IDS) 17 July 2009 CENTRE FOR SOCIAL PROTECTION

Partnerships CSP network:Universities, research institutes, donors, and NGOs in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America. UNICEF:Training courses; ESARO Strategy (review); “Social Protection for Africa’s Children”. ILO:Commissioned studies on public works; MoU on social protection and labour markets. WFP:Social Protection Partnership Ford Foundation: “Social Protection in Asia” (SPA). Concern Worldwide: MoU on long–term social transfer programmes in four countries. BRAC/ EPRI/ IFPRI: Research on filling knowledge gaps.

Training & Capacity Building 1.Social Protection in Ghana, India, UK (DFID) [2004, 2005] 2.DFID Social Protection reading weeks (IDS) [2006, 2007] 3.EPRI Social Transfers course (Cape Town) [Aug ’07, 08] 4.UNICEF ESARO: RMT Learning Day (Nairobi) [Nov ’07] 5.Social Protection for Policy–Makers (Zambia) [Nov ’07] 6.Oxfam Social Protection Learning Day (Pretoria) [Jan ’08] 7.Lesotho Social Protection Study Tour (Cape Town) [Mar ’08] 8.Government of Botswana / UNICEF (Gaborone) [Jun–08] 9.EPRI Social Transfers course (Cape Town) [Jul–08] 10.EPRI / HelpAge Social Transfers (Thailand) [Oct–08] 11.UNICEF ESARO: Social Protection conference (Nairobi) [Jun–09] 12.UNICEF Social Protection course (IDS) [July ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10! ]

Conceptual Themes & Empirical Research Concepts:“Transformative Social Protection” “Adaptive Social Protection” Themes:Social Protection and... Agriculture Climate Change Gender Labour markets Migration. Instruments: Cash Transfers Minimum wages Public works Social pensions.

Social Transfer Evaluations Zambia:Cash–for–Work [1996] Mozambique: GAPVU / INAS [1998] Namibia:Social Pensions [1999] Ethiopia:Productive Safety Net Programme [2006, 2008] Malawi:Food and Cash Transfers [2006] Malawi:Dowa Emergency Cash Transfers [2007] Mexico:Progresa – “spill–over effects” [2007] Malawi:Take–Home Rations [2008] Swaziland:Emergency Drought Response [2008] Lesotho:Cash & Food Transfers Pilot Project [2008] Kenya:Hunger Safety Net Programme [2009–2012]

Social Protection Advisory Work Malawi:“National Safety Net Programme” (NSNP) [2000] Botswana:“Rural Development Programme” (RDP): Social Protection chapter [2001] Uganda:“Poverty Eradication Action Plan” (PEAP): Mainstreaming Social Protection [2003–04] Africa:“OVC NPA Review” (UNICEF) [2006] Malawi:“National Social Protection Policy” [2007–08] Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia & Zimbabwe: “Regional Hunger & Vulnerability Programme” [2005–09] Ethiopia:“Productive Safety Net Programme” (PSNP) [2006–08]: “Social Protection Options for Ethiopia” [2008–09] Zambia:“Technical Working Group on Social Assistance” [2008–09] Global:“Social Transfers Review” (DFID) [2007–08].

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