BSU E-Learning and PBL Project WP 2: Training of Trainers Mona Dahms, Henrik Bregnhøj Denmark
Outline of the presentation 1.Overall design considerations, incl. intended learning outcomes 2.Activities 3.Findings 4.Evaluation 5.Reflections 2
Overall Training Approach
Three core areas … 1) Subject matter contents 2) E- learning/ blended learning. 3) Problem based learning. INF210: Research Methodologies in Computing
Learning outcomes TCU guidelines prescribe 3 categories of qualifications: Knowledge Skills Competences
ToT exit level outcomes After the ToT training the participants should be able to: Plan, implement, evaluate and review exemplary staff training on (re-)designing selected courses and/or semesters to integrate elements of e-learning and PBL, adapted to the institutional context and to the needs of staff members from the institution. Reflect upon the experiences gained from the ToT training and the implications of these experiences for the formulation of institutional strategies for e-learning and PBL Train other staff Reflect on training
Selected intended learning outcomes K3. Explain and discuss the strengths and weaknesses with regard to student motivation, of various e- learning approaches and PBL models S1. Analyze, compare, select and apply a range of e- learning tools and student-activating techniques (incl. PBL) to design a single teaching/learning activity that aims to support students in achieving formulated learning outcomes C2. Design, implement, facilitate and evaluate problem based projects incl. the creation of motivating learning environments, for face-to-face and online collaborative learning Discuss teaching methods Design learning activities Design PBL projects
Assessment of ToT participants Active participation in 2-3 workshops A written assessment in the form of a Teaching Portfolio
ToT Activities Three f2f workshops in each country Online consultancy via joint Moodle platform
Overall time line PhaseAug 14Sep 14Oct 14Nov 14Dec 14Jan 15Feb 15Mar 15 Beyond Mar 15 1: F2F-1 2: Online1 3: F2F-2 4: Online2 5: F2F-3 6: Online3
Concept of ToT programme = learning outcomes
The three F2F workshops Teaching methods Subjects / activities Learning Objectives addressed F2F 1 Lectures Exercises Discussions Alignment: Intended learning outcomes and assessment procedures. K1, K2 and K3; C1a and C1b F2F 2 Consultancy and feedback Lectures Exercises Discussions Review of courses Learning and teaching activities. e-learning tools and LMS. The teacher’s role shift K4; S1; C1c and C2 F2F 3 Consultancy and feedback Lectures Exercises Discussions Review of re-designed courses. Course evaluation procedures Preparation of students Evaluation of ToT programme S1; C1c, C1d, C1e and C2
Findings - 1 Workshops: 68 participants in at least 2 workshops (41 TZ / 27 GH) Hands-on approach gave good activity in the workshops and good feed-back from participants Online work: Few courses described on – 4-10 mentioned, few follow-ups No courses followed on own platforms
Overall evaluation Intended Learning Outcomes achieved at level 2.5 or better (1: Fully achieved; 5: Not at all achieved)
Findings beyond ToT Many course created – many teachers trained as a consequens of ToT In all cases the PBL model is course based PBL So far no interdisciplinary PBL model has been attempted but experiments are underway in KCMUCo
Trainers’ reflection A timely initiative Impressive results achieved in all institutions Some of the challenges underestimated by us E-learning is slowly rising Appreciation of student-centred learning Still a long way to go to achieve interdisciplinary problem based learning as integrated part of whole curriculum
22 … time for questions and discussion … Thank you for your attention