Ed! PLANNING YOUR FUTURE …CLASS OF 2020! Military 4-Year College 2-Year College Certification Program Technical or Trade School Career
THE FOUNDATION is the Basic 22 classes The Plain Cupcake English – 4 credits/classes English I, II, III, and English IV Math – 3 credits/classes Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II Science – 3 credits/classes Biology, and one course from Integrated Physics and Chemistry, or Chemistry, or Physics, and one additional science Social Studies – 3 credits/classes US History, government (.5 credit), economics (.5 credit), and either World History or World Geography Language Other than English (LOTE) – 2 credits/classes Credits must be in the same language Fine Arts – 1 credit/class Physical Education – 1 credit/class Health – (KISD requirement).5 credit = one semester Electives – 4.5 credits, including A communication skills component
THE ENDORSEMENT= your area of interest and career goal The Icing on top of the Cupcake The Endorsement – 4 credits 1 additional Math credit 1 additional Science credit 2 additional Elective credits In addition to those required for the 22-credit Foundation High School Program.
THE FHSP + ENDORSEMENT “Endorsements are like the sprinkles on a cupcake...The 4x4 is the cupcake!” Major Texas colleges maintain that the best prepared students have each of the following: A traditional English IV Algebra II Chemistry and Physics World Geography and World History Two years of a traditional Language Other Than English
THE PERSONAL GRADUATION PLAN (PGP) The Personal Graduation Plan (PGP) is just that… It’s PERSONAL! What are your interests? What are your goals? The FHSP allows flexibility and choices, so you are able to choose the course of study that best fits YOU!
PLANNING YOUR FOUNDATION: ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Four credits of English are required, including English I English II English III A fourth English credit Courses that satisfy the additional English credit are listed at the top of the Personal Graduation Plan List your English course selections in line #1.
PLANNING YOUR FOUNDATION: MATH Courses that satisfy the additional Math credits are listed at the top of the Personal Graduation Plan The Foundation requires three Math credits, and a fourth Math credit is required for the FHSP + Endorsement. The credits must include Algebra I Geometry A third Math credit A fourth Math credit List your Math course selections in line #2.
PLANNING YOUR FOUNDATION: SCIENCE Courses that satisfy the additional Science credits are listed at the top of the Personal Graduation Plan The Foundation requires three Science credits, and a fourth Science credit is required for the FHSP + Endorsement. The credits must include Biology IPC, or Chemistry, or Physics A third Science credit A fourth Science credit List your Science course selections in line #3.
PLANNING YOUR FOUNDATION: SOCIAL STUDIES Three Social Studies credits are required, including World Geography or World History US History Government (.5 credit) Economics (.5 credit) List your Social Studies course selections in line #4.
PLANNING YOUR FOUNDATION: LOTE ∙ PHYSICAL EDUCATION ∙ FINE ARTS Courses that satisfy LOTE, PE and Fine Art credits are listed at the top of the Personal Graduation Plan Additional required credits include Two LOTE credits o Must include Level 1 and Level 2 of the same Language Other Than English One PE credit One Fine Art credit List your LOTE, PE, Fine Arts in the spaces under the core course requirements.
PLANNING YOUR ENDORSEMENT What is an endorsement? Course study related to your individual interests/ goals. You choose specialized classes within your endorsement with consideration for your career pathway.
THE ENDORSEMENTS STEM (Science,Technology, Engineering & Math) Business & Industry Public Services Arts & Humanities Multidisciplinary Studies
The STEM endorsement requires completion of Algebra II, Chemistry, and Physics. The STEM endorsement includes courses of study related to: Engineering; or Advanced science courses; or Computer Science / Computer Programming; or Advanced math courses for which Algebra II is a prerequisite; or A cross-disciplinary study of advanced math and advanced science; or NJROTC A STEM endorsement requires 4 credits in at least one of the bulleted courses of study. STEM: SCIENCE ∙ TECHNOLOGY ∙ ENGINEERING ∙ MATH
A Business & Industry endorsement requires a 4 th math credit and a 4 th science credit. Business & Industry covers several categories including courses of study in Career & Technical Education (CTE) English Language Arts Technology BUSINESS & INDUSTRY
A Public Services endorsement requires a 4 th math credit and a 4 th science credit, and 4 CTE credits including PUBLIC SERVICES At least 2 courses in the same career cluster, and At least 1 advanced CTE course in a sequence related to Education Health Science Government & Public Administration Human Services Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security The Public Services endorsement cannot be earned through combining courses from separate Public Services pathways.
PUBLIC SERVICES CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION All courses for a Public Services endorsement are identified with these icons according to their career cluster.
An Arts & Humanities endorsement requires a 4 th math credit and a 4 th science credit, and a course of study related to: ARTS & HUMANITIES Social Studies Languages Other Than English Fine Arts Art Dance Music Theatre English other than Journalism or Speech The Arts & Humanities endorsement cannot be earned through combining courses from separate pathways.
MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES A Multidisciplinary Studies endorsement requires a 4 th math credit and a 4 th science credit, and allows students to choose courses either from one endorsement category or from a variety of categories.
A Multidisciplinary Studies –endorsement requires a 4 th math credit and a 4 th science credit, Postsecondary Readiness requires 4 additional credits that: Prepare the student to enter postsecondary education, or Prepare the student to successfully enter the workforce. MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES POSTSECONDARY READINESS& “4 X 4” The “4 x 4” requires 4 credits from each of the 4 foundation areas of: English Language Arts – including either English IV or Dual Credit English, Math Science – including Chemistry and/or Physics and Social Studies