Provider Information Request (PIR)
Welcome! Introduction to reporting student and staff data to the department: Getting started 2016 PIR Collection Training and support
The HEIMSHELP website is your ultimate resource for reporting data to the Department. The left menu has your link to PIR resources. HEIMSHELP is where you will find; File Scopes File Structures Element Specifications
Scope of the PIR Collection The scope of the Collection remains the same - Submissions must include all domestic, international, onshore and offshore students for which a provider takes award responsibility
Timeframes for reporting remain the same: Collection opens on 1 July 2016 Final date for data to be reported and certified: 31 August 2016 Reporting timeframes for 2016
The 2016 Collection The reference period for the 2016 PIR collection remains the same Your data submissions can only include records for this period If you have records to report for earlier years please contact the HEIMS Data Collection team
Getting started Submitting your data Getting your systems ready Validating your data Certification Having the right information Getting your systems ready Using HEPCAT Training your team
Submission of PIR data 1. Download PIR Template 1. Download HEPCAT 2. Establish what data you need to provide 3. Complete the Data Submission template 3. Enter your data into HEPCAT 4. Validate your data 5. Certification of data 5. Submit to HEIMS using HEPCAT How will reporting change? 6. Submit via TEQSA’s secure portal 6. Certification of data in HEIMS Online
PIR Submissions Course of Study Half Year Load Estimates Past Course Completions Staff Student
Student submission Element nameElement number Course Code307 Course Name - Full308 Course of Study Type Code310 Course of Study Load350 Combined Course of Study Indicator455 Field of Education Code461 Field of Education Supplementary Code462 Reporting Year/Period415 To simplify reporting, course information has been moved from the Student submission to a new Course of Study submission
Element changes Element Academic Organisational Code has been removed from the Collection to help streamline reporting
New Student elements There are new names for three existing elements: T001 = E585 Student fee type indicator T002 = E586 Broad course type T003 = E587 Indicative tuition fee for a domestic or international fee paying place
Past course completions submission Minor changes to remove Course information – course name (E308) – course of study type code (E310) These values will now be provided in the new Course of Study submission
Staff submission The full time and casual staff files have been combined into one Staff submission Element nameElement number Person Identification Code401 Work Contract Code506 Current Duties Term Code507 Current Duties Classification Type, Level and Increment Code 408 Organisational Unit Code510 Work Sector Code511 Function Code412 Equivalent Full ‑ Time Salary Range - Current Duties 588 Highest Qualification501 Reporting Year/Period415 Full ‑ Time Equivalence - Reference Date 513
A change to staff elements Element 423 has been renamed It is now Element Equivalent Full ‑ Time Salary Range - Current Duties
New work contract code A new code (6) has been added to Element Work contract code This is to identify whether you have calculated casual staff FTE using: – Calendar year [Method 1] or – Financial year [Method 2]
Half Year Load Estimates (PLE) New structure 4 new elements
Getting your systems ready Supported Not supported
Department IT systems There are two IT systems to use to report information to the department: 1.HITS (HELP IT System) 2.HEIMS systems
1 - The HELP IT System (HITS) Support available from User Guide - Report your organisation’s financial data
2. HEIMS Systems HEPCAT Prepare Validate and Submit data HEIMS All reported data is stored in HEIMS HEIMS Online Submission reports Data View reports Certification Report your Student and Staff data
Access HEIMS systems From June 2016: Full online registration through the Education Portal
Training your team Webinars Customised Online videos
What’s next? Submitting your data Getting your systems ready Validating your data Certification Having the right information Getting your systems ready Using HEPCAT Training your team
Reporting with HEPCAT 1. Install your application 2. Enter your data 3. Validate your data 4. Submit your data
1. Installing HEPCAT 1.Prerequisites - sets up the HEPCAT database on your computer 2.Application - sets up the current files and validations
2. Entering your data 1.Creating a submission 2.Importing data – manual entry – flat files Excel conversion
3. Validating your data The validations check that your data is consistent and accurate – HEPCAT validations – HEIMS validations
Key validation rule Only valid reporting codes as described in the element specification can be used!
4. Submitting your data Once all HEPCAT validations are passed you can submit your data to HEIMS HEIMS will advise you if any further errors are found.
Certification of PIR data What is certification? When is your data certified? How do you certify your data?
HEPCAT Pilot HEPCAT will be available for practice and testing from 26 April This will provide a two month window to become familiar with the new processes before July
In summary Submitting your data Getting your systems ready Validating your data Certification Having the right information Getting your systems ready Using HEPCAT Training your team
Where to from here? Using HEIMS Online Certifying data Reporting with HEPCAT Join us for our next training session: April 27, 2016 Reporting with HEPCAT
Need some help? For all your student and staff data questions contact Telephone: (02)