1 News from the Smoking Toolkit Study: December 2012 University College London December 2012 Robert West.


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Presentation transcript:

1 News from the Smoking Toolkit Study: December 2012 University College London December 2012 Robert West

Public Health England Previous Chief Executive at St George’s Mental Health Trust ‘Smoking is public enemy number one’ Chief Executive designate: Duncan Selbie Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health and visiting Prof at UCL Came from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Not worked in tobacco Director of Health Improvement and Population Healthcare: Kevin Fenton 2

Department of Health Discussion about setting up a Centre for Tobacco Control to co-ordinate regional and national activities and policies Resources heavily taken up by ‘plain packaging’ Policy team ‘Stoptober’ appears to be a success Now planning for major New Year event Communications team 3

MHRA Focused on issues surrounding electronic cigarettes Expect to make a ruling next Spring Focus on public health while fulfilling their remit on medicine safety 4

NICE Consulting on Harm Reduction guidance Draft document –Licensed nicotine products for smoking reduction can save lives cost-effectively, primarily by promoting quitting later –NHS should offer treatment for smoking reduction but not to the detriment of cessation support Launched online Return on Investment (ROI) tool for Local Authorities for calculate short- and long-term impact of different configurations of services 5


The design-evaluation cycle Treatment concept/ innovation Evaluation Implementation Evaluation 7 National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT)

Components behavioural support Medication options Service structure Identify best practice Online knowledge and face-to-face skills training Online assessment Website and resources (e.g. Standard Treatment Plan) Online Very Brief Advice training Translate into training, assessment and resources Evaluate knowledge and skills training Evaluate upgrading of service (e.g. Boots Trial) Evaluate specific innovations (e.g. text messaging) Evaluate innovation 8

NCSCT products Training Standard –learning objectives needed to train stop-smoking practitioners to deliver evidence-based behaviour change techniques Standard Treatment Programme –Model treatment programme based on best available evidence 9

Service Delivery and Monitoring Guidance –Up-to-date specification of optimum service configuration and guidance on monitoring and evaluation Standard Monitoring Form –Standard form for collecting minimum data required to evaluate treatment provision and provide clinical case notes 10 NCSCT products

Client satisfaction survey –Short and long form of survey on client experiences Service provider audit and accreditation process –Esessential procedures for ensuring quality of service provision and preventing fraud 11 NCSCT products

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