Welcome to the caBIG Community! The cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG ® ) offers more than 120 open source tools, technologies and infrastructure components that address the needs of the biomedical research community. These needs include sharing data and knowledge, simplifying collaboration and speeding up research. Did you know that many of the caBIG tools and technologies have training and other educational materials? Accessing and Consuming caBIG ® Training Resources Discover the wealth of information that caBIG has to offer. Learn more about caBIG by enrolling in courses and tracking your learning progress through the Learning Management System (LMS). Engage with the community by accessing tool demonstrations, documentation and information forums on the Knowledge Centers. Investigate the caBIG Tool Pages to find the tools you need and learn about their capabilities. Contribute to the caBIG knowledge base and discover new learning opportunities by accessing the Wiki’s. Jump start your caBIG journey by collaborating with Support Service Providers. Training and other educational content is organized by subject area, tool, and role, making it easier for learners to find materials relevant to their background and needs. Varied learning opportunities and media put community members in charge of their own learning by giving them control over the ‘what, who, how, why, when, and where’ of their educational experiences with caBIG – creating convenient and realistic options to access and use the rich collection of educational content caBIG offers. Take a moment to explore the wealth of educational resources the caBIG community has to offer. Authors: Jennifer Brush, ScenPro, Inc.; Dianne Reeves, RN, MSN, NCI CBIIT; Jamie Parker, ScenPro, Inc.; Jennifer Tucker, Ph.D., Otto Kroeger Associates; Calla Pearce, Terrapin Systems, LLC; Lynette Elliott, ScenPro, Inc.; Lori Thompson, RN, BSN, ScenPro, Inc. START HERE START HERE Enroll & track your learning progress caBIG ® Tool Pages caBIG ® offers dozens of tools for adoption. Many of these are at mature development stages, supported by the caBIG Knowledge Centers and can connect to the caBIG infrastructure through caGRID. caBIG tools include applications, software tools, database technologies and web-based applications in the areas of clinical trials management, biospecimens, imaging, genome annotation, proteomics, microarrays, data analysis and statistical tools, data sharing, infrastructure, vocabularies, and translational research. caBIG tools have been developed by both NCI CBIIT and participating Cancer Centers. These tools support the use of caBIG architecture, facilitate the electronic collection and management of clinical trials and associated data, and enable comprehensive sharing and integration of clinical research information. Look for links on individual tool pages for demonstrations and other training resources. Browse for tools and applications caBIG ® Knowledge Centers The caBIG ® Knowledge Centers are the nexus for an expanding community employing caBIG tools, standards, and infrastructure in a specific domain. Knowledge Centers are NCI-supported entities that provide expert guidance to end-users, IT staff and senior decision makers implementing caBIG tools and infrastructure. The caBIG Knowledge Centers include: caGRID Clinical Trials Management Systems Data Sharing and Intellectual Capital Molecular Analysis Tools Tissue/Biospecimen Banking and Technology Tools Vocabulary caBIG Knowledge Centers are web-accessible and include end- user and technical discussion forums, tool demonstrations and e- learning resources, and the open development repository for all caBIG tools. Engage with the community by accessing tool demonstrations, documentation and information forums on the caBIG Knowledge Centers. Learning Management System (LMS) The Learning Management System is caBIG ® ’s online training resource. The LMS provides you with the ability to search and register for caBIG and other NCI CBIIT courses, download training materials and track your learning progress. Example training offerings include introductory material for caBIG newcomers, the CORE infrastructure, metadata curation, Clinical Trials Management Systems, Integrative Cancer Research, tissue banking and pathology tools, FIREBIRD and dozens of other tools and caBIG related topics. Users can access the LMS online directly, through the NCI Wiki, or through the Knowledge Centers. Courses and demonstrations can be searched by course name, user role, or tool. The LMS offers both self-paced and instructor-led courses and all materials are open source and available for download. Patient Care Enhance access, improve outcomes and increase the quality of prevention, treatment, and management of cancer to preserve the mental and physical well-being of patients. Biomedical Research Discover caBIG ® capabilities that can support your work and share lessons learned with others who have developed and applied caBIG technology to advance basic and clinical research. Learn online, from work or home NCI Wiki The NCI Confluence Wiki is the enterprise wiki designed to make it easy for project teams to share information with each other and with the world. Content is organized into spaces and you can contribute content by registering for an account. Browse through common projects for details about the CORE semantic infrastructure, CBIIT technology stack, NCI Enterprise Services (NES), and Build and Deployment Automation (BDA). Peruse the working project pages for Integrative Cancer Research (ICR) tools like caArray2, caBIO, caIntegrator2, caNanolab and caLIMS2. Get details on projects from the crosscutting and domain specific workspaces like Vocabularies and Common Data Elements (VCDE), Architecture (ARCH), Data Sharing and Intellectual Capital (DSIC), and Documentation and Training (D&T). Contribute to the caBIG knowledge base and discover new learning opportunities on the NCI Wiki. Ask the Experts Contribute to the knowledge base Jump start your caBIG journey caBIG ® Support Service Providers Support Service Providers are organizations that provide client-specific caBIG ® support under negotiated client-provider business arrangements. Support Service Providers are independent entities that are approved by NCI as meeting specific criteria for performance. caBIG Support Service Provider licenses fall into five categories: Help Desk Support Adaptation and Enhancement of caBIG Compatible Software Applications Deployment Support for caBIG Software Applications Documentation and Training Materials and Services Data Sharing and Security Framework Implementation Support Services Designation as a Provider does not constitute an endorsement of the Provider’s business by NCI. Rather, the designation serves as an indication that the Provider has successfully complied with the evaluation criteria described in the program announcement. Contact a Support Service Provider to help you meet your caBIG deployment, adaptation, documentation, training, support and data sharing goals.