In-Hospital Breastfeeding Rates (US, 2001) Healthy People 2010 Goal
Breastfeeding Rates at 6 mo (2001) Healthy People 2010 Goal
Breastfeeding : A Learned Behavior Physiological process virtually all mothers are capable of doing Is a learned behavior not all mother decide to do Mother’s partner also plays an important role
Advantages Nutritionally superior to any alternatives Bacteriologically safe & always fresh Contains various antiinfectious factors & immune cells The least allergenic to any infant food
Breast-fed babies are less likely to be overfed Promotes good jaw & tooth development Cost less Promotes close mother-child contact More convenient once the process is established
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) & American Dietetic Association (ADA) Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, and breastfeeding with complementary foods for at least 12 months as an optimal feeding pattern for infants
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Females infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) should be counseled not to beast-feed Females who are at risk for being infected with the virus should be educated about the risk of infecting their infant with HIV through breast milk
The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Global effort to the incidence & duration of breast-feeding To become ‘baby friendly’, a hospital must agree to implement the “Ten steps to Successful Breast-feeding”
Ten steps to successful breast-feeding Have a written breast-feeding policy that is routinely communicated to all health care staff Train all health care staff in the skills necessary to implement this policy Inform all pregnant females about the benefits and management of breast-feeding
Help the mother initiate breast-feeding within a half hour of birth Show mothers how to breast-feed and how to maintain lactation, even if they are separated from their infant Give new born infants no food or drink other than breast milk unless medically indicated
Practice rooming-in Encourage breast-feeding on demand Give no artificial teats or pacifiers Foster the establishment of breast feeding support groups, and refer mothers to them on discharge from the hospital or clinic
Nutritional requirements Lactation is nutritionally demanding Increased intake of most nutrient is advised Milk production is most affected by the frequency of suckling Milk composition varies according to mother’s diet, but in general the effect is to reduce quantity, not quality
Energy Production 100 ml of milk need 85 kcal expenditure 1 st 6 mo of lactation 750 ml/day (550 – 1200 ml/day) RDA : kcal (1 st 6 mo) kcal (2 nd 6 mo)
2 nd 6 mo - production 600 ml/day E req - consuming solid food Energy intake at least 1800 kcal/day Inadeq maternal fluid intake affects milk volume
After birth women are in a hurry to lose weight In general lose ½ - 1 kg / mo during the 1 st 4 – 6 mo of lactation Exercise >> lactic acid of breast milk influence milk taste
Breastfeeding and maternal weight loss (Dewey et al. Am J Clin Nutr 1993;58:162-6)
Fat 20 – 35% of total calories Presence of long-chain PUFA crucial for fetal & infant retina & brain development AI n-6 PUFA : 13g/day AI n-3 PUFA : 1.3 g/day
Human Milk Composition a. CHO, protein & minerals not influenced by maternal diet b. Fat and vitamins influenced by maternal diet Influences of maternal diet
Human Milk Composition Influences of maternal nutritional status - milk composition remains relatively constant unless malnutrition is severe - the volume of milk produced may with malnutrition
Water Drink a glass of milk, juice or water at each meal and each time the infant nurses
Nutrient supplements Most women can obtain all the nutrients from a well balanced diet Some may need iron to refill their depleted iron stores
Particular foods Foods with strong or spicy flavors (e.g. garlic) may alter the flavor of breast milk Infants who develop symptoms of food allergy more comfortable if the mother’s diet exclude the most common offenders (cow’s milk, eggs, peanuts)
Increased Requirements
Practices incompatible with lactation Alcohol - easily enters breast milk Smoking - transfer nicotine Medicinal drugs Environmental contaminants Caffeine