Schools have to dare to dream... schools have to dare to take risks. Dr. M. Blackman, Harvard Graduate School of Education Where am I heading? Ops, FPs, QCEs, SAIs and other such stuff....
“Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”. Thomas Eddison “I'm a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it”. Thomas Jefferson
“The basic thing is that everyone wants happiness, no one wants suffering. And happiness mainly comes from our own attitude, rather than from external factors. If your own mental attitude is correct, even if you remain in a hostile atmosphere, you feel happy”. The Dalai Lama
Five Fundamental Principles 1.School-based assessment: school results are the key 2.Levels of Achievement and Overall Positions (OPs) give different information: –Levels of Achievement (VHA, HA etc) are criteria based, and non-competitive –OPs are competitive. 3.A rank order with relative gaps in each subject is the basis for OP calculations. 4.A moderation process (for comparability) is conducted in November of Year 11 and in October of Year Scaling of group results – not individual results – via the Queensland Core Skills Test, to gain common currency across subjects, and then across schools.
OP (Overall Position) 1-25: Comparison to peers across the state Approximate distribution of students across OP bands –Band 1 - about 2% of students –Bands 2 to 6 - about 19% of students –Bands 7 to 21 - about 73% of students –Bands 22 to 24 - about 5% of students –Band 25 - about 1% of students
OP calculations… Done automatically Subjects results are scaled (SAI) and compared. QCS cohort result used in this scaling (average and the spread). Best indicator is your subject results (do the best you can in your six subjects) Do the best you can as a group on the QCS test.
Scaling Levels of Achievement [LOA] Determined in each subject Expressed as VHA, HA, SA, LA or VLA Additionally 1 [lowest] to 10 [highest] Used to create a rank order Subject Achievement Indicator [SAI] Lowest student on rank order receives 200, highest 400 Indicates what you have achieved relative to everyone else Overall Achievement Indicator [OAI] Groups of students studying different subjects compared using QCST results Results in a comparison of one student’s achievement against others Takes into account averages and spread of results Final Scaling Results of the Year 12 cohort at Hillbrook are scaled using our QCST results Results in final FP and OP results
Student A – Achievements & SAIs SubjectSemestersLOASAIScaled English4HA Anc History4HA Maths A4VHA Biology4VHA Art4VHA Drama4HA332192
Student B Achievements & SAIs SubjectSemestersLOASAIScaled English4HA Anc History4VHA Geography4VHA Maths B4HA Chemistry4HA Physics4SA253181
OP Myths Myth 1: Students with 5 or more VHAs and an "A" on the QCS Test automatically get an OP1 Myth 2: Students with 5 SAIs of 400 will get an OP1 Myth 3: To get an OP1, it's better to study some subjects than others Myth 4: High achievers in a low-achieving group can't get a good OP Myth 5: Students who do poorly on the QCS Test can't get a good OP
QCE Based on EXIT results (end of Yr 12 or when leaving a course) 20 credits 4 credits per a sound (SA) or more standard Minimum requirements in literacy (Eng) & numeracy (Maths) :at least one semester at a C standard. Enrichment: credits for AMEB, Trinity College etc.
University Information. QTAC ( QTAC guides ( tml)QTAC guideshttp:// tml UAC ( VTAC (