President Membership Director SecretaryTreasurer Lion Tamer* Tail Twister* Vice President(s)Immediate Past President OVERVIEW OF OFFICE BEARERS
PRESIDENT’s RESPONSIBILTIES Prepare budgets with your treasurer before year begins; Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and Club; Issue the call for Club and Board of Directors meetings; Appoint the club’s standing & special committees and work with the committee chairpersons; Ensure club elections are noticed and held; Be an active member of the District Governor's advisory committee of your Zone
SECRETARY’s RESPONSIBILITIES Keep and maintain accurate club records Handle all incoming & outgoing correspondence regularly Submit regular monthly reports online via MyLCI (i.e. WMMR’s and Service Activities) Submit financials & minutes to the District Governor's team Co-operate with and be an active member of your Zone Deliver club records to your successor
TREASURER’ S RESPONSIBILITIES Receive and deposit monies into approved bank; Pay club obligations authorized by the Board of Directors; Pay ALL dues by set deadline dates; Have 2 separate accounts (Admin & Projects); Keep and maintain records of club receipts & disbursements; Prepare and submit monthly financial reports to DG’s team; Deliver financial accounts, funds and records to your successor
MEMBERSHIP CHAIRPERSON’ S RESPONSIBILITIES Create a plan for membership growth & satisfaction Understand different membership types & programmes offered by LCI Encourage recruitment of new members Ensure new members receive orientation & participate in the Mentoring programme Assist club officers in organising CEP Hold quarterly membership meetings & minutes to be sent to DG’s team and GMT