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Lesson 13 – Choosing a Healthy diet E.Q: Are you meeting your nutritional needs?
Introduction Video 2:48 Video Eating has two purposes. Provide calories for energy Provide nutrients Two types of Nutrients Macronutrients: Carbs, Proteins and healthy fats – last lesson Micronutrients: Vitamins, mineral and trace elements
Home group – Expert group Directions: Part I: Read assigned article within your “Home group”, job is to master the material, clarify information, rehearse and provide summaries. Take notes if necessary. Don’t write on the handout (Article). Part II: Leave your “Home group” and form “Expert groups” with other students. As the “Expert” you will share what you learned from reading your article with other experts from your class.
Home group - Articles 1.Teen-age Weight is Tied to Heart Disease in Adulthood 1.10 Benefits of Eating Healthy 2.Empty-Calorie Foods vs. Nutrient-Dense Foods 3.The Fat of the Land 4.The importance of Water and Your Health 5.What are the Health benefits of Micronutrients?
Home Group - Preparation time 8 minutes stopwatch
Subject Matter Experts (SME) – Share 7 minutes stopwatch
Return to your desk
Something to think about… 1.Was the information from your SMEs helpful? Do you think the information from these readings will directly or indirectly relate to today’s topics of “Choosing a Healthy diet” 1. Think about it; What is ONE thing you could change today towards Choosing a Healthy diet?
The Dietary Guidelines focuses on the big picture with recommendations to help Americans make choices that add up to an overall healthy eating pattern. To build a healthy eating pattern, combine healthy choices from across all food groups—while paying attention to calorie limits, too. Check out the 5 Guidelines that encourage healthy eating patterns: (next slide)
1. Follow a healthy eating pattern across the lifespan. All food and beverage choices matter. Choose a healthy eating pattern at an appropriate calorie level to help achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, support nutrient adequacy, and reduce the risk of chronic disease. 2. Focus on variety, nutrient density, and amount. To meet nutrient needs within calorie limits, choose a variety of nutrient-dense foods across and within all food groups in recommended amounts. 3. Limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats and reduce sodium intake. Consume an eating pattern low in added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium. Cut back on foods and beverages higher in these components to amounts that fit within healthy eating patterns. 4. Shift to healthier food and beverage choices. Choose nutrient-dense foods and beverages across and within all food groups in place of less healthy choices. Consider cultural and personal preferences to make these shifts easier to accomplish and maintain. 5. Support healthy eating patterns for all. Everyone has a role in helping to create and support healthy eating patterns in multiple settings nationwide, from home to school to work to communities.
Portion control
Labels RDAs-Recommended Daily Allowance amounts of nutrients that will prevent deficiencies and in most healthy people. Dietary guidelines for Americans- The Dietary Guidelines are designed to help Americans choose diets that will meet nutrient requirements, promote health, support active lives, and reduce chronic disease risks for all people.
Create a Salad! Create a google doc or google presentation and share with me: 1.salad name 2.mystery Ingredient 3.list of fruits and/or vegetables in the salad (3-4 ingredients) 3. list any other ingredients in your salad (2-3 ingredients) 5. vitamins and minerals and what it does for your body 6. pictures (1-2) 7. Present salad and vote on your favorite!
Quiz Take out iPad or smart phone Log into Moodle and take Lesson 13 – Choosing a Healthy diet Submit prior to April 21 st 11:59pm