Workload Management for Teaching Principals IPPN Conference 2014 Gerard Ruane
Background Two mainstream teachers, one post holder, four hours secretarial support. Three mainstream teachers, two post holders, 12 hours secretarial support. Six mainstream teachers, two post holders, full time secretary. Experience, IPPN, training, Brian Tracy.
Challenge What we can control and can’t control. Newly appointed and experienced Principals present.
Overview: Goals, planning, identify the important tasks, delegating, use of time, identifying what is stopping us getting to the important work. Review workload using the activity sheet as we go along or fill it out after. Presentation will be on
Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog Get More of the Important Things Done Today. There will always be more to do than you can ever accomplish in the time you have available to you. Get control of your tasks and activities only to a degree that you stop doing some things and start spending more time on the few activities that can really make a difference in your life.
Set the table: Decide exactly what you want What are your goals for the school? What are your goals for you, in your personal and professional life? You need an agenda each day. What do the rest of staff want? Time wasted if not singing from same hymn sheet. Spread out work – 3 year plan following staff survey on priorities.
Plan Everyday in Advance Think on paper. Use lists, both long term and short term. Habit: On / on. Off /off No list – no job. Be realistic on hours required. Teaching Day: : Organisational tasks, communication document with secretary, short meetings Teaching, yard duty, breaks Organisational tasks, communication document with secretary, short meetings Class Planning, corrections School development.
Plan Everyday in Advance Admin Day: NB Targets Organisational tasks, communication document with secretary, short meetings Class visits Admin., Management tasks School development Management, short meetings School development. Sub folders with information required by substitute. Interruptions. Blocks? Cluster? Home? Teacher swap? Other Principals? Communicate to others a time of the day that you need to work alone? Saying no. Ending conversations.
Pareto Principle 20% of your activities will account for 80% of your results 80% of your activities will account for 20% of your results One item on your list could be worth more than all the others. Often the hardest – that’s why we busy ourselves with the others. Eat that Frog first.
Pareto Principle Focus on important tasks. Who can you delegate to? Ancillary grant. Phone, post, messages, admin. Caretaker. List of jobs, heating, salting etc. Post holder/s. Let them lead. Staff: Croke Park hours. Parents: Committees. Consultation, fundraising, support. Can they organise activities for you? E.g. swimming, buses etc. BOM: Chairperson, treasurer, school premises officer, capital projects officer, maintenance officer, H&S Stop some activities?
Consider the Consequences Your most important tasks and priorities are those that can have the most serious consequences, positive or negative, on your life and work. Focus on these above all else. Take a long term view. Has it long term potential consequences? It should be prioritised. What are the things that if you didn’t do have most serious consequences? What are the tasks that you can do that have the most positive consequences? You and your health. SSE Checklist. Critical incident. Roll, register, teacher plans, minutes – BOM, Staff, ISM, Staff Relations.
Procrastination You can’t do everything. Eat that frog: High value tasks. We often busy ourselves with low value tasks (tadpoles) to avoid others. What is keeping you awake? Difficult conversations? Classroom, concern, context, fairness. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Don’t eat that frog? Problem go away? Creative Procrastination Low value tasks?
Prioritise List ABCDE A – important – positive consequence / negative consequence B – should do it – someone may be inconvenienced C – would be nice D – delegate E – Eliminate
Focus on key result areas Why am I here? Leading learning? Classroom visits? Teacher swap? Monitoring learning. That’s what I get paid for. That is what someone else gets paid for. That is what somebody else has volunteered for. Delegate: Roll books, register, accounts, phone, curricular areas, special education, discipline enforcer, micromanagement, references, lost property, post, book rental, recording secretary, minutes, fundraising, every community event, key holder, NEWB, tours, website, sports, ICT etc.
Prepare thoroughly before you begin Audit. Have you everything you need before you start? Office, internet, phone, , printing, files. Admin system / database: Rolla, pupil details, consents, test results, school policies, subs list, rotas, NEWB, etc. phone numbers, change in one place, minutes, noticeboard etc. Registration form. Annual update. Cut down on notes. When in doubt, chuck it out. Do a clear out?
One step at a time Multitasking? Do one thing at a time and be done with it.
Focus on what you are good at Your talents? What are other people better at? Servant leadership Where are you on the Cheshire Scale?
Cheshire Scale 1. Look into the problem. Give me all the facts. I will decide what to do. 2. Let me know the alternatives available with the pros and cons of each. I will decide which to select. 3. Let me know the criteria for your recommendation, which alternatives you have identified, and which one appears best with any risks identified. I will make the decision.
4. Recommend a course of action for my approval 5. Let me know what you intend to do. Delay action until I approve. 6. Let me know what you intend to do. Do it unless I say not to.
7. Take action. Let me know what you did. Let me know how it turns out. 8. Take action. Communicate with me only if your action is unsuccessful. 9. Take action. No further communication with me is necessary.
Identify your constraints What is holding you back? Study your day, weeks, months. Some examples of what can consume your time: Data in different places. Use an admin. system. Other people on different timetables. Teacher planning documents. Time involved in communication? Whiteboard, pigeon holes, intercom, database, Croke Park – organisational and policy development, agenda, minutes, 2 way process, newsletters, policies on website. Decision making – explain, consult, decide, review. BOM Meetings. Time? Templates? Communication with Chairperson. Complaints Procedures in place? Admin. Day before BOM? Reuse letters. Reminders for smooth running of the school.
Put Pressure on yourself? Create an imaginary deadline. Inspector visit in one week? Be always audit ready.
Maximise your personal power When do you work best? Personal circumstances. Home life. Mornings, evenings, home, school. You need to be visible but prioritise time for your work.
Technology Phone – voic . – networking – single account. Text-a-parent. Database. Switch off. Staff communication – boundaries. Websites – school, ippn, cpsma, into, educationposts, text-a-sub, text-a-parent, esinet
Slice and Dice the Tasks Large tasks can be overwhelming. One thing at a time. Don’t reinvent the wheel: IPPN Policies, resource bundles, planning prompts, AGM, s etc.
Create Large Chunks of Time It takes time to become familiar with a task and then get it done. Move fast – get things done quickly and well Do it and be finished with it Admin days: Sub folders as discussed. Delegate booking subs? Sick folders? Agreed communication procedures. Assemblies to cut down on interruptions? Medals, celebrations etc.
IPPN Services Advice Website Networking Mentor Support Groups Esceal, Planning Prompts AGM Resource bundles