Entering and Advancing As A Professional
Credentialing is the process of determining and certifying that a person can perform to required standards and meet competencies necessary to be a teacher. Teaching license is a certificate issued by a legally authorized state office(TEA) documenting that a person is qualified to teach and the conditions under which that person may teach.
To become a licensed teacher, a person must demonstrate competence in content pedagogical knowledge, dispositions and performance.
It is a license issued upon successful completion of an accredited teacher education program and any other requirements of the state. Must complete a teacher education program and receive a baccalaureate or master’s degree or a post-baccalaureate certificate depending on the state and university.
Other requirements are: 1. Passing a national and/or state examinations 2. Submitting a teaching portfolio 3. Have no felonies or applicable misdemeanors on a criminal history check 4. Verifying occupational work experience in Ag 5. Documenting successful completion of required hours/weeks of student teaching internship.
6. Continuing renewal credits – active participation in workshop, conferences, seminars, inservice hours.
It allows individuals to be licensed without having completed traditional programs of teacher education preparation. 1. Occupational Specialist- (Work Experiences) 2. Transition-to-teaching (holds other content degrees) 3. Emergency Certification – (teaching outside their field)
Consult with teacher educators (websites) Consult with State Supervisory Staff School District Websites Professional organizations Newspaper Advertisements Board of Education minutes Family acquaintances
How does one decide what positions to interview for an which job offer to accept? It is important to find programs that are a good fit with your expertise and personalities
Questions: 1. What is the history of the AG ED program? 2. Does the program receive a budget each year 3. What does the facilities look like. 4. Are appropriate instructional materials available or will the ADMIN commit to obtaining needed materials. 5. Are tools & equipment available 6. Admin. Supports the the Ag Program
Questions: 1. What are the expectations regarding FFA and SAE? 2. History of the FFA programs? 3. Program have more leadership, career, or personal development emphasis? 4. Expectations of home visit with SAEs? 5. How are travel,per diem, lodging expenses funded? 6. How are the FFA member’s expenses funded?
Questions: 1. Is the overall faculty experienced or inexperienced? 2. Do teachers tend to stay at the school for several year or frequent turnovers? 3. Do teachers socialize together? 4. Is active learning occurring? 5. Are classroom well kept and inviting. 6. Students’ work and accomplishments displayed within the classrooms and hallways?
Questions: 1. Is it rural, suburban or urban setting? 2. Is the community in the part of the state where you want to live? 3. Does the community have the shopping, cultural, social and religious amenities you want? 4. Are job opportunities available for a spouse? 5. What is the overall cost of living? 6. How available is housing?
Questions: 1. How is the retirement plan structured? 2. What are the medical, dental and vision-care benefits? 3. Other types of insurances? 4. What is the sick leave and personal days policies? 5. Does the school have funds for reimbursing teachers for graduate course work, educational travel or sabbaticals?
Questions: 1. Are teachers expected to perform hall, bus or lunchroom duties? 2. Expectations to attend or work at a certain number of athletic or other events? 3. Expected to become athletic coaches or extracurricular club sponsors? 4. Teachers have homerooms, study halls or other non- teaching duties during school hours. 5. Ag teachers expected to be a certified school bus driver?
Most school have a standard application forms for teaching positions. Some accept only online applications Applications should be completed accurately, neatly, and promptly. Should be typed or computer generated.