WAFL Umpiring Department February 2014 Presented by Darryl Sinclair “ Provide a positive experience that no other sport can match”
Our Aim “To be the best umpiring team in Australia.”
Philosophy “Our core values are, Professionalism, Teamwork, Leadership and Respect. Our Team is prepared to deliver our game plan professionally, impartially and positively to ensure the game is played within the spirit of the laws.”
Changes to List 2013 RetiredO’Neill, O’Donoghue, Peacock, Shawcross & Spear InjuriesParker & Statham Age’04 ’05 ’06 ’ (101) (72) (90) (71) (83) (78) (96) (88) (99) (99) Oldest Umpire Youngest Umpire
Fitness Test 5km Mar 08 Jan 08 Jul 09 Jan 09 May 10 Mar 11 Feb 9 Mar 8 Feb 39%52%72%32%78%52%88%92%80%88%92%
Pre-Season Challenges 1.Invitation from clubs to WAFCUD to: Visit clubs to practice skills & AFL/DVD Umpire practice games – mid week Lack of planning for scratch matches Not enough umpires to fill pre season games
Pre-SeasonChallenges Pre-Season Challenges 2.Injury & Fitness: Fitness was very good. List needs to continue to improve.
Pre-Season Challenges 3.New Interpretation: Holding the ball & 50 metre penalty Realistic attempt Return ball immediately Protected Zone 4.Tactics & Playing Styles: Density around ball (Congestion – vision - turnovers) Flooding (Ball held up - no fluency - lack of open footy)
Pre-Season Challenges 5.Bouncing : Centre & field throw ups
Pre-Season Challenges 6. New Interpretation: Deliberate Rushed Behind Was adopted in 2012
Statistical Information 2006 Avg 2007 Avg 2008 Avg 2009 Avg 2010 Avg 2011 Avg 2012 Avg 2013 Avg Average No. of Frees Number of Free kicks Decisional Accuracy 88%82%80%85%86%85%81%80% Average Error Rate (per umpire) Average Error Rate (per match) Bouncing Accuracy (straight) 84%80% 86%85%88%85% Table shows relevant statistical information to the completion of 2013
Statistical Information Highest Free Kicks paid in a round 175 Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round 6 Lowest Free Kicks paid in a round 119 Round Round Round Rnd Rnd Rnd Rnd Rnd15 Goal Umpires Errors (confirmed) niltbcTbc Boundary Umpires Errors (confirmed) No Record Table shows relevant statistical information to the completion of Round 24
Free Kicks By Type Protect the Ball Player FREE KICK TOTAL Free After Disposal High Tackle Holding The Man DRB19NR 1 3 Marking Infringeme nt Push In Back Ruck Infringeme nt Trip4425NR 50m penalty – General HIB included in PIB Deliberate Out of Bounds Holding The Ball KID, Trip, Umpire Contact Throwing the Ball Total
Games Umpired Field NAMETOTALNAMETOTAL Dean Margetts319Peter McCaw38 Gavin Statham319Nick Brown37 Luke Farmer280Matt Adams36 Todd Keating246Travis Norton34 Stuart Parry239Jordan Wright17 Jeff Dalgleish185Chris McCann10 Justin Orr170Ben Laycock7 Gareth Parker154Nathan Williamson7 Scott McPhee152 Justin Power3 Beau Wardman100Matt Dodgson3 Rob McCaw63Trent McPhee3 Ryan Shelton62Jerome Mohen3 Alex Martin56 Mark Worobec47 Total26 Games Umpires <50 13 Av 99 (78)
Games Umpired Boundary NAMETOTALNAMETOTAL Greg Smith427Donna Brown34 Alan Zanich278Andrew Mills34 Nathan Doig240Dom Strambolini33 Ryan Kukura223Kyle Sinclair32 Richard Heptinstall166Tim Lefroy19 Michael Washbourne165Jason Morrow17 Brett Dalgleish159Jack Hobbs16 Brad Hunt136David Thatcher11 Adam Bastick133Jack Neinhuis8 Jace Collingridge121Josh Garrett6 Callum Brown102Jason Dick6 Ryan Sinclair74 Sean Moylan4 Hugo Robinson62Callum Webb3 Kirk Webster50 Jack McDonald47Total29 Justin Morgan42 Games Umpires <50 15 Av 91 (79)
Games Umpired Goal NAMETOTAL Dale Edwick236 Brett Rogers170 Matt Laycock142 Kendell Ball128 Jono Laycock113 Brody Payne89 Luke Edwards68 Lauren French65 Steve Gaensler32 Sally Boud28 Sam Hunter27 Gareth Lill15 Cameron Symcox13 Daniel Dobson10 Reuben Garlett8 Total 15 Games Umpires <50 7 Av 74 (48)
WAFL Games Missed by Injury Name Games Missed by Injury 2013 Gavin Statham24 TOTAL104 (24)
AIM: “To be the best umpiring team in Australia” PHILOSOPHY: “Our team is prepared to deliver our game plan professionally, impartially and positively to ensure the game is played within the spirit of the laws.” WAFL Mission Statement BEING POSITIVE 1. Co-operation 2. Consultation 3. Work for your mates 4. WAFL Officials 1. Co-operation 2. Consultation 3. Work for your mates 4. WAFL Officials 1. Knowledge 2. Fitness 3. Diet 4. Gear 5. Match preview and review 1. Knowledge 2. Fitness 3. Diet 4. Gear 5. Match preview and review 1. Reaction to feedback 2. Reaction to coaching 3. Leadership 4. Proactive 5. Attitude 1. Reaction to feedback 2. Reaction to coaching 3. Leadership 4. Proactive 5. Attitude PREPARATION TEAMWORK Professional development 2. Lifestyle 3. Honesty & integrity 4. Image & presentation 5. Impartiality 1. Professional development 2. Lifestyle 3. Honesty & integrity 4. Image & presentation 5. Impartiality 1. Effective communication 2. Take control when appropriate 3. Get it right 4. Maintain composure 5. Zero Tolerance 1. Effective communication 2. Take control when appropriate 3. Get it right 4. Maintain composure 5. Zero Tolerance CORE VALUES PROFESSIONAL GAME PLAN
1. Professional development 2. Lifestyle 3. Honesty & integrity 4. Image & presentation 5. Impartiality 1. Professional development 2. Lifestyle 3. Honesty & integrity 4. Image & presentation 5. Impartiality PROFESSIONAL 1. Measurement Against Core Values - Professional 1.Professional Development Hard to measure! Watching games/tapes - could be better Visits to clubs - some make no effort Reviewing game - better, could improve further Training attendance (some never miss) Clubs visiting EJ Score >
1. Professional development 2. Lifestyle 3. Honesty & integrity 4. Image & presentation 5. Impartiality 1. Professional development 2. Lifestyle 3. Honesty & integrity 4. Image & presentation 5. Impartiality PROFESSIONAL 1. Measurement Against Core Values 2.Lifestyle Punctuality – very good Preparation – very good Social/off-ground education & past mistakes – good Score 7 7 (-)
1. Professional development 2. Lifestyle 3. Honesty & integrity 4. Image & presentation 5. Impartiality 1. Professional development 2. Lifestyle 3. Honesty & integrity 4. Image & presentation 5. Impartiality PROFESSIONAL 1. Measurement Against Core Values 3.Honesty & Integrity Hard to measure – very, very, very few occurrences where there has been doubt. Generally outstanding – keep it up Score 7.0
1. Professional development 2. Lifestyle 3. Honesty & integrity 4. Image & presentation 5. Impartiality 1. Professional development 2. Lifestyle 3. Honesty & integrity 4. Image & presentation 5. Impartiality PROFESSIONAL 1. Measurement Against Core Values 4.Image & Presentation Outstanding – Interviews/Media – Media visits to EJ – Club visits to EJ – WAFL functions/responsibilities Umpire development Visits to clubs and districts Some NEGATIVE FEEDBACK - TON OF POSITIVE FEEDBACK Score
1. Professional development 2. Lifestyle 3. Honesty & integrity 4. Image & presentation 5. Impartiality 1. Professional development 2. Lifestyle 3. Honesty & integrity 4. Image & presentation 5. Impartiality PROFESSIONAL 1. Measurement Against Core Values 5.Impartiality Outstanding – could never be questioned Score 10 7
1. Effective communication 2. Take control when appropriate 3. Get it right 4. Maintain composure 5. Zero Tolerance 1. Effective communication 2. Take control when appropriate 3. Get it right 4. Maintain composure 5. Zero Tolerance GAME PLAN 2. Measurement Against Core Values - Game Plan 1.Effective Communication Very, very good Confident/clear/concise Selling of decisions/explaining At player level – firm when needed, calming when needed Extremely high level Congratulations No screaming No be-littling No smart-arse Personality on display 8.0 Score 7
1. Effective communication 2. Take control when appropriate 3. Get it right 4. Maintain composure 5. Zero Tolerance 1. Effective communication 2. Take control when appropriate 3. Get it right 4. Maintain composure 5. Zero Tolerance GAME PLAN 2. Measurement Against Core Values 2.Take Control When Appropriate Start of games Communication to set tone Free kicks – Holds, high contact Picking players up for undisciplined play Protecting the ball player Having a presence Reporting on day Score 8.5
1. Effective communication 2. Take control when appropriate 3. Get it right 4. Maintain composure 5. Zero Tolerance 1. Effective communication 2. Take control when appropriate 3. Get it right 4. Maintain composure 5. Zero Tolerance GAME PLAN 2. Measurement Against Core Values 3.Get it Right 80% DA Error rate 85% Steady without being great Umpire strong/consistently Obvious blatant errors hurt whole group Score 8.5
1. Effective communication 2. Take control when appropriate 3. Get it right 4. Maintain composure 5. Zero Tolerance 1. Effective communication 2. Take control when appropriate 3. Get it right 4. Maintain composure 5. Zero Tolerance GAME PLAN 2. Measurement Against Core Values 4.Maintain Composure Generally good Body language Tone of voice Decision making Score 8.5
1. Effective communication 2. Take control when appropriate 3. Get it right 4. Maintain composure 5. Zero Tolerance 1. Effective communication 2. Take control when appropriate 3. Get it right 4. Maintain composure 5. Zero Tolerance GAME PLAN 2. Measurement Against Core Values 5.Zero Tolerance Generally good Need to be strong & consistent Sets the tone for all levels Don’t relax Score 8.5
1. Co-operation 2. Consultation 3. Work for your mates 4. Match team 5. WAFL Officials Club of … 1. Co-operation 2. Consultation 3. Work for your mates 4. Match team 5. WAFL Officials Club of … TEAMWORK 3. Measurement Against Core Values - Teamwork 1.Co-operation 3 Umpire system Communication Encouragement/feedback 2.Consultation Efficient Composed Strong Non-intimidating/supportive Confidence to use process 7.0 Score 7.0 Score 7.0
1. Co-operation 2. Consultation 3. Work for your mates 4. Match team 5. WAFL Officials Club of … 1. Co-operation 2. Consultation 3. Work for your mates 4. Match team 5. WAFL Officials Club of … TEAMWORK 3. Measurement Against Core Values 3.Work for your Mates Chop outs needs improvement Aware of team-mate who has worked hard – change up Staying in mid-zone when team mate exhausted or sore Out of zone decision must be major Encouragement Score 7.0
1. Co-operation 2. Consultation 3. Work for your mates 4. Match team 5. WAFL Officials 1. Co-operation 2. Consultation 3. Work for your mates 4. Match team 5. WAFL Officials TEAMWORK 3. Measurement Against Core Values 4.Umpiring Team of 130 You set the tone Field, Goal & Boundary Security Interchange/time keepers Match administration Coaches Trainers Score 7.0
1. Co-operation 2. Consultation 3. Work for your mates 4. Match team of 5. WAFL Officials Club of … 1. Co-operation 2. Consultation 3. Work for your mates 4. Match team of 5. WAFL Officials Club of … TEAMWORK 3. Measurement Against Core Values 5.WAFL Official Club of 150 Leaders Pro-active Humble – make others feel important. Put yourself in other’s shoes. Much improved:No arrogance Superior attitude ALL PART OF THE TEAM Score 7.0
1. Knowledge 2. Fitness 3. Diet 4. Gear 5. Match preview and review 1. Knowledge 2. Fitness 3. Diet 4. Gear 5. Match preview and review PREPARATION 4. Measurement Against Core Values - Preparation 1.Knowledge DVD Law book Research:- teams - individuals Watch games needs improvement Ask questions coaches/team mates 7.0 Score 7.0
1. Knowledge 2. Fitness 3. Diet 4. Gear 5. Match preview and review 1. Knowledge 2. Fitness 3. Diet 4. Gear 5. Match preview and review PREPARATION 4. Measurement Against Core Values 2.Fitness Pre-season – tests! Effort at training Own individual program Effort in games Recovery Am I physically fit enough to perform at my peak? Be accountable for your own fitness Score 7.0
1. Knowledge 2. Fitness 3. Diet 4. Gear 5. Match preview and review 1. Knowledge 2. Fitness 3. Diet 4. Gear 5. Match preview and review PREPARATION 4. Measurement Against Core Values 3.Diet Balanced Habits Eat like an elite athlete 4.Gear Tools of the trade Keep in pristine condition Boots & runners clean Score 7.0 Score 7.0
1. Knowledge 2. Fitness 3. Diet 4. Gear 5. Match preview and review 1. Knowledge 2. Fitness 3. Diet 4. Gear 5. Match preview and review PREPARATION 4. Measurement Against Core Values 5.Match Preview & Review Make the effort before games: – Know players, teams, tactics, previous performances etc. Watch game back Score 6.0
1. Reaction to feedback 2. Reaction to coaching 3. Leadership 4. Proactive 5. Attitude 1. Reaction to feedback 2. Reaction to coaching 3. Leadership 4. Proactive 5. Attitude BEING POSITIVE 5. Measurement Against Core Values – Being Positive 1.Reaction to Feedback Positive Able to absorb, process, then perform One of the biggest & best positive changes to the culture. 2.Reaction to Coaching Good Seeing positive reaction on-field. Improved performances 6 Score 6.0 Score 6.0
1. Reaction to feedback 2. Reaction to coaching 3. Leadership 4. Proactive 5. Attitude 1. Reaction to feedback 2. Reaction to coaching 3. Leadership 4. Proactive 5. Attitude BEING POSITIVE 5. Measurement Against Core Values 3.Leadership Team is inexperienced Limited base of leaders Understanding of what is required – encourage & challenge others more readily 4.Pro-active Responsible for own actions Adjust or change where necessary Seeking assistance & advice more readily Score 6.0 Score 6.0 6
1. Reaction to feedback 2. Reaction to coaching 3. Leadership 4. Proactive 5. Attitude 1. Reaction to feedback 2. Reaction to coaching 3. Leadership 4. Proactive 5. Attitude BEING POSITIVE 5. Measurement Against Core Values 5.Attitude No losers corner No victim mentality Staying positive, enthusiastic No dummy spitting Control what you can control No blaming Buoyant Supportive Loyal Score 6.0
Challenge for Group To continue to umpire strongly & to umpire consistently To not accept concentration or work rate errors To keep the improved performance momentum going To continue to be a strong team Remove negative influences Support coaches 100% Mental Toughness (Resilient)
Our Team Rules Arrive at games MINIMUM one hour before Advise Coaches when leaving track Wear uniform at training and games No ear rings at games Look professional and presentable (Don’t look scruffy) Attend after match presentations where possible (Cl, Su,SF) Never compromise ourselves Encourage umpires to train and attend functions Attend coaching sessions and attend meetings Attend HSFC Shower before rub downs Bring towel into coaching room after training sessions. Administer paper work effectively and check notice board weekly (voting) Advise coach seven days prior to unavailability Be positive and have a can do attitude “NO ONE IS SMARTER THAN ALL OF US” “ Provide an positive experience that no other sport can match ”
Sunday Independent 1973 Football Budget 1976 Football Budget 1979 Ahhh the old days!!