1 Equivalency Determination Made Easier. Jim Greenbaum, Greenbaum Foundation, Founder Ken Tsunoda, NGOsource, General Manager March 25, 2014
2 Using ReadyTalk Chat and raise hand All lines are muted If you lose your internet connection, reconnect using the link ed to you. ReadyTalk support: Your audio will play through your computer’s speakers.
3 will receive a link to this presentation, material and links. Twitter hashtag: #techsoup You are being recorded…
4 Presenters Becky Wiegand TechSoup Facilitator Jim Greenbaum Greenbaum Foundation Founder Assisting with chat: Shab Sigman Ken Tsunoda NGOsource General Manager
5 Agenda Jim Greenbaum, Greenbaum Foundation (5 minutes) An international grantmaker’s perspective on NGOsource. NGOsource Overview (15 minutes) Online Tour of NGOsource (5 minutes) Costs and How To Get Started (5 minutes) Questions and Answers (30 minutes)
6 Jim Greenbaum Founder, Greenbaum Foundation Greenbaum Foundation ( Established Annual grants exceeding $2 million to projects around the world. Focus primarily on innovative projects to bring about the end of suffering (human and non-human) in areas of highest need where mainstream organizations are not heavily involved. NGOsource’s first grantmaker member. Five equivalency determinations completed to date: Canadian SPCA (Canada) Humane Africa (United Kingdom) Ramola Bhar Charitable Trust (India) Maiti Nepal (India) La Conscience (Togo)
77 A project of the Council on Foundations and TechSoup Global Equivalency determination service that helps U.S. grantmakers streamline their international grantmaking process
8 What is equivalency determination (ED)? Evaluation under US tax law of whether a non-U.S. organization is equivalent to a U.S. public charity in compliance with IRS/Treasury regulations.
9 EDs without NGOsource Inefficient Duplicative Inconsistent Complex Expensive LAW FIRM GRANTMAKER C NGO GRANTMAKER B EXTERNAL COUNSEL GRANTMAKER A
10 EDs with NGOsource NGO GRANTMAKER A GRANTMAKER B GRANTMAKER C NGOsource Global Partner NGOsource
11 NGOsource – process overview Grantmaker Requests ED on portal NGO Submits information on NGO portal Global Partners (UK, Poland, India, Hong Kong, Mexico, Canada, South Africa, Australia) NGOsource ED review team Qualified tax practitioners
12 Some of our grantmaker members … Aimee and Frank Batten Jr. Foundation Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Carnegie Corporation of New York Christensen Fund Columbus Foundation Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Ford Foundation Foundation to Promote Open Society Give2Asia Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation The Greenbaum Foundation Innovate Foundation The Institute for New Economic Thinking Intel Foundation Jewish Communal Fund John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Levi Strauss Foundation MetLife Foundation National Philanthropic Trust Omidyar Network Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Rockefeller Foundation The San Diego Foundation Schwab Charitable Skoll Community Fund Skoll Foundation Skoll Global Threats Fund The Summit Charitable Foundation Swinmurn Family Foundation Unbound Philanthropy V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation W. K. Kellogg Foundation The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
13 EDs Completed or In Progress in 55 countries Australia Bangladesh China Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Jordan Lebanon Palestine, State of Pakistan Philippines South Korea Thailand Turkey Austria France Netherlands Romania Belgium Germany Norway Sweden Bulgaria Ireland Poland Switzerland Denmark Lithuania Portugal United Kingdom DRC Ghana Nigeria South Africa Tunisia Egypt Kenya Senegal Togo Uganda Argentina Belize Bolivia Brazil Canada Colombia Ecuador Haiti Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Venezuela
14 NGOsource difference Endorsed by prominent leaders in philanthropy and international grantmaking Unmatched global support via our global Partner Network Custom-designed technology to provide an automated on-line service for both the grantmaker and the grantee Standardized methodology developed by leading legal experts in compliance with IRS and Treasury regulations Legal opinion authored by Marc Owens, Caplin & Drysdale (former director of the IRS tax exempt organization division) The first organization to build a central repository to benefit international philanthropy
15 What they’re saying about NGOsource “The Rockefeller Foundation has been a proud supporter of NGOsource since its inception, and we’re excited to be the first grantmaker to join NGOsource.... Both practical and transformative, NGOsource addresses an acute need in philanthropy.” - Pam Foster, The Rockefeller Foundation
16 What they’re saying about NGOsource “Fulfilling ED requirements has never been an easy task for our grantees, located all over the world. Improving our grantee experience is a top priority, and NGOsource's straightforward and well- designed ED service [is] a very positive step.” - Sasha Abrams, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
17 Smith Foundation Grantmaker dashboard
18 Grantmaker ED requests
19 ED questionnaire Languages English French Mandarin Spanish Portuguese (coming in 2014)
20 Membership levels
21 Small Foundation Special (March to May 2014) If your organization has an annual grant budget of less than $5 million, our Small Foundation Special makes it possible to join NGOsource without paying the first-year membership fee (a $1,000 value).
22 Questions Please type your questions in the chat window. Image: Horia Varlan, FlickrHoria Varlan
23 For more information: To register:
24 Thank You to Our Webinar Sponsor! ReadyTalk offers dedicated product demos for TechSoup organizations 4 times per week. For more information: Please take a moment to complete the post-event survey that will open when this window closes.