Understanding Consciousness & Hypnosis Module 22
Defining Consciousness Consciousness – our awareness of ourselves and our environment Preconscious – Information that we are not thinking about but can be brought into conscious thought. Subconscious/unconscious – any processing outside of our awareness (parallel processing, priming) or thoughts/feelings that affect us outside of our awareness (Freudian) Unconsciousness - loss of responsiveness to the environment Nonconscious – processes completely devoted to body functioning (blood flow, secretion of hormones) There are many altered states of consciousness
Hypnosis Hypnosis – Power in subject not hypnotist Hypnotic ability/highly hypnotizable people Does not enhance recall of forgotten events Posthypnotic suggestion - Harnesses subject’s own healing powers Drug, alcohol, smoking addictions don’t respond well Helpful in pain alleviation
Hypnosis Explaining hypnosis: Divided-consciousness theory : split in awareness Ernest Hilgard Dissociation – Hidden observer Social Influence Theory : power of social influence Subject takes on hypnotized role Extension of normal social and cognitive processes