Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety in Washington State
The Commercial Vehicle Division (CVD) of the Washington State Patrol (WSP) has responsibility for providing CMV related training to: All agency personnel, City and county officers certified to conduct CVSA inspections and, Washington Utilities and Transportation inspectors. In addition, the CVD is responsible for disseminating CMV information to all stakeholders to enhance stakeholder awareness of all issues related to CMV regulations and safety programs.
Washington Local Agency CVSA Inspections Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 5Yearly total Year Total4,6804,3252,8951,80913,709 27 Local Agencies 52 CVSA Certified Officers
CVD has employed several strategies to increase training opportunities, enhance outreach efforts, improve program quality and improve inspector performance. These strategies include: Development and implementation of e-learning for WSP staff, Partnering with the WSP Academy to improve Cadet and CVEO training, Implementing a secure web-based system to provide in-service and proficiency training for local agency officers, Quarterly proficiency training for all inspectors, and Encouraging participation in outreach activities, such as the Washington State Inspector’s Championship Working to develop a program to increase CMV traffic enforcement activities by officers not CVSA certified.
Identify and overcome officer reluctance to stop CMVs and increase enforcement activities Record data generated by traffic stops Evaluate Program effectiveness
“18 Wheels and Busted” CMV Enforcement Overview (Who’s Who in CMV Enforcement) Commercial Drivers License (CDL), Vehicle Licensing, Correctly Identifying the Carrier (UDVIR) and, Commercial Motor Vehicle Insurance Requirements (DOT #, authority, UCR and jurisdiction specific requirements).
Utilize partnerships to create a national program Implement standardized training Create a means to gather data Evaluate program effectiveness