1. What is the main point of this topic? 2. Why should we learn about this ? 3. What are some questions you have after doing this research?
What is the main point of this topic? 1 Comfort women -Comfort women are girls who were forced into sexual slavery by the imperial Japanese Army before and during World war Ⅱ.
- It is believed that the Japanese army forced as many as two-hundred-thousand women to work as prostitutes for its soldiers in combat areas. - Most women were deceptively recruited by pro- Japanese and Japanese middlemen or forcibly abducted by Japanese soldiers. Surviving comfort women are still suffering from physical and psychological trauma.
-However, the issue of the Korean Comfort women has not been resolved between Korea and Japan. Japan's legal responsibility for Korean Comfort women still remains. - Although many surviving victims urge Japanese leaders to make sincere apology and compensate properly in regards to wartime sex slavery, the Japanese government is instead insulting the victims and distorting the history.
-There are millions of victims of the Japanese military sexual slavery from many countries around the world including Koreans. They are still suffering both physically and mentally. -However, we cannot respond and take action about this issue properly when we vaguely feel anger and sadness about comfort women without fully understanding its history. 2 Why should we learn about this ?
- There are two main reasons why we must thoroughly learn and discuss about Japanese military sexual slavery. It is to clarify the truth and to heal the minds of the hurt. I believe these two points are closely related. - The rightful anger is the key factor that connects these two. Being angry at exactly what we must be angry at leads us to the truth and to the road of healing the hurt.
- It is important to resent at the resentful behavior of Japan ad pro Japanese. When we have no knowledge about something, we are not sure about what and when to be angry and cannot ask for proper compensation to Japan. - However, when we know how comfort women were forced to live during the war, our right emotions results in asking for the right apology from Japanese government. It is the justifiable anger and resentment that gives us the energy and the rightful motive to take action.
-Therefore, Japan should continuously apologize over the matter with its heart till the trauma of the comfort women is healed. For Japan, it is a just and proper action for causing pain to comfort women. - The first step we have to do is to learn about this issue thoroughly, and then we can plan and act out.
3. What are some questions you have after doing this research? Q: Why Japan government doesn't agree about what they have done? After agreement how going to world public opinion will say? A: - As a example, the German women premier Angela Merkel when she did apology to Hebrews after that she talk about Comfort women and why Japan trying to hide the trues. And told them to be ashamed in this situation. And the people who know about comfort women always criticize the Japan. - why Japan doesn't agreed this problem? prestige. 2.some people in Japan's government, they are imperialist.
Q: What should our government should do to Japan? A: Our government must insistence for our history and present also future. It's not only a problem of few women, it problem of our mother and grandmother and Korea. Not only insistence but also real solution. And keep saying this problem to citizen of Japan. If their people trying to say something to their government, they will can't not disregard what they say. Q: What can we do from now? (more than demonstration) A: The first thing is being a smart. Brain is most powerful weapon to solve the problem. for example the harvard student who say his opinion to Abe regime. And second thing is use the sns. Today the generation connected because of SNS(facebook, kakaotalk, instagram..) so people who doesn't know about comfort women make them to know! That's the first step make more people to know about the problem. Than maybe we can find the new way to solve this problem
Thank you !