Natural Disasters Disasters Tornado : A violent wind storm in the shape of a funnel. Hurricane : A storm that can last up to a week, and is formed by warm waters of 80 DF. Flooding : rivers overflow by rain, And floodplains, when houses are next to rivers, They can be up to 1 mile away and still get flooded. Oil Spill : The oil spill can kill lots of animals. The oil spill is located in The Gulf Of Mexico.
Southeast’s Major landforms are the Appalachian mountains. Other landforms are rivers like the Mississippi River. Major Landforms
Trees, Water, Mountains, Coal, ironer. Trees: are made into furniture and goods. Growing crops and raising animals are the 2 biggest industries. Saw mills cut trees into lumber. In the past people used water power for factories. Natural Recourses
In Jamestown, Virginia people settled in Life was hard because the cold and malaria that was spread by mosquitoes. Now Jamestown is a reinforcement of how people lived. In 1619 people found out that tobacco grew really well so they started growing it and making it and making the slaves/ African Americans pick it. › Early Settlers
How did early settlers use natural resources in the past?: They used them in many different ways. They used wood the make fires and homes. Also they used water for water power.
Tallahassee Florida: 1,158 People per square mile Nashville Tennessee: 1,270 people per square mile Jackson Mississippi: 1,756 people per mile. Population Density
Tornados : Almost all tornados form from a thunderstorm. The most strong storms have wind speeds up to 300.mph. Tornados can rip trees off the ground. Floods : Floods form from lots of rain and of melting snow. Floods get in your basement and flood your house. Hurricanes : they are violent wind storms that can last up to a week. Hurricanes form over warm waters that are over 80dagress FH. Weather Instruments Tornado : The Fajita Scale is used to measure the intensity of a tornado. It is based of how much damage. Flood : Floods are measured by how much money is needed to fix it. Hurricanes : Hurricanes are measured by the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. It has a 1-5 categories and is measured by it’s intensity.
Weather (continued) The climate affects the region too. In Florida it is warmer so there is a longer growing season and in colder places it has a shorter growing season. In the Appalachian mountains it is to high in some places to grow anything because it is to cold. Safety tips : when your in a tornado you should always go to the deepest level of where you are. In thunderstorms you should never go on a hill if you are outside because lightning always goes to the highest place. When there is a earthquake you should get away of windows and other pieces of glass and when your asleep you should go under your bed with a pillow.
Safety plan You should always have a safety plan. In a box this following stuff: 1. Duck tape 2. A flashlight 3. Food 4. Water 5. First Aid 6. Batteries 7. Matches 8. Backpack (To hold the stuff) 9. Mini Generator 10. Hatchet Were to go tornado: you should go to the basement and if you don’t have one go to a room with no windows. Hurricane: the closest Safety Shelter. Flood: reach high ground or get on your roof. Climate It is warm in Florida, Alabama, Louisiana and other places. But by the mountain peak it’s cold.
How Tornados are Formed: They are mostly formed from thunderstorms. You need warm air from The Oceans around and cool air from Canada. When the to air meets they make instability in the air (atmosphere). When the air changes direction the air increases speed and tallness and the it makes a non seeable left and right spinning effect in the shorter air (atmosphere). The rising air within a updraft. A space of spinning 2-6 miles wide. Most strong and violent tornadoes are made in the area of strong rotation. How Hurricanes are Formed: Hurricanes are formed over warm waters of 80 degrees‘ F. As the warm air turns into a hurricane, it maneuvers towards land it dies down because it doesn't have that warm waters that powers it up. How Floods Are Made: Floods are made are days of much rain that makes the rivers and lakes overflow that makes the flood happen.
How does the climate affect the economy?: Farmers sell fruit in growing season. So if the growing season is shortened the farmers have less food to sell and the farmers have less money. How did the industry changed over time ?: it changed because more people come to move and when more people move there going to need more recourses. So they need more places to keep it all. So they have more markets. Also it is still changing over time. How does the population density affect the region’s economy?: If there is a lot of people there is going to need more houses, jobs, and markets. The more people, the more needs.