- Minority Association of Pre-medical Students, or MAPS, represents the undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students of SNMA. MAPS members are considered national Associate members and make up about one third of SNMA's membership. SNMA boasts over 40 years of service to underserved communities and medical students.
It’s very easy to do so! Become a member! There are many benefits to membership Run for one of the MAPS positions to obtain a hands on experience Attend all of our many events, talks and biweekly meetings.
Pipeline Programs: these programs directly serve minority students through mentoring, education and guidance Pre-medical Minority Enrichment and Development (PMED) o SNMA members act as mentors to pre-medical undergraduates and post-baccalaureate students in efforts to increase medical school matriculation rates of underrepresented mentors Minority Association of Pre-medical Students (MAPS) o Pre-medical students are also encouraged to form SNMA MAPS chapters at their respective institutions. There are currently over 100 MAPS chapters nationwide which comprise about one third of the SNMA membership Health Professions Recruitment Exposure Programs (HPREP) o HPREP continues to expose high school students to science-related activities while introducing them to careers in the health professions Youth Science Enrichment Program (YSEP) o YSEP serves to stimulate elementary and junior high school students’ interest in science and health
Education and Prevention Protocols o Sexual Health Awareness o Violence Prevention o Smoking Prevention/Cessation o Healthy People 2010 Health Fairs o Mental Health: Treatment, Awareness, and Prevention o HIV/AIDS Intervention and Prevention Corps o Tissue and Organ Donation Education and Recruitment Program o Health and Wellness Program o Greater than AIDS Campaign
We try and succeed at being one of the most ACTIVE organizations on campus! We work hard academically and devote our time and energy to service simultaneously How do we do it? ◦ Support ◦ Commitment to academics ◦ Network of friendly and approachable admins ◦ Dedication to service
Spring Semester March 22 - Annual MAPS Community Health Fair April 1- Annual Medical Education Conference
Fall Semester Sunday August 25 th Wine Tasting Thursday, Sept 27 th Business of Medicine Talk with Dr. Bonnie Mason
Membership Information o Colligate Link! o National dues are $25 (pays for a full year!) o Chapter dues are $25 per year $15 per semester o Dues may also be paid to Colee Mitchell (Treasurer)
SNMA –MAPS members enjoy the following benefits P UBLICATIONS Journal of the Student National Medical Association (JSNMA) Journal of the Student National Medical Association (JSNMA) President's newsletter MAPS newsletter E DUCATIONAL R ESOURCES Academic Clinical Education in Training (ACE-IT) (Active Members) Introduction to Clinical Medicine (Active Members) So You Want to be a Doctor (Associate Members) D ISCOUNTS Princeton Review (MCAT) JSNMA and Website Ads Car rentals S CHOLARSHIPS Kaplan Board Review SNMA-MAPS Member Scholarships SNMA-MAPS Member Scholarships O THER B ENEFITS Free membership with the Global Health Council Become a national officer M EMBER - EXCLUSIVE EVENTS National Leadership Institute Leadership Development Series Annual Medical Education Conference Annual community service project Annual Research Forum International Medical Missions
Only members of the organization are eligible to run for a position Members must pay dues by Febuary 25 th, 2015 Prepare a short 90 second blurb about your qualifications and interest A formal vote will be used to determine the officials Good Luck!!