Chapter 22 Section 1 Reform in The Gilded Age.
Chapter 22: The Progressive Era Last Chapter was about discussing and outlining the problems that America faced going into the 19 th century. This next century is about discussing HOW the country attempted to fix it’s problems. As such we will be discussing those problems as well as own and build on those connections.
TIMELINE: activity. Using the textbook and Chapter 22 create a timeline with 10 events. Each event MUST have an explanation of what happened with it and a DATE (month/year) attached to the timeline. (if the date is a spread, then pick either when it began or ended). (remember: history is about the why’s and how’s not the what’s) Due tomorrow when you enter the room.
MAP Activity….pg 629 Take out your timeline and leave it where I can see it, I will be around to check. Name on back. Using the map on page 629 in your textbook please label and color (using the legend) the organizer you obtained when you entered the classroom. The map is due Monday as a classwork grade.
Today: December 8th Solving today’s problems- simulation.
Activity- Solving Societies Problems…. Create a T-Chart. On the left side brainstorm by listing problems facing society today. You don’t have to be too specific (or even provide examples) just write down some problems that we as Americans face in our society.
Now Let’s discuss your choices…. What are some of the problems you can come up with…let’s put them on the board in the space below.
Now that we have several problems listed…. Quietly and to yourself: On the right column of your T-Chart. RANK the top 5 problems we discussed (these rankings will be more important for the next phase). Do NOT discuss your rankings yet…..that comes later…..
NOW IN TEAMS You will now, in your team, work on the PROGRESSIVE PRIORITIES worksheet you obtained when you walked in the room. First: You have 5 minutes to (on a separate sheet of paper) come up with a final top 5 ranking of what YOUR GROUP feels are societies 5 problems. Put your rankings on a poster paper then also include how you would SOLVE two of those problems-you pick which ones.
Today: Dec 9th Cornell or Metacognitive Notes-your choice. Today you will work on your note taking skills. You will (using chapter 22 Section 1, page 630) take notes using EITHER the Cornell note method or metacognitive method on section 1 : Reform in the Gilded Age. Your observations will be discussed at the end of the period.
Today: Cornell or Metacognitive Notes-your choice. Today you will work on your note taking skills. You will (using chapter 22 Section 1, page 630) take notes using EITHER the Cornell note method or metacognitive method on section 1 : Reform in the Gilded Age. Your observations will be discussed at the end of the period. Homework: C22S1 take home quiz.
Dec 10 th - SPOILS SYSTEM SIMULATION. Today- In your team you will compete for a lucrative ROAD contract with my city (I’m the mayor). Using the 4 foot section of poster paper you will design a road. Pick where in the classroom your road will go. (location is important). Pick quickly- first come first serve!!!!!!! You have 15 minutes to design and color your road.
In order to win the contract you need….. Hot dog fold your ‘street’. You will need markers. On each side of street you will need buildings to increase economic development. Banks, different stores, restaurants, apartment buildings, office buildings. Houses, Farms, Airports? Train Stations? The contract will go to the most ‘appealing street’ with the largest ECONOMIC (money making) impact. Also the location you pick for your road within the classroom is extremely important as well. How well your team gets along is another important factor. GOOD LUCK!!! A LOT OF $$$$$ IS ON THE LINE.
Wrap up. Problems? What was Wrong? What would you change if you did this again? What changes would put in place for next year….
Today: December 11 th. Take a power point organizer as we review chapter 22 section 1 to wrap up our lesson on Reform in the Gilded age.
Chapter 22 Section 1 Politics in the Gilded Age. Today: How did the US government adjust to the challenges it faced during the economic time known as the ‘Gilded’ age. Make sure you setup your Cornell notes with a Left column and Right column.
Wrap up…. Lets have each group discuss their rankings and how they would each solve one or two (time permitting) of the problems on their list. Each person must have questions 1,2 & 3 on the back completed for homework as well as 2 of the problems solved on the worksheet.
Politics in the Gilded Age Period of corruption when the wealthy had all the power. Jobs / offices were awarded based on what you got in return. Jobs were given to friends or in return for cash $$$$
Reforming the Spoils System Early Reform Efforts. - Rutherford B. Hayes ordered investigation- found hundreds collected high salaries for 0 work. -Pres. Garfield entered white house- assassinated by a disappointed job seeker.
Civil Service Exams Anyone wanted a job with the government needed to pass a written exam. They could NOT be assigned one by a friend. Civil Service commission- in charge of conducting exams.
Regulating Big Business Interstate Commerce Act - in response to the belief that big business controlled the government, congress passed this act. -allowed gov’t to regulate business across state lines.
Sherman Antitrust Act Became difficult to enforce at first. Often used against labor unions. As time passed was used against monopolies.
Chp. 22 S1: Page 632 Questions. Complete the following questions. Be sure to re-state the question and use complete sentences for your answers. Complete the following. 1. a. c. d. e 2. a. b. c. d. In addition complete questions 3,4,5 and give a well thought out answer with evidence to # 7.
Chapter 22 Section 2 The Progressives. Using your textbook and pages 633 through 636 please take notes (Cornell style) on the section. Remember the format – Turn Blue headings into questions if no red underneath. If there is red then change the RED into questions.
Today: December 12/12 You will need a sheet of line paper and your textbook (turn to page 633). Complete the chart at the top of the page. You need 2 ideas for each of the above reforms…
Progressive Political Reforms. Turn to page 635: How did progressive reforms impact the way we run government today?
Tonight: page 636 For homework please complete the following questions using complete sentences and RE-STATE the question. Questions. 3, 4, 5 & 6.- use evidence when necessary.
Chapter 22 Section 2: The Progressives Reforming City Governments: Political Bosses- Powerful politicians. Demanded payoffs. Popular w/ immigrants (gave jobs for loans). I’m Boss Tweed…I run this Jawn.
Boss Tweed- Powerful NY city leader William Tweed. Will cheat NYC out of $100 million dollars. Finally exposed by journalists. Tweed eventually fled to Spain- was arrested and died (pneumonia)* in jail. Good Government Leagues- reformers set these up to back honest politicians. *-researched by Hannah Moyer class 2018 My supporters can’t read, but they can understand Nast’s cartoons…
The Muckrakers Muckrakers- Journalists who exposed the ‘dirt’ to
Famous Muckrakers UPTON SINCLAIR: -Wrote about the horrors of the meat packing industry in his book, “The Jungle”. THOMAS NAST: -exposed corruption through political cartoons. -(main target was boss Tweed)
The Progressives Reformers who wanted to improve American life. Felt government could act in the public interest.
Political Reforms Recall- under certain circumstances voters can remove an official from office. (if they are not working in the public interest). Empowering Voters- voters now, through direct election, elect senators.
The Amendments Graduated Income tax- wealthy pay higher tax rates than middle class or the middle class. According to the CBO the wealthiest 1% in the US pay 24% of the taxes.
Chapter 22 Section 2 page 636 questions. Answer the following questions using complete sentences and re-stating the question. 1. a. c 2. a. b. d. g. h Also complete questions 3, 4, 5 and give a well thought out answer with evidence for question number 8.
The Muckrakers….
If you think we don’t need MUCKRAKERS now…. In teams you will read the article on “Safety of Beef Processing Method” and answer the question assigned to your team. Once completed we will discuss your teams answer as the rest of the teams write it down for their notes. Click on cartoons for VIDS on chicken industry & meatpacking…
Political Cartoon. You and your team were handed a packet of political cartoon. Please analyze the cartoon specifically assigned to your team. Analyze the target audience, what the message is and is it effective.