Page 1 Voice of the Scout™ Findings – Spring 2016 Voice of the Scout™ and VOS™ are trademarks of the Boy Scouts of America.
Page 2 Methodology WHEN ARE SURVEYS SENT Starting in 2016, surveys are sent once a year, on the first Tuesday in March. Survey invites are sent to s from the national database (Akela). The lists for the survey distributions are pulled out of Akela on the 31 st of January. WHO ARE SURVEYS SENT TO Seven segment audiences receive the VOS survey—Cub Scouts, Cub Scout Parents, Boy Scouts/Venturers, Boy Scout Parents, Youth-Facing Volunteers, Council/District Volunteers, and Chartered Organization Representatives. To be invited to take the VOS survey, an individual must have been registered in Scouting 60 days prior to the survey distribution list pull from Akela. Only those with current memberships are included. In Spring 2016, approximately 1.4 million survey invitations were ed. Youth under 14 are not surveyed directly, at the end of the parent surveys, parents are asked to give their permission to survey the Scout under 14 by letting the youth complete the survey. COLLECTION AND MEASUREMENT Surveys are open for approximately two weeks. Reminder invites are sent out one week after the initial invite is distributed. Survey measurement is centered around the Net Promoter Score, a recommendation-based approach to gauging member loyalty. Additional experience-oriented questions are included in the survey to help make feedback more actionable. DYNAMIC REPORTING When the survey is closed, all feedback is aggregated and displayed on the Voice of the Scout dashboard at regional, area, council, and district levels. This is available to most council/district professionals and volunteers on MyScouting and MyBSA. The national-level comprehensive report and infographic are posted in the Voice of the Scout section at
Page 3 Total Number of Responses: 130,322 National Response Rate: 6.7% Cub Scouts: 4.2% Cub Scout Parents: 6.0% Boy Scouts/Venturers: 4.4% Boy Scout Parents: 7.5% Youth-facing Volunteers: 7.9% District/Council Volunteers: 20.6% Chartered Organizations: 11.1% Response Rates 2016 Survey March 1 – March 15 Distribution to 1.4 million Scouts, parents, and volunteers Unique Rules -Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts under 14 are surveyed via parent surveys. -Invites are sent to those with addresses registered in Scouting for at least 60 days. SEGMENT RESPONSE RATES
Page 4 Overall NPS NPS declined in four of seven customer segments from Spring 2015 to Spring Chartered Organizations Cub Scout Parents Cub Scout Youth Boy Scout Parents Boy Scout/ Venturing Youth 56.5 Council & District Volunteers Youth-Facing Volunteers Net Promoter™, NPS™ and Net Promoter Score™ are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld. A breakdown explaining how NPS is calculated can be found in the appendix of this report.
Page 5 Dissatisfaction with responsiveness at the national and local level in supporting volunteer’s and chartered organization’s needs drove the decline. ↓Our local council has made sponsoring a unit simple and easy. (Chartered Organizations, – 4.7% pts.) ↓Scouting is a great value for the money. (Chartered Organizations, -7.4% pts.; Youth facing volunteers, -3.5% pts.) ↓I am satisfied with the amount of interaction between the council and my organization. (Chartered Organizations, -1.1% pts.) ↓I feel the council today is very responsive to Scout Volunteers’ needs. (Council & District Volunteers, -0.4% pts.) ↓I get all the information I need to do the work required for my position. (Council & District Volunteers, -1.1% pts.)
Page 6 Despite an NPS decline, Scouts, parents, and volunteers all see the value Scouting brings to the lives of youth. Scouting is constantly reinforcing worthwhile values. (Cub Scout parents, 81.6%; Boy Scout parents, 89.4%) Scouting is the best program around to help youth be successful. (Boy Scout parents, 71.3%) Being in Scouting makes me feel like I am part of something bigger than myself. (Boy Scouts and Venturers, 68.9%) My organization sponsors units to build tomorrows leaders. (Chartered Organizations, 80.3%) I understand the unique benefits that Scouting provides to today’s youth. ( Youth-facing volunteers, 85.6%; Council & District volunteers, 95.6%)
Page 7 Other increases include recent changes in the Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing programs appear to be having a positive impact on youth experiences. ↑Scout meetings are a good use of my son’s time. (Cub Scout parent, +1.7% pts.) ↑Cub Scouts is a great value for the money (Cub Scout parents, +1.3% pts.) ↑Cub Scouts is really fun. (Cub Scout youth, +1.6% pts.) ↑I learn new things in my den meetings. (Cub Scout youth, +2.8% pts.) ↑Scouting includes activities I am interested in. (Boy Scouts &Venturing youth, +1.1% pts.) ↑Scouting provides activities my child enjoys (Cub Scout parents, +0.2% pts.; Boy Scout parents +0.8% pts.)
Page 8 CUB SCOUT PARENTS Want quality, productive meetings that teach values and are worth the cost! The teaching of love of God, country, and family. As a widow with young children, my son has the opportunity to interact with positive male role models. It also teaches them so many things like leave no trace, bb guns, shooting bow and arrows survival in the woods and I could go on and on. I am very happy we discovered this program my son loves it. I believe Scouting helps families raise their boys with respect and courtesy and good morals. Scouting also allows the boys to try many different activities, not just something they (or their parents) may excel at. I do not feel it is very structured at times and there is much down time. It's a big commitment for working parents.
Page 9 It is really fun and I have good friends in my Pack. I like to go camping with all of my friends. I got my Whittling Chip! I love my pocketknife. Because some friends of mine aren't into adventurous stuff like Scouting. They sometimes find some things that we do in Scouting kind of boring. Like learning about the American flag. I don't bring it up in conversation very often because I don’t know if they would like it. CUB SCOUTS Want new and fun experiences in their den that lead to rank advancement!
Page 10 Scouting is an amazing opportunity for boys to learn vital life skills, gain knowledge in a host of career opportunities, make life-long friends and have life long memories. While Scouting is fantastic way for a boys to learn leadership skills and develop a strong sense of citizenship, it is not for every boy. Would be higher but I'm more cautious about telling others to get started as I don't completely trust the National level of BSA right now. Scouting is on probation for us because of the membership changes. If the program changes to include references to sexuality, we're leaving. BOY SCOUT PARENTS Want fun activities that reinforce values and lead to life-long success!
Page 11 Venturing is a very rich environment in which you learn how to work as a team, and overcome obstacles. It allows you to plan and organize trips to the youth's liking, as it is youth led. You can also experience many wonderful, adventurous things you may not otherwise be able to participate in. And it doesn't hurt that Scouts is organized around having good morals, which is something that is extremely important in today's society. I love Venture Scouting, however, I cannot be a Boy Scout and that infuriates me to no end. Why is it that in this day and age a girl cannot become an Eagle Scout? Adults want to control way too much. They always say we are boy led but they continue to discount our decisions and that's why we are losing Eagle Scouts and older scouts BOY SCOUTS & VENTURERS Want meetings and activities that are productive, interesting, and meaningful!
Page 12 Boy Scouts develops children into strong independent young men of character with very good skills better than any other activity in high school. Hugely rewarding to work with young men to expand their experiences and self-confidence. Would be a 10 if council REALLY understood that their job is to HELP US, not create paperwork and bureaucracy. Scouting is very expensive and time consuming. As an adult, you can't just help you have lots of training to do before you can give. Just isn't fair to dedicate evenings and weekends to be trained just to go on a few campouts with your son. Then you have to purchase their products or be frowned on. YOUTH-FACING VOLUNTEERS Want resources and support to be successful!
Page 13 I love the Scouting program.. I think it teaches boys some valuable skills that they can not learn in school or sports. Customer service for adult leaders is atrocious. I spent most of my time as a Commissioner tracking down lost apps, forgotten awards and sending follow up s to get questions answered. Scouting is good for boys, but the organization is sometimes cumbersome, outdated, and burdensome. COUNCIL & DISTRICT VOLUNTEERS Want their skills to be utilized and councils to be responsive!
Page 14 Benefits to boys and the outreach mission to the community for the sponsoring organization. Far too much time and resources on unnecessary administration, paperwork, Friends of Scouting, and trainings, rather than on the boys themselves. The entire registration process alone is extremely cumbersome, especially for adult leaders. Overall, I like Scouting and the principles. However, I think that Scouting is overpriced. Uniforms, badges, awards, camps are just too expensive. CHARTERED ORGANIZATION REPS Want the sponsoring of units to be simple and costs to be affordable for participants!
Page 15 Net Promoter Score Explanation Driver Question Explanation Data Tables (with Response Rates) Appendix
Page 16 Measuring Loyalty: The Net Promoter Score (NPS)* The Net Promoter Score is based on one question with a agreement scale that answers: How likely it is that someone would recommend Scouting to family or friends? Detractors answer 0-6 Passives answer 7-8 Promoters answer 9-10 The Net Promoter Score measures “loyalty” by the % of Promoters minus the % of Detractors Ideally, increasing loyalty means an organization is increasing Promoters by reducing Detractors. Increasing Promoters will result in retaining and growing membership. Increasing Promoters will result in retaining and growing membership. Pg If all respondents rate a “6” or lower, NPS would be -100 If all respondents rate a “7” or “8” NPS would be 0 If all respondents rate a “9” or “10” NPS would be 100 (Yet, NPS can also increase by reducing Detractors and increasing Passives.) NPS is one question that provides an index to track how well an organization serves people, be it customers or members. The way people answer the NPS question creates three ways to “know” where members stand: as Promoters (fans who will recommend the organization to others); as Passives (those who are basically satisfied); or as Detractors (those who are at-risk and may be damaging to the brand). * Net Promoter™, NPS™ and Net Promoter Score™ are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld.
Page 17 Loyalty (NPS) Loyalty Driver What Drives NPS: Insight From Driver Questions For each Voice of the Scout segment audience’s survey, seven additional questions beyond the Net Promoter Score question are asked. Unlike the NPS recommendation scale, these additional driver questions are based on a 7-point agreement scale and help determine the quality of the experience a segment is having with Scouting. Driver questions give insight on where time can best be spent to improve upon NPS standing. Over time, some driver questions have proven to be more powerful than others for determining what impacts loyalty for each segment audience.
Page 18 Boy Scout Parents Council/District Volunteers Chartered Org Reps Overall Youth-facing Volunteers Cub Scouts Boy Scouts & Venturers Cub Scout Parents
Page 19 National Trends: Cub Scouts – Spring Surveys CUB SCOUTS Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Membership Standards Change/Membership Fee Change Spring 2014 Spring 2015 New Cub Scout Program Rollout/Leadership Standards Change Spring 2016 Net Promoter Score® Question (in bold) 6,553 Responses 18,260 Responses 7,649 Responses 15,895 Responses 17,140 Responses Driver Questions 4.5% Response Rate 6.7% Response Rate 3.0% Response Rate 3.8% Response Rate 4.2% Response Rate If asked, how likely are you to tell your friends to join Cub Scouts? Boys in my Cub Scout group are not mean to each other.73.8%76.3%74.1%70.7%73.2% Cub Scouting is really fun.85.8%90.5%87.2%84.8%86.4% A family member does Cub Scout activities with me.94.1%94.5%95.8%95.4%94.9% We have great outdoor activities in Cub Scouts.67.5%76.3%73.0%70.0%72.5% I learn new things in my den meetings.76.7%82.8%80.4%75.6%78.4% I earn a lot of belt loops, pins and awards in Cub Scouts.65.8%71.2%70.3%71.6%71.1% I am excited about getting my next rank badge.83.3%86.3%84.5%82.8%83.7% Spring 2012Spring 2013Spring 2014Spring 2015Spring 2016 Promoters 54.5%57.0%53.5%51.8%54.0% Passives 29.8%29.1%27.9%29.6%29.3% Detractors 15.6%13.9%18.6% 16.7% Indicates top 3 drivers in each segment for spring 2016
Page 20 National Trends: Cub Scouts – All Surveys CUB SCOUTS Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Membership Standards Change/Membership Fee Change Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 New Cub Scout Program Rollout/Leadership Standards Change Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Net Promoter Score® Question (in bold) 6,553 Responses 3,508 Responses 18,260 Responses 3,863 Responses 7,649 Responses 12,549 Responses 15,895 Responses 8,879 Responses 17,140 Responses Driver Questions 4.5% Response Rate 2.4% Response Rate 6.7% Response Rate 3.3% Response Rate 3.0% Response Rate 5.8% Response Rate 3.8% Response Rate 3.8% Response Rate 4.2% Response Rate If asked, how likely are you to tell your friends to join Cub Scouts? Boys in my Cub Scout group are not mean to each other. 73.8%72.9%76.3%72.9%74.1%68.8%70.7%69.6%73.2% Cub Scouting is really fun.85.8%88.1%90.5%89.6%87.2%87.1%84.8%87.0%86.4% A family member does Cub Scout activities with me. 94.1%94.2%94.5%94.3%95.8%96.4%95.4%95.2%94.9% We have great outdoor activities in Cub Scouts. 67.5%76.9%76.3%81.1%73.0%79.4%70.0%80.1%72.5% I learn new things in my den meetings.76.7%77.5%82.8%80.0%80.4%78.6%75.6%78.7%78.4% I earn a lot of belt loops, pins and awards in Cub Scouts. 65.8%64.9%71.2%73.3%70.3%79.9%71.6%73.9%71.1% I am excited about getting my next rank badge. 83.3%84.0%86.3%84.1%84.5%85.2%82.8%84.4%83.7% Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Promoters 54.5%55.3%57.0%56.3%53.5%54.6%51.8%53.8%54.0% Passives 29.8%30.4%29.1%29.3%27.9%30.3%29.6% 29.3% Detractors 15.6%14.3%13.9%14.3%18.6%15.0%18.6%16.6%16.7% Indicates top 3 drivers in each segment for spring 2016
Page 21 CUB SCOUT PARENTS Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Membership Standards Change /Membership Fee Change Spring 2014 Spring 2015 New Cub Scout Program Rollout/Leadership Standards Change Spring 2016 Net Promoter Score® Question (in bold) 9,096 Responses 27,009 Responses 11,257 Responses 22,012 Responses 24,910 Responses Driver Questions 6.2% Response Rate 6.7% Response Rate 4.5% Response Rate 5.3% Response Rate 6.0% Response Rate How likely is it that you would recommend the Scouting program to other families and friends with Scout-aged boys? Scouting is constantly reinforcing worthwhile values for my son.76.7%79.9%76.7%80.0%81.6% My son learns skills in Scouting that he could not learn anywhere else. 46.5%51.6%48.2%46.7%49.1% I appreciate the opportunity to participate with my son in Scouting. 88.6%91.2%89.7%89.5%89.2% Scouting provides activities my son enjoys.84.5%91.8%85.9%83.3%83.5% I know where to get answers to my questions about Scouting.70.8%82.2%75.9%67.3%68.1% Cub Scouts is a great value for the money.73.4%80.7%72.9%72.8%74.1% Scout meetings are a good use of my son’s time.67.9%78.1%72.0%71.9%73.6% National Trends: Cub Scout Parents – Spring Surveys Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Promoters 50.4%56.1%53.7%57.8%58.7% Passives 30.4%25.8%28.9%25.9%26.0% Detractors 19.2%18.0%17.4%16.2%15.3% Indicates top 3 drivers in each segment for spring 2016
Page 22 CUB SCOUT PARENTS Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Membership Standards Change/Membership Fee Change Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 New Cub Scout Program Rollout/Leadership Standards Change Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Net Promoter Score® Question (in bold) 9,096 Responses 5,042 Responses 27,009 Responses 5,885 Responses 11,257 Responses 16,133 Responses 22,012 Responses 11,797 Responses 24,910 Responses Driver Questions 6.2% Response Rate 3.4% Response Rate 6.7% Response Rate 4.9% Response Rate 4.5% Response Rate 7.4% Response Rate 5.3% Response Rate 5.0% Response Rate 6.0% Response Rate How likely is it that you would recommend the Scouting program to other families and friends with Scout-aged boys? Scouting is constantly reinforcing worthwhile values for my son. 76.7%76.3%79.9%76.9%76.7%84.7%80.0%81.9%81.6% My son learns skills in Scouting that he could not learn anywhere else. 46.5%51.1%51.6%50.7%48.2%54.3%46.7%51.6%49.1% I appreciate the opportunity to participate with my son in Scouting. 88.6%88.8%91.2%89.3%89.7%92.6%89.5%90.6%89.2% Scouting provides activities my son enjoys.84.5%86.6%91.8%88.7%85.9%89.3%83.3%86.1%83.5% I know where to get answers to my questions about Scouting. 70.8%75.0%82.2%80.8%75.9%73.0%67.3%69.4%68.1% Cub Scouts is a great value for the money.73.4%72.8%80.7%76.5%72.9%76.4%72.8%73.2%74.1% Scout meetings are a good use of my son’s time.67.9%72.0%78.1%76.6%72.0%79.3%71.9%77.2%73.6% National Trends: Cub Scout Parents – All Surveys Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Promoters 50.4%49.6%56.1%50.5%53.7%67.4%57.8%61.1%58.7% Passives 30.4%28.8%25.8%31.4%28.9%22.7%25.9%26.0% Detractors 19.2%21.6%18.0%18.1%17.4%9.9%16.2%12.9%15.3% Indicates top 3 drivers in each segment for spring 2016
Page 23 BOY SCOUTS/VENTURERS Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Membership Standards Change/Membership Fee Change Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Leadership Standards Change Spring 2016 Net Promoter Score® Question (in bold) 5,567 Responses 13,821 Responses 5,221 Responses 7,706 Responses 11,818 Responses Driver Questions 7.5% Response Rate 7.2% Response Rate 3.7% Response Rate 3.3% Response Rate 4.4% Response Rate If asked, how likely would you be to recommend Scouting to your friends? Being in Scouting makes me feel like I am part of something bigger than myself. 73.5%74.5%67.3%67.7%68.9% Life skills that I have learned in Scouting are very valuable.89.2%90.5%87.0%86.4%87.9% I have a lot of respect for my unit’s youth leaders.73.0%78.6%71.9%73.3%74.6% Scouting includes activities that I am interested in.81.9%86.0%77.4%81.6%82.7% Outdoor activities are a key component of our Scouting program.85.4%88.5%84.1%88.7%89.2% Our meetings are a good use of my time.51.6%57.6%47.0%47.1%48.1% My parents are very supportive of the Scouting program.93.5%92.8%89.9%93.6%92.9% National Trends: Boy Scouts/Venturers/Sea Scouts – Spring Surveys Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Promoters 52.1%51.8%44.3%45.3%46.7% Passives 29.7%30.8%31.1%32.8%32.2% Detractors 18.2%17.4%24.6%21.9%21.1% Indicates top 3 drivers in each segment for spring 2016
Page 24 BOY SCOUTS/VENTURERS Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Membership Standards Change/Membership Fee Change Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Leadership Standards Change Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Net Promoter Score® Question (in bold) 5,567 Responses 5,088 Responses 13,821 Responses 5,629 Responses 5,221 Responses 8,175 Responses 7,706 Responses 9,968 Responses 11,818 Responses Driver Questions 7.5% Response Rate 3.3% Response Rate 7.2% Response Rate 4.2% Response Rate 3.7% Response Rate 3.9% Response Rate 3.3% Response Rate 4.0% Response Rate 4.4% Response Rate If asked, how likely would you be to recommend Scouting to your friends? Being in Scouting makes me feel like I am part of something bigger than myself. 73.5%71.6%74.5%68.5%67.3%67.7% 66.4%68.9% Life skills that I have learned in Scouting are very valuable. 89.2%88.6%90.5%86.1%87.0%85.9%86.4%85.1%87.9% I have a lot of respect for my unit’s youth leaders.73.0%72.6%78.6%73.4%71.9%70.7%73.3%71.9%74.6% Scouting includes activities that I am interested in.81.9%81.7%86.0%81.3%77.4%81.9%81.6%80.5%82.7% Outdoor activities are a key component of our Scouting program. 85.4%85.5%88.5%85.7%84.1%87.5%88.7%88.4%89.2% Our meetings are a good use of my time.51.6%52.6%57.6%52.0%47.0%47.7%47.1%45.4%48.1% My parents are very supportive of the Scouting program. 93.5%90.9%92.8%88.8%89.9%94.6%93.6%92.3%92.9% National Trends: Boy Scouts/Venturers/Sea Scouts – All Surveys Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Promoters 52.1%50.3%51.8%42.9%44.3%47.4%45.3%43.8%46.7% Passives 29.7%29.1%30.8%32.0%31.1%32.7%32.8%32.9%32.2% Detractors 18.2%20.5%17.4%25.1%24.6%19.8%21.9%23.3%21.1% Indicates top 3 drivers in each segment for spring 2016
Page 25 BOY SCOUT PARENTS Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Membership Standards Change/Membership Fee Change Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Leadership Standards Change Spring 2016 Net Promoter Score® Question (in bold) 5,704 Responses 13,791 Responses 3,412 Responses 6,051 Responses 6,299 Responses Driver Questions 10.7% Response Rate 14.9% Response Rate 6.7% Response Rate 7.1% Response Rate 7.5% Response Rate How likely is it that you would recommend the Scouting program to other families and friends with Scout-aged boys? Scouting is the best program around to help youth become successful in life. 72.4%71.6%62.9%73.1%71.3% Scouting reinforces worthwhile values for my son.92.3%91.6%83.2%89.8%89.4% I appreciate the various opportunities to volunteer that are provided in Scouting. 77.3%85.6%76.6%82.9%81.6% Scouting gives my son the opportunity to be a leader in his troop.81.8%89.8%84.3%86.3%85.1% I know where to get answers to most of my questions about Scouting. 70.5%81.8%72.4%73.3%70.5% Scouting provides the activities my son enjoys.85.7%90.8%82.4%84.7%83.9% Scout meetings are a good use of my son’s time.66.6%79.5%63.5%65.9%65.4% National Trends: Boy Scout Parents – Spring Surveys Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Promoters 71.0%72.6%59.4%69.9%68.4% Passives 21.3%16.2%26.7%21.6%22.4% Detractors 7.8%11.2%13.9%8.5%9.2% Indicates top 3 drivers in each segment for spring 2016
Page 26 BOY SCOUT PARENTS Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Membership Standards Change/Membership Fee Change Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Leadership Standards Change Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Net Promoter Score® Question (in bold) 5,704 Responses 5,566 Responses 13,791 Responses 6,231 Responses 3,412 Responses 10,030 Responses 6,051 Responses 7,642 Responses 6,299 Responses Driver Questions 10.7% Response Rate 6.5% Response Rate 14.9% Response Rate 8.0% Response Rate 6.7% Response Rate 10.1% Response Rate 7.1% Response Rate 9.2% Response Rate 7.5% Response Rate How likely is it that you would recommend the Scouting program to other families and friends with Scout-aged boys? Scouting is the best program around to help youth become successful in life. 72.4%66.7%71.6%60.8%62.9%72.3%73.1%67.2%71.3% Scouting reinforces worthwhile values for my son.92.3%87.3%91.6%80.0%83.2%89.5%89.8%85.8%89.4% I appreciate the various opportunities to volunteer that are provided in Scouting. 77.3%74.1%85.6%75.2%76.6%83.6%82.9%80.3%81.6% Scouting gives my son the opportunity to be a leader in his troop. 81.8%80.0%89.8%82.8%84.3%87.6%86.3%84.6%85.1% I know where to get answers to most of my questions about Scouting. 70.5%69.9%81.8%71.5%72.4%73.7%73.3%69.8%70.5% Scouting provides the activities my son enjoys.85.7%84.9%90.8%85.3%82.4%85.1%84.7%83.0%83.9% Scout meetings are a good use of my son’s time.66.6%66.2%79.5%67.2%63.5%66.3%65.9%63.8%65.4% National Trends: Boy Scout Parents – All Surveys Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Promoters 71.0%64.0%72.6%57.5%59.4%70.2%69.9%63.9%68.4% Passives 21.3%25.2%16.2%25.3%26.7%21.0%21.6%24.4%22.4% Detractors 7.8%10.8%11.2%17.2%13.9%8.8%8.5%11.7%9.2% Indicates top 3 drivers in each segment for spring 2016
Page 27 YOUTH-FACING VOLUNTEERS Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Membership Standards Change/Membership Fee Change Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Leadership Standards Change Spring 2016 Net Promoter Score® Question (in bold) 33,992 Responses 130,197 Responses 77,762 Responses 51,014 Responses 51,274 Responses Driver Questions 9.2% Response Rate 21.9% Response Rate 12.9% Response Rate 7.6% Response Rate 7.9% Response Rate How likely is it that you would recommend volunteering in the Scouting Program to other friends or acquaintances? Through Scouting, I teach youth skills they cannot learn anywhere else. 69.7%69.5%65.5%67.4%65.5% I understand the unique benefits that Scouting provides to today's youth. 93.8%93.5%90.4%88.6%85.6% I have support from other leaders that helps me be an effective Scout leader. 74.8%84.9%75.7%73.0%71.3% Attending roundtables helps me become a more effective leader. 35.8%41.8%30.6%28.6%29.0% The council staff provides outstanding customer service.51.6%58.2%49.7%48.6%49.1% I know where to go to get tools and resources to be a successful leader. 70.6%80.0%68.7%69.4%67.3% Scouting is a great value for the money %74.3%70.8% National Trends: Youth-facing Volunteers – Spring Surveys Spring 2012Spring 2013Spring 2014Spring 2015Spring 2016 Promoters 55.8%57.1%47.7%52.4%50.9% Passives 31.9%22.1%33.2%31.9%30.7% Detractors 12.3%20.8%19.1%15.7%18.4% Indicates top 3 drivers in each segment for spring 2016
Page 28 YOUTH-FACING VOLUNTEERS Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Membership Standards Change/Membership Fee Change Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Leadership Standards Change Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Net Promoter Score® Question (in bold) 33,992 Responses 25,942 Responses 130,197 Responses 50,148 Responses 77,762 Responses 53,234 Responses 51,014 Responses 43,740 Responses 51,274 Responses Driver Questions 9.2% Response Rate 6.7% Response Rate 21.9% Response Rate 16.7% Response Rate 12.9% Response Rate 8.4% Response Rate 7.6% Response Rate 7.2% Response Rate 7.9% Response Rate How likely is it that you would recommend volunteering in the Scouting Program to other friends or acquaintances? Through Scouting, I teach youth skills they cannot learn anywhere else. 69.7%66.0%69.5%64.4%65.5%68.6%67.4%63.8%65.5% I understand the unique benefits that Scouting provides to today's youth. 93.8%91.5%93.5%88.4%90.4%89.7%88.6%83.5%85.6% I have support from other leaders that helps me be an effective Scout leader. 74.8%72.1%84.9%74.5%75.7%74.8%73.0%70.1%71.3% Attending roundtables helps me become a more effective leader. 35.8%31.6%41.8%30.9%30.6% 28.6%27.3%29.0% The council staff provides outstanding customer service. 51.6%48.2%58.2%49.0%49.7%49.3%48.6%45.5%49.1% I know where to go to get tools and resources to be a successful leader. 70.6%66.3%80.0%68.2%68.7%71.5%69.4%66.1%67.3% Scouting is a great value for the money %75.0%74.3%69.5%70.8% National Trends: Youth-facing Volunteers – All Surveys Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Promoters 55.8%50.2%57.1%44.8%47.7%54.6%52.4%47.4%50.9% Passives 31.9%33.1%22.1%33.1%33.2%30.3%31.9%30.8%30.7% Detractors 12.3%16.7%20.8%22.1%19.1%15.1%15.7%21.9%18.4% Indicates top 3 drivers in each segment for spring 2016
Page 29 COUNCIL/DISTRICT VOLUNTEERS Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Membership Standards Change/Membership Fee Change Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Leadership Standards Change Spring 2016 Net Promoter Score® Question (in bold) 4,467 Responses 13,893 Responses 14,461 Responses 13,253 Responses 11,941 Responses Driver Questions 12.1% Response Rate 41.0% Response Rate 26.6% Response Rate 22.4% Response Rate 20.6% Response Rate How likely is it that you would recommend volunteering in the Scouting Program to other friends or acquaintances? I have the tools and resources to be an effective volunteer.70.0%79.5%69.7% 74.9%74.0% I feel the council today is very responsive to Scout volunteers’ needs. 52.0%62.1%49.1% 49.9%50.3% I get all the information I need to do the work required for my position. 61.9%71.9%60.4% 59.3% My committee/board is definitely effective at accomplishing our goals in a timely manner. 58.1%66.9%55.5% 55.8%55.4% My skills and capabilities are being fully used in my volunteer position. 66.3%71.5%65.9% 65.3% My district/council is doing everything it can to deliver quality programs to our Scouts. 65.3%74.0%65.7% 63.5%64.1% I understand the unique benefits that the Scouting program provides to today’s youth. 96.7% 95.1% 95.6% National Trends: Council/District Volunteers – Spring Surveys Spring 2012Spring 2013Spring 2014Spring 2015Spring 2016 Promoters 67.7%66.9%62.1%66.2%66.3% Passives 24.0%14.5%26.9%24.9%23.9% Detractors 8.3%18.6%10.9%8.8%9.7% Indicates top 3 drivers in each segment for spring 2016
Page 30 COUNCIL/DISTRICT VOLUNTEERS Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Membership Standards Change/Membership Fee Change Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Leadership Standards Change Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Net Promoter Score® Question (in bold) 4,467 Responses 7,149 Responses 13,893 Responses 8,574 Responses 14,461 Responses 10,494 Responses 13,253 Responses 11,774 Responses 11,941 Responses Driver Questions 12.1% Response Rate 18.7% Response Rate 41.0% Response Rate 21.1% Response Rate 26.6% Response Rate 23.3% Response Rate 22.4% Response Rate 20.8% Response Rate 20.6% Response Rate How likely is it that you would recommend volunteering in the Scouting Program to other friends or acquaintances? I have the tools and resources to be an effective volunteer. 70.0%67.7%79.5%68.1%69.7%75.6% 74.9%72.2%74.0% I feel the council today is very responsive to Scout volunteers’ needs. 52.0%48.3%62.1%49.2%49.1%49.6% 49.9%47.1%50.3% I get all the information I need to do the work required for my position. 61.9%59.4%71.9%60.4% 61.2% 60.4%57.3%59.3% My committee/board is definitely effective at accomplishing our goals in a timely manner. 58.1%55.5%66.9%55.9%55.5%54.9% 55.8%51.8%55.4% My skills and capabilities are being fully used in my volunteer position. 66.3%64.9%71.5%63.2%65.9%65.6% 65.3%62.1%65.3% My district/council is doing everything it can to deliver quality programs to our Scouts. 65.3%61.5%74.0%63.0%65.7%63.6% 63.5%60.8%64.1% I understand the unique benefits that the Scouting program provides to today’s youth. 96.7%95.9%96.7%92.7%95.1%96.1% 95.6%93.7%95.6% National Trends: Council/District Volunteers – All Surveys Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Promoters 67.7%65.1%66.9%57.9%62.1%65.6%66.2%62.9%66.3% Passives 24.0%25.7%14.5%25.1%26.9%25.0%24.9%24.3%23.9% Detractors 8.3%9.3%18.6%17.0%10.9%9.5%8.8%12.8%9.7% Indicates top 3 drivers in each segment for spring 2016
Page 31 CHARTERED ORGANIZATIONS Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Membership Standards Change/Membership Fee Change Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Leadership Standards Change Spring 2016 Net Promoter Score® Question (in bold) 5,781 Responses 11,645 Responses 4,941 Responses 4,097 Responses 5,133 Responses Driver Questions 12.8% Response Rate 20.1% Response Rate 8.4% Response Rate 6.6% Response Rate 8.7% Response Rate How likely is it that you would recommend chartering a Boy Scouts of America unit to other organizations? Scouting has provided a way for my organization to make an impact in the lives of youth. 86.6%90.8%83.8% 88.0%84.1% Scouting is our partner in providing positive youth programs to meet the goals of my organization. 79.4%85.7%75.2% 76.4%72.3% Our local council has made sponsoring a Scouting group simple and easy. 67.3%76.6%64.8% 59.7%57.6% Scouting families participate in our organization’s events and/or activities. 57.2%74.3%58.2% 50.7%48.1% I am satisfied with the amount of interaction between the council and our organization. 52.8%65.3%54.4% 50.6%49.5% Our organization sponsors units because Scouting builds tomorrow’s leaders and citizens % 85.0%80.3% Scouting is a great value for the money % 73.2%65.8% National Trends: Chartered Organizations – Spring Surveys Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Promoters 66.2%47.1%57.5%65.1%56.8% Passives 20.5%14.8%22.4%19.6%23.0% Detractors 13.3%38.1%20.0%15.3%20.2% Indicates top 3 drivers in each segment for spring 2016
Page 32 CHARTERED ORGANIZATIONS Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Membership Standards Change/Membership Fee Change Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Leadership Standards Change Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Net Promoter Score® Question (in bold) 5,781 Responses 4,816 Responses 11,645 Responses 3,781 Responses 4,941 Responses 4,083 Responses 4,097 Responses 5,133 Responses 5,133 Responses Driver Questions 12.8% Response Rate 9.4% Response Rate 20.1% Response Rate 10.6% Response Rate 8.4% Response Rate 6.9% Response Rate 6.6% Response Rate 8.7% Response Rate 8.7% Response Rate How likely is it that you would recommend chartering a Boy Scouts of America unit to other organizations? Scouting has provided a way for my organization to make an impact in the lives of youth. 86.6%86.4%90.8%83.7%83.8%87.5% 88.0%83.1%84.1% Scouting is our partner in providing positive youth programs to meet the goals of my organization. 79.4%77.5%85.7%70.6%75.2%76.6% 76.4%70.4%72.3% Our local council has made sponsoring a Scouting group simple and easy. 67.3%66.6%76.6%67.7%64.8%59.8% 59.7%55.2%57.6% Scouting families participate in our organization’s events and/or activities. 57.2%57.9%74.3%58.0%58.2%51.8% 50.7%49.0%48.1% I am satisfied with the amount of interaction between the council and our organization. 52.8%51.0%65.3%52.7%54.4%51.1% 50.6%48.2%49.5% Our organization sponsors units because Scouting builds tomorrow’s leaders and citizens %84.6% 85.0%77.9%80.3% Scouting is a great value for the money %72.4% 73.2%65.4%65.8% National Trends: Chartered Organizations – All Surveys Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Promoters 66.2%63.7%47.1%51.3%57.5%62.1%65.1%53.2%56.8% Passives 20.5%20.7%14.8%21.4%22.4%20.7%19.6%19.1%23.0% Detractors 13.3%15.6%38.1%27.3%20.0%17.2%15.3%27.7%20.2% Indicates top 3 drivers in each segment for spring 2016