Volunteer Engagement & Activation Resources Volunteer Pilot Project : Models for Corporate, Workplace, Teen, and Episodic Volunteerism in 4-H
Session One: Overview of Volunteerism and Future Directions – Purpose of the VEAR Pilots
Underlying Philosophy 4-H relies, indeed thrives, on the strong ethic of volunteerism. Quality youth development programming occurs in 4-H because of strong partnerships with dedicated and caring volunteers.
A comprehensive volunteer system includes both the management of volunteer resources and the development of individuals participating in the 4-H youth development program. The active preparation, training, and involvement of volunteers enhance the credibility and integrity of 4-H. Underlying Philosophy
There is an expressed commitment to the involvement of youth and adult volunteers as partners. There is recognition that volunteering is a two-way process, benefiting both volunteers and the 4-H youth development program.
Underlying Philosophy Organizations, like Cooperative Extension, in which volunteer development is recognized as a profession, significantly benefit from volunteer involvement. Contemporary research identifies specific competencies and capacities needed by volunteer program managers for the effective and efficient management of volunteer systems.
The 4-H Professional Research Knowledge and Competencies (4-H PRKC, 2004) are a key resource for the preparation and training of professional staff in volunteer management Underlying Philosophy
Resources Framework VRKC & Lesson Plans Volunteer Program Management Rubric & Syllabus VNG Fact Sheets Segmentation Research Volunteer Recruitment Resources
Volunteerism Rubric and Syllabus
Regional Forums State Volunteer Training Forum and Training Support
Understand potential volunteer audiences Gauge interest from potential volunteers Develop strategies to target new volunteers Five segments were identified Segmentation Research
Engaging Volunteers: Prime Targets COMMON MOTIVATORS Teach kids enduring life skills Have a positive impact on the next generation Apply what I’ve learned through hands-on experience COMMON MOTIVATORS Teach kids enduring life skills Have a positive impact on the next generation Apply what I’ve learned through hands-on experience KEY MESSAGES You can have a positive impact on the next generation in your community by sharing your experience and knowledge Help fuel the extraordinary efforts of our youth by joining the Revolution of Responsibility KEY MESSAGES You can have a positive impact on the next generation in your community by sharing your experience and knowledge Help fuel the extraordinary efforts of our youth by joining the Revolution of Responsibility
Transformational Leaders Primary Motivators Want to be leaders/mentors for future generations Like working with young people Believe in the importance of teaching life skills Like having longer-term engagements Want to build relationships with kids Like to set an example Primary Motivators Want to be leaders/mentors for future generations Like working with young people Believe in the importance of teaching life skills Like having longer-term engagements Want to build relationships with kids Like to set an example
Transformational Leaders 4-H Relationship Extremely familiar with 4-H (72%) Extremely favorable to what 4-H offers (70%) 1/3 say it never occurred to them to volunteer with 4-H 4-H Relationship Extremely familiar with 4-H (72%) Extremely favorable to what 4-H offers (70%) 1/3 say it never occurred to them to volunteer with 4-H
Transformational Leaders Demographics 70% Female, 49% are 50+ Live in urban/suburban areas Spend a lot of time volunteering already (26.7 hrs./month) Most ethnically diverse segment (24% Black, 9% Hispanic) Demographics 70% Female, 49% are 50+ Live in urban/suburban areas Spend a lot of time volunteering already (26.7 hrs./month) Most ethnically diverse segment (24% Black, 9% Hispanic)
Transformational Leaders Lifestyle Interpretation Experience over things Care about multiple causes Natural leader, responsible Connected/in the know Active Lifestyles Highly organized Invest in what the believe in Lifestyle Interpretation Experience over things Care about multiple causes Natural leader, responsible Connected/in the know Active Lifestyles Highly organized Invest in what the believe in
How to Approach Transformational Leaders Why 4-H Needs You 4-H needs caring, active volunteers to provide hands-on guidance and mentoring 4-H seeks out natural leaders like you to set positive examples and build trusted relationships Help youth reach their full potential by building their confidence, leadership skills, sense of responsibility Why 4-H Needs You 4-H needs caring, active volunteers to provide hands-on guidance and mentoring 4-H seeks out natural leaders like you to set positive examples and build trusted relationships Help youth reach their full potential by building their confidence, leadership skills, sense of responsibility Touch Points* Community: Libraries, church, restaurants, grocery stores, gardening stores, parks Online: MapQuest, photo share sites, recipe sites, medical sites, travel sites TV: Weather channel, FOX news, CNN, Food Network, Lifetime, HGTV, Hallmark, NCIS Magazines: AARP, Better Homes and Gardens, Good Housekeeping Other: AM radio, direct mail to home Touch Points* Community: Libraries, church, restaurants, grocery stores, gardening stores, parks Online: MapQuest, photo share sites, recipe sites, medical sites, travel sites TV: Weather channel, FOX news, CNN, Food Network, Lifetime, HGTV, Hallmark, NCIS Magazines: AARP, Better Homes and Gardens, Good Housekeeping Other: AM radio, direct mail to home *Source: MRI Fall 2010 (activities/interests of women 50+ who have volunteered in the past 12 months) Your 4-H Experience Do something you love by teaching important life skills through hands-on experiences A flexible experience where you decide your level of involvement; Volunteer in a variety of settings including in or after school, camp, or clubs 90% of volunteers have been satisfied! Your 4-H Experience Do something you love by teaching important life skills through hands-on experiences A flexible experience where you decide your level of involvement; Volunteer in a variety of settings including in or after school, camp, or clubs 90% of volunteers have been satisfied! How You Make a Difference You will lead by example by having positive development of young people When you share your experiences with 4-Hers, it pays its way forward as they make choices that matter and contribute to positive change in their lives How You Make a Difference You will lead by example by having positive development of young people When you share your experiences with 4-Hers, it pays its way forward as they make choices that matter and contribute to positive change in their lives 8%
Volunteer Recruitment Print Ad Volunteer Recruitment Flyer Volunteer Recruitment Banner Ad Volunteer Recruitment Presentation Video Volunteer Recruitment Power Point Template Volunteer Recruitment Brochure Volunteer Recruitment Resources
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??? Questions about Resources ???
Why is a 4-H Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement Strategy Needed? 4-H utilizes volunteers to enhance the quality and reach of the 4-H program In recent years, the total number of registered 4-H volunteers was dropping each year National trends in volunteerism require 4-H to broaden who volunteers and how they volunteer
Why is a 4-H Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement Strategy Needed? Research shows there are new audiences available and willing to volunteer for 4-H 4-H must diversify the volunteer base to reach underserved and new youth audiences
Visions for 4-H Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement 4-H will increase its reach and youth impact by recruiting and preparing new volunteers. State 4-H programs who are prepared for additional volunteers will create and implement new volunteer recruitment and engagement strategies in collaboration with each other, 4-H National Headquarters, and National 4-H Council. Successful strategies will be implemented nationwide.
Pilot Objectives 1.Increase the # of volunteers prepared to deliver high quality 4-H youth development programs
Pilot Objectives 2.Increase the # of volunteers from broader audiences (corporate, episodic, culturally diverse, etc)
Pilot Objectives 3.Utilize / enhance existing volunteer program management research, tools, and resources (ex. Volunteer Segmentation Research)
Pilot Objectives 4.Prepare local extension units for engaging new volunteers
VEAR Volunteer Pilots Develop successful strategies for recruiting and engaging new 4-H volunteers Corporate-Florida & Iowa Episodic-Illinois Teen-Illinois
Corporate Volunteer Engagement (University of Florida) Engaging Lockheed Martin employees as mentors, club leaders, and coaches Conduct focus groups with Lockheed Martin employees to pinpoint motivational factors Refine strategies to recruit new volunteers Lockheed Martin funded
Corporate/Workplace Volunteers (Iowa State University) Build the capacity and plans for field staff to effectively partner with businesses and corporations Focus is on new corporation vs. one long-time corporate partner Monsanto Funded
Sp ecial IN terest Clubs (University of Illinois) Episodic volunteer model SPIN Clubs, shorthand for SPecial INterest, are sustained learning experiences for youth on a topic of interest. Intended to recruit youth who typically have not participated in 4-H community clubs Monsanto Funded
Teens as Teachers (University of Illinois) Project is intended to expand the model in Illinois and to prepare resources for replication at the national level Funded by the Noyce Foundation so the focus is on teens in Science
Link to Resources learning/4-h-youth-development/volunteerism/
Special Thanks to:
4-H is the youth development program of our nation’s Cooperative Extension System.