Definitions, Accommodations, and Modifications
Our Population 848 Total Students 15% of our populations requires some type of modification/accommodation 128 Total Students have IEP or IAP 46 have a current IAP/504 82 have a current IEP/1508
It’s the LAW Both IEP and IAP are required by law. IEP is an Educational Law IAP is a Civil Rights Law Both are free to parents Both require parent notification/cooperation Both are reviewed annually and evaluated every three years
Referral Process Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Evaluation Process Failing grades Tier 1, 2, 3 Documentation!!!! Communication with Parents Communciation with Student SBLC
How an Evaluation Occurs Tier 1, 2, 3 = 27 weeks (instructional time) 60 calendar days = evaluation from parent permission to dissemination Extensive Testing
IEP/1508 Individualized Education Program Carol, Angie M., Julie, Dawn, Melanie Gifted Speech, Language, Hearing, or Vision Specific Learning Disability Other Health Impairment Autism Orthopedic Impairment Serious Emotional Disturbance Intellectual Disability (3 Severity Levels)
IEP/1508 Evaluation must occur They must have one of these disabilities AND It must adversely affect educational performance
Language/Speech Articulation Language Processing!!! Referrals using the same process
IAP/504 Jessica, Angie D. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity A record of the impairment Doesn’t qualify for an IEP
(504) Major Life Activities Caring for oneself Performing manual tasks Seeing Hearing Eating Sleeping Walking Standing lifting Bending Speaking Reading Learning Breathing Concentrating Thinking Communicating working
Accommodation vs Modification AccommodationsModifications How the student learns Listening to an audio recording Extra time to complete spelling test Verbal responses instead of written on test Same math/use a calculator What is taught or expected to learn Shorter or easier reading assignment Different spelling list Different/more simple test Different math skills/use a calculator P/F Tests
Modified Tests Different for every student Provide word bank Limit number of items Vary length Limit Multiple Choice Modify Test FORMAT Multiple Choice Short answer True/False Create more white space on the page
Extended Time Time and a half Not always needed
Tests Read Aloud Recorded voice, human reader, text to speech Read instructions Read questions Give no extra prompts ELA: Reading Comprehension may NOT be read All other subjects – everything can be read
Small Group Limit distraction Turn desk to a wall Table Privacy houses NO Hallway No change of setting (i.e. a computer lab) unless specified
Answers Recorded Student tells you the answers Write exactly what the student says Specific needs require different use
Documentation Stickers Graded work Essays Tests Quizzes Class work
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