Do now! Can you finish the sheet “Breathing for respiration 2”?
This lesson Know what is needed for healthy teeth and bones Know how to stay fit and healthy Know what heart disease is
Balanced diet?
Balanced diet a diet that contains adequate amounts of all the necessary nutrients required for healthy growth and activity COPY PLEASE!
Give us energy Body breaks carbohydrates such as starch down to glucose (a sugar) COPY PLEASE!
Also give us energy Our body uses fats as a store of energy Good insulators and cut down body heat loss COPY PLEASE!
Your cells are made mainly of protein Used to make new cells or to replace old or damaged cells Made up of amino acids COPY PLEASE!
Vitamins and minerals
Help control various chemical reactions in our body Only small amounts needed but MUST be present If they are missing, can become very ill COPY PLEASE!
Vitamin and mineral deficiency Can you stick the sheet in your book?
Two thirds of your body weight Chemical reactions in our cells take place in water Blood transports substances dissolved in water Water in sweat cools us down COPY PLEASE!
Mainly cellulose from plant cell walls Not digested, but absorbs poisonous waste from food, prevents constipation and reduces the risk of bowel cancer and heart disease. COPY PLEASE!
Heart disease Blocking of the coronary arteries Caused by saturated animal fats (cholesterol) blocking the arteries Angina is chest pains caused by partly blocked arteries Total blockage (thrombosis) can cause a heart attack COPY PLEASE!
Risk factors for heart disease Inherited genes Age Sex Eating fatty foods Being over-weight Smoking Taking little or no exercise COPY PLEASE!
Questions! Can you answer the questions 3, 4 and 5 on page 18 please?