Capacity Building Programme for Public Libraries in India at INFLIBNET Centre Jagdish Arora Director, INFLIBNET Centre
INFLIBNET Centre INDCAT SOUL VIDWAN NLIST UGC-INFONET ShodhGanga & ShodhGangotri OJAS & InfoPort ICSSR Data Service e-PG Pathshala e-Acharya MOOCS IUR University Profile NIRF Open Access Consortium E-Content University Ranking Automation & Database Major Projects & Programmes INFLIBNET Centre UGC- INFONET NLIST e-Shodh Sindhu Capacity Building Programme
INFLIBNET Centre Human Resources and ICT Skill Development at INFLIBNET: Types and Categories Training Programmes and Workshops in LIS on Computerization & Networking User Awareness Programmes Collaborate with Universities & Colleges In-house Training Programmes Annual Conventions: CALIBER and PLANNER
INFLIBNET Centre National Mission on Libraries launched on 3 rd February, 2014 with an objective to revamp library and information science sector in the country: Creation of National Virtual Library of India (NVLI) Setting up of NML Model Libraries Quantitative & Qualitative Survey of Libraries Capacity Building
INFLIBNET Centre Capacity Building Programme Awarded to INFLIBNET Centre in 2015 Need-based training programmes Targeted to different categories of library professionals working in public libraries Capacity-based training programmes Higher-level trainings to those who performed well in their first batches of training
INFLIBNET Centre Overview of Execution Methodology Selection of topics to be covered in the course content (NML Officials & Expert Committee) Finalization of Training Module Comprising of Topics to be Covered Identification of Resource Persons Imparting training (Began in Nov., 2015 onwards) Finalizing Training Calendar for 60+ Batches over a Period of Two Years Finalization of Locations for each Training Programme Batching and Identification of Participants Preparation of Course Material, Lab Assignments, Hands on Practice Guide Post training Report/Feedback to NML
INFLIBNET Centre Capacity Building Programme 60 training programmes over a period of two years Three levels: Elementary, Middle and AdvanceD Training programmes being conducted at the INFLIBNET Centre as well as in different cities of the country depending on concentration of librarians to be trained.
INFLIBNET Centre Subject Coverage Library Automation and Networking New Generation Software House keeping operations Copy Cataloguing RFID Digital Library and Managing Digital Objects Digital Library Software Digitization and Digital Preservation Intellectual Property Rights Library Standards Metadata Standards ( MARC/DublinCore) Text Encoding (UNICODE) Cataloguing Standards (AACR- II, FRBR) Traditional Library Management Classification/ Cataloguing Reference Sources and Services Public Library System Library Legislation
INFLIBNET Centre E-resources and Internet Sources Introduction to electronic resources (Subscribed/Open Access) Content Licensing Access Management Latest ICT tools and technics, (hardware and software) for LIS Webservers and CMS Open Source Software and Web Technologies for Libraries Knowledge discovery tools and technics Web 2.0 (RSS, ATOMS, Social Networking) Managerial, Interpersonal Skills Development User/Staff Interaction Leadership, Communication and Presentation Change Management Subject Coverage
Course Material Preparation Using Four Quadrant Approach
INFLIBNET Centre Challenges Participants with varied background Qualifications: From Semi-literate to Highly-qualified Competencies in ICT: From those who did not see a computer to those who are highly competent Interest Levels: Completely indifferent to highly interested Infrastructure in Libraries of Participants: Non-existent (in most cases)
INFLIBNET Centre Training Strategies Focus on Practical, “Hands-on” and Demonstrations (50%- 60%) Projects, Practical assignments and their Presentration by Participants Motivated public librarians for imparting trainingCase studies and site visitsAssessment and Evaluation
Dr Jagdish Arora Director, INFLIBNET Centre Thanks