Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 1 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 The Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) ESFRI initiative - A possible future cornerstone of European Arctic research Georg Hansen & Karin Refsnes Research Council of Norway
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 2 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 SIOS-PP Consortium Agreement Grant Agreement: contract between European Commission and project coordinator (after acceptance of conditions by beneficiaries/partners) Consortium Agreement: contract between the coordinator and the project partners concerning terms of cooperation CA: completely independent of GA; however, strongly recommended by EC in order to avoid disputes during the project performance Based on a model contract worked in the frame of EU project DESCA (version for medium- and large-scale projects) Final signed CAs sent to 19 partners (incl. all international); the remaining 7 will be sent during the next weeks.
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 3 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Issues ruled by CA Definitions: special contract terminology General contract terms Project bodies: members, rights and duties Rules of work performance Financial issues: payments Inclusion of background and foreground/Intellectual property rights Handling of defaulting parties
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 4 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 General terms Accession to the contract: after signature by authorized representative fulfilled by all SIOS-PP partners, countersigned by RCN representatives CA operative for the whole consortium Duration and termination: as agreed in the GA – 3 years starting on 1 October, 2010
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 5 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Responsibilities and liabilities of parties Coordinator’s role: administration of liason between the EC and the consortium Progress reporting: as decided in negotiation with the EC (one progress and the final report) and internally (6- monthly) Financial reporting: according to EC contract rules (cost statements) Breach of commitments Limitation of contractual liabilities No warranty Force majeure
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 6 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Governance structure Consortium bodies: –General Assembly –Steering Board –Policy Board –Advisory Board –Coordinator & Executive Secretariat General operational procedures for all consortium bodies –Meeting schedule and participation –Agenda and items –Voting rules and procedures –Veto rights –Minutes of meetings Special rules for specific consortium bodies –Members –Definition of tasks
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 7 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Financial provisions General principles –Distribution of EC funding according to GA documents: Tables A3.1 (individual) and A3.2 (consortium summary) –NB 1: for all work except WP1 (project management) only 7% overhead is reimbursed! –NB 2: the funding is reduced by ca. 10% relative to the eligible costs (except 1 partner who rather reduced work amount to be reimbursed) Budgeting principles –Order of priority for management costs Payment rules –Payments to partners: exclusive task of the coordinator –Prepayment of 80% of expected costs in reporting period, remaining 20% after satisfactory delivery (acceptance by Steering Board), at end of reporting period at the latest
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 8 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Intellectual property rights (IPR) Not very critical as SIOS-PP is not an RTD project expected to result in exciting scientific/technical findings In that case: «standard rules» of EU research projects: –rules in case of joint ownership –Transfer of foreground («All the results, whether or not they can be protected, that are generated under a project. Such results include information and related intellectual property rights”) –Publication rules
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 9 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 IPR, cont.’d Access rights to background («Information and intellectual property rights (granted or applied) held by the participants prior to their accession to the grant agreement and which are needed to carry out the project or to use foreground.”) Background included - Anything to be listed in Attachment 1? - Anything to be added to Attachment 2 (only if Att. 1 is not empty!) ?
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 10 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Miscellaneous List of members and representatives: Any changes to be made in Attachment 5? List of Associated Partners (Attachment 6): Any changes to be made: - AP23 (Governour of Svalbard) is removed. Their role will be taken over by NPI - Environmental Management and Mapping Dept.
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 11 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 SIOS-PP consortium bodies (1) General Assembly: One representative for each project partner: persons listed in Attachment 5 of CA If the representative is not able to participate: Substitute to be appointed by partner in due time before the General Assembly meeting In charge of deciding on major changes in the project set-up (consortium composition, defining defaulting partners etc.) and performance (change of content of work)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 12 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 SIOS-PP consortium bodies (2) Steering Board: Established during the proposal preparation phase Consists of all WP responsibles plus additional national representatives: –Karin Refsnes, RCN (chair, responsible WP1-3) –Kim Holmén, NPI (resp. WP 4) –Piotr Glowacki, IGFPAS (resp. WP5) –Michael Klages, AWI (resp. WP6) –Bo Andersen, NSC (resp. WP7) –Gunnar Sand, UNIS (resp. WP8) –Vito Vitale, CNR-ISAC (resp. WP9) –Sergey Priamikov, AARI –Cynan Ellis-Evans, NERC –Proposal new member: Dongmin Jin, KOPRI (representing Asian partners) Responsible for overall performance of the project in accordance with the consortium plan/DoW
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 13 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 SIOS-PP consortium bodies (3) Policy Board: One national representative for each country participating in SIOS- PP (Letter of Commitment), extended in financial matters to comprise further representatives of funding agencies (nations with several funding agencies involved) All partners representing a nation and/or funding agency are asked to clarify with their responsible authorities to appoint a member of the Policy Board within 6 months after project start (31 March, 2011) First meeting: month 14 of the project (October/November 2011), possibly in connection with 2nd General Assembly (if work documents in place by then) Current members: Norway, Germany, Poland, Italy, UK, Russia (2 for financial matters), Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, France, China, Rep. Korea, Sweden, Japan Potential additional members: India, Czech Republic, Spain
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 14 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 SIOS-PP consortium bodies (4) Advisory Board: Panel of external experts giving advice on: –Scientific framework for the infrastructure –Future user/stakeholder community needs –Cooperation/coordination with related ESFRI initiatives –Cooperation with related projects and networks 6 members were asked and accepted before submission of SIOS- PP proposal: –Roberto Azzolini (European Science Foundation) –Terry Callaghan (Abisko Research Station, coordinator INTERACT I3) –Paolo Favali (coordinator ESFRI-EMSO) –Maribeth Murray (Executive Director, ISAC) –Volker Rachold (Executive Secretary, IASC) –Lars-Otto Reiersen (Executive Secretary, AMAP) Up to 4 additional members, to be decided on by the General Assembly First meeting envisaged: spring 2011 (assessment of Gap Analysis Synthesis Report)