HEALTH CARE AND HUMAN SERVICES POLICY, RESEARCH, AND CONSULTING - WITH REAL-WORLD PERSPECTIVE. ADRC Statewide Planning Plenary Workshop: Definition of Statewide 2010 AoA, CMS, and VA Grantee National Meeting February 22-24, 2010 Alexandria, Virginia
2 Criteria developed to assist states measure and assess their progress Program components include: Awareness and Information Assistance Access Target Populations Critical Pathways to Long Term Support Partnerships and Stakeholder Involvement IT/MIS Evaluation Activities Staffing and Resources Defining a “Fully Functioning” ADRC
3 AoA included “Criteria for a Fully Functioning Single Entry Point System” in the 2009 ADRC grant application attachments. This criteria was updated in February They are available on the TAE website under ADRC “key” resources. Defining a “Fully Functioning” ADRC Key ADRC Resources and Materials
4 A state-level agency (e.g. State Unit on Aging or State Medicaid Agency) oversees all the ADRCs across the state, providing guidance, standards, monitoring, and administrative oversight as appropriate - and - this state-level agency considers the ADRC to be statewide. Defining “Statewide” ADRC Coverage
5 Individuals living in any part of the state can receive basic services from an ADRC including I&R, options counseling, and assistance accessing public programs over the phone. Individuals living in any part of the state can receive basic services from an ADRC including I&R, options counseling, and assistance accessing public programs in-person, either from ADRC staff directly or from a formal ADRC partner (an organization with a contract, MOU, or protocol with the ADRC). The ADRC (or ADRCs collectively) maintains a comprehensive database of aging and disability resources and services that cover the entire state. Defining “Statewide” ADRC Coverage
6 ADRCs across the state meet at least three of the following "streamlining access" fully functioning ADRC criteria: SEP/ADRC staff conducts level of care assessments that are used for determining functional/clinical eligibility for Medicaid and other public programs - or - SEP/ADRC has a formal process in place to seamlessly refer consumers to the agency that conducts level of care assessments. ADRC/SEP staff assist consumers as needed with initial processing functions (e.g., taking applications for Medicaid and other public programs, assisting applicants in completing the application, obtaining required documentation to complete the application, assuring that the information contained on the application form is complete, and conducting any necessary interviews.) Staff located on-site within the ADRC/SEP determine financial eligibility for Medicaid (staff co-located from or delegated by the Single State Medicaid Agency) - or - ADRC/SEP staff can submit completed applications to the agency authorized to determine financial eligibility directly on behalf of consumers. SEP/ADRC is able to track consumers’ eligibility status for Medicaid and other public programs throughout the process of eligibility determination and re-determination. Defining “Statewide” ADRC Coverage
7 ADRCs across the state serve persons over 60 and other populations of people with disabilities of all ages (e.g., physical, serious mental illness, and/or developmental/intellectual). The ADRC (or ADRCs at the local level) has formal partnerships as characterized by contracts, MOUs, or protocols with key aging and disability service organizations and government agencies in their region. Key partners include Area Agencies on Aging, Centers for Independent Living, SHIP, Medicaid, and many others. Defining “Statewide” ADRC Coverage
8 Discussion Questions How are you approaching the ADRC Statewide Planning requirement in your state? What will be the biggest challenges for successfully expanding statewide? What existing funding and services are available to build toward statewide coverage?
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