Securing and Sustaining Stronger and Deeper Research and Innovation Partnerships Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships 1.Building successful strategic partnerships David Hogg, PVC for Research and Innovation 2.Strategy for the development and management of strategic partnerships Richard Keegan, Strategic Partnerships Manager 3. Tips for making and breaking partnerships Megan Parsons, Marks and Spencer Rachel Sandham, Arup Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships People Resources Culture Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Corporate partnerships are major partnerships, with cross campus participation and with engagement in a number of different activities. Examples include Dare (Opera North), Arup, Marks & Spencer, and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. Strategic partnerships involve engagement across a number of different activities; they do not have the reach of a strategic corporate partnership and are constrained to certain areas (e.g. at a faculty level) of the University. Existing examples include, Sinochem, Proctor & Gamble. Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Mutually compatible missions University Education of students Creation of knowledge Dissemination of knowledge Industry Create value for investors Provide useful goods and services Expand the state of the art Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Developing a culture of collaboration Part of how we deliver impact Diversify our income sources Promote existing research partnerships Work across the campus –Pro Deans R&I, Faculty directors of research and innovation –Sector hubs/innovation managers Showcase and celebrate good partnership practice Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Impact Acceleration Account £2,320,000 over 3 years People mobility Commercialisation Business engagement Research engagement HEIF additional allocation £500,000 for 1 year commercialisation, translation and proof of concept creating and supporting innovative enterprises building strategic relationships Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships We need to be better than the rest Need clear policies and guidelines for partnership development Ensure professional support and resources are in place to build and maintain relationships Identify current collaborators with potential for longer and deeper relationship. Research & Innovation Support Conference
Strategy for the development and management of strategic partnerships Richard Keegan Strategic Partnerships Manager Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Joy’s law “No matter who you are, most of the smartest people work for someone else” Bill Joy, co-founder Sun Microsystems Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Strategic Partnerships ‘Contact sport’ Takes time Resource intensive Absorptive capacity crucial Both sides have to want it to happen People STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Woolf Report 2011 “Failures of governance, management and communication meant that members of the LSE council were not fully informed of fears that a £1.5 million donation from the Gaddafi regime could have been funded by bribes from Western companies seeking Libyan contracts” There was no one at the LSE keeping track of the institution's many connections with the Gaddafi regime, which "grew like Topsy" “The mistakes in presenting the gift to council were legion” Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships What’s in the strategy? 1.Why strategic partnerships are important 2.Definition of strategic partnerships 3.Developing a culture of collaboration 4.Ensuring cohesive and coordinated strategic partnerships management 5.Research partner opportunities 6.Securing and sustaining longer and deeper relationships with our partners 7.Resourcing and delivering the partnership management model 8.Benchmarking and measuring partnership engagement Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships What problem are we trying to solve? Lack of compatibility in mission of partners Poorly framed agreements Clashes between academic and commercial cultures Lack of relationship building and maintenance support Underestimation of significant amount of senior management time needed PA 2012 Survey of Higher Education Leaders Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Corporate Strategic Operational Transactional Strategic partnerships strategy Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Where do they come from? Identifying partnership opportunities Review current research partnerships Identify existing research links with potential Consider aspirational partnerships Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Building the partnership Know your partner Strategic alignment and shared values Decision making process Identify resources for research and innovation Links to the institution Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Building the partnership Know yourself Build the team Define a bespoke offering Identify resources for research and innovation activities Explore cross disciplinary opportunities Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Resourcing the partnership Steering group to assess new partnership building activities Hosting meetings Inward/outward secondments Pump priming projects Leveraging partner funds Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Maintaining and strengthening the partnership Formalise (framework, MOU) Plan delivery Have shared and meaningful objectives Communicate well and often Regularly review the partnership Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships International research partnerships Logistically more challenging – rewards potentially greater Overseas organisations UK partners owned by overseas companies UK partners with international reach Working with UK partners overseas Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Support for brokerage of strategic partnerships and relationship management Richard Keegan Strategic Partnerships Manager Tel Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Research & Innovation Support Conference
IN PARTNERSHIP Senior Buy-In Excellent Communications Commitment Trust Fear of Losing IP Academic Jargon Unequal Negotiations Pace & Cultural Gap
IN PARTNERSHIP Identifying the Right Individual What happens when meetings go wrong?
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships The Bad Process Communication Capacity issues The Good People Common values and aspirations Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships People Resources Culture Research & Innovation Support Conference