Socialeyes ‘Exploring the social world with people on the autism spectrum’ Heather Yeomans David Richards Joe Powell
Once upon a time……….. NAS Cymru joined the Equinex project in July 2005 Action Research commenced October ‘Socialeyes’ is born
Socialeyes is…………. “a social skills learning resource that we are developing with, and for, people with autism and Asperger syndrome” Research based :- –Video Modelling (Bellini, 2007) –Social Stories (Gray, 2000) –Visual thinking (Grandin, 1996) –Systems & patterns, (Baron-Cohen, 2002) –Social autopsies (Bieber, 1994) Piloted in adult services, special schools, mainstream schools with a special unit, Universities and Further education Colleges, etc. Consultation/Endorsement:- Wendy Lawson, Judy Gould, Lorna Wing, Sue Shepherd & many other professionals.
Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Motivation Step 3 Strategies Step 4 Implementation Step 5 Exceptions Step 6 Checkpoint Step 7 Generalisation Step 8 Reflection The Socialeyes Approach: It’s strengths Repetitive Predictable Structured Visual Research based Autism Friendly
Socialeyes Core Social Skills: Vol.1 (Adult) - Poss. release date April ‘09 CORE SOCIAL SKILLS A resource pack for facilitating social skills and related strategies and the social understanding behind these Volume 1 Core Social Skills CD ROM/ DVD pack DVD:- Features film clips of 11 least useful and 11 more useful social behaviour clips & tips to help learners use non-verbal cues. CD Rom:- User Guide, 11 Session plans, Introductory Activities Guide, Assessment forms, Feedback/Evaluation Forms, Planning Forms, Walkthrough scripts, Worksheets - Consequences worksheets, Verbal strategy worksheets, Exceptions worksheets, Checkpoint question sheets, Social Action planners, Cue Cards & Emotions Cards.
Product development to date : Being Me (Launched today) 40 min DVD:- 10 chapters featuring six people talking about what being on the autism spectrum means for them – features Wendy Lawson CD Rom:- 10 session plans including Walkthrough scripts Learner Worksheet Discussion sheets Checkpoint question sheets Being Me: A self development CD ROM/ DVD pack - £29.99
To tell or not to tell
Predictable Structure
Being on the autism spectrum
Feelings around diagnosis
Assessment tool
How being on the autism spectrum affects me Mark: ‘In the past I had significant difficulties feeding myself, dressing myself and basically maintaining myself within the community.’
Positive Aspects
Concluding thoughts 2)
Lifelong Learning
CORE SOCIAL SKILLS A resource pack for facilitating social skills and related strategies and the social understanding behind these Volume 1
Concluding thoughts 1)
Question Time Any Questions?
The Socialeyes Approach Socialeyes steps to social confidence Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Motivation Step 3 Strategies Step 4 Implementation Step 5 Exceptions Step 6 Checkpoint Step 7 Generalisation Step 8 Reflection
Step 1 - Introduction Introduce topic – Points of View. Walkthrough scripts. Use of visuals – Pictures, Photo’s, magazines, etc. Core Social Skills DVD.
Step 2 - Motivation Consequences Worksheets Emotions Cards
Step 3 - Strategies “But of course you know what I’m thinking” Verbal statements & Checking Questions. Can help with literal thinking…”Am I right in thinking you mean………? “I value verbal expression much more than visual or bodily expression because it is far easier to understand. I can say to a person, ‘Please tell me what you need from me’. This way we can both be talking the same language without the need for any decoding”, (Lawson, 2006).
Step 4 - Implementation Modelling Role play
Step 5 - Exceptions Exceptions to the rule
Step 6 - Checkpoint Repetition Reinforcement
Step 7 - Generalisation Cue Cards Social Action Planner
Step 8 - Reflection Learner Feedback Evaluation Facilitator Reflection Improvement/Change
“Don’t alter the uniqueness that makes you so special in so many great ways…….just add to what you can do” Dr Jed Baker (2005) Final thought “Don’t alter the uniqueness that makes you so special in so many great ways…….just add to what you can do” Dr Jed Baker (2005)
Question Time Any Questions?