Developing the Young Workforce Alan Armstrong, Change Theme 1 Alan Johnston, Change Theme 2 Lead Melanie Weldon, Change Theme 3 Lead Hugh McAloon, Change Theme 4 and 5 Lead Programme Our vision: To develop Scotland’s young workforce by providing young people with learning which is directly relevant to getting a job, benefiting individuals and improving the economy through increased youth employment 1
Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce ‘ One in five young people in Scotland wake up in the morning wondering if their country needs them’ Education Working For All! Sir Ian Wood The Commission believed that with the appropriate level of support from government, education and employers, Scotland should achieve: all 363 secondary schools in a long term partnership with employers significantly enhanced quality of work experience and career guidance an additional 5,000 MA places at level 3 and above significant increase in young people leaving school with meaningful industry relevant vocational qualifications 2
Increased collaboration between schools, colleges and employers Purposeful accredited vocational pathways Progress against our headline target 3 Reduce youth unemployment by 40% by 2021
It is our ambition that Scotland should be the best place to learn. We want each child to enjoy an education that encourages them to be the best they can be and provides them with a full passport to future opportunity. We know that children and young people from lower-income households in Scotland do significantly worse at all levels of the education system than those from better off homes. The ambitions and achievements of young people should never be limited by their background and one of our biggest challenges remains the fact that children from our most deprived areas are doing less well than their fellow students. 4 Ambition Developing the Young Workforce Widening Access Attainment
1: A school curriculum that is industry focussed and influenced 2: Clearer vocational pathways starting in the senior phase which lead to industry recognised qualifications 3: A college system fully focused on employability 4: Apprenticeship opportunities for young people to achieve qualifications up to and including degree level 5: A network of employer hubs supporting partnership with schools, wider range of apprenticeships and investment in young people DYW Change Themes
Where are we now? Senior Phase Vocational Pathways Exploring approaches to senior phase vocational pathways through 2 foundation apprenticeship and 7 early adopter pilots in 2014/15 … … engaging c300 young people across over 60 schools, with new HN provision in STEM subjects From all college outcome agreements have clear statements outlining their contribution to senior phase vocational pathways … … with c1,500 young people across 140 schools. 6
Senior Phase Vocational Pathways KPI 3: Increase the percentage of school leavers attaining vocational qualifications* at SCQF level 5 and above by 2021 13/14 Baseline: 7% school leavers had one or more vocational qualifications at SCQF level 5 or above * Vocational qualifications: for the purposes of base lining, we are interpreting this as National Certificates, Higher National Qualifications, Scottish Vocational Qualifications, National Progression Awards, and Skills for Work at SCQF Level 5 and above but recognise that this should evolve to fully reflect vocational qualifications valued by employers. We will consult further with stakeholders on this Where are we now?
Where do we want to be? All young people have chance to participate in flexible senior phase pathways, which include good quality vocational provision All secondary schools (/local authorities) develop flexible and responsive senior phase pathways DYW is fully embedded in Curriculum for Excellence, with a clear understanding of how it delivers CfE entitlements from early years through to the Senior Phase Well developed partnerships between schools, colleges, local authorities and employers 8
Activity Update Positioning within CfE and school improvement agenda CfE Management Board CfE Implementation plan Insight Inspection Advice/HGIOS Building on what’s already working/sharing learning DYW Learning events Early Adopters Group Foundation Apprenticeship pathfinder evaluation Raising awareness/ consultation CfE HT events young people events Employer and parental engagement Encouraging leadership and partnership La/partners self evaluation exercise Regional conversations with DoEds and College Principals
Activity Update New Products Standard for Careers Education Standard for Work Placement School/employer partnership guidance All available for testing from September 15 (and refined in light of practice) Local Support DYW contacts in all authorities and colleges ES Skills team/ALOs DYW Regional Groups 3 established (Glasgow, North East, Fife) 7 currently being considered (National DYW Group approval sought) Anticipate national network in place by March 16 Expanding provision Up from 2 to 29 Foundation Apprenticeship pathfinders in 15/16
Framework provides common language Promote parity of esteem, cultural change Facilitate partnership approaches Broaden definition of vocational qualifications valued by employers? Suggestions? How can SCQF contribute?
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