Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration January 22, 2015, 2pm-3:30pm EST DOL Office of Apprenticeship DOL Division of Youth Services HUD Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity US Department of Housing & Urban Development, Economic Opportunity Division
2# Enter your location in the Chat window – lower left of screen
Toni Wilson YouthBuild Acting Program Director U.S. Department of Labor 3#
4# 1.Participants will hear about DOL and HUD’s partnership work to date. 2.Participants will be able to learn more about Section 3 guidance letter and partnership opportunities. 3.Participants will learn about all of the federal programs involved in building and sustaining a successful hiring partnership.
Which group best describes your connection? Registered Apprenticeship Community Public Housing /Other HUD Grantees. YouthBuildOther 5#
Rafiq Munir Program Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Economic Opportunity Division 6#
Franchella Kendall Chief, Division of Standards and National Industry Promotion, Office of Apprenticeship U.S. Department of Labor 7#
Partnership Toolkit and Webinar: “From the Ground Up” Jobs Plus NOFA: $24 million for partnerships between PHAs and Workforce Boards Promise Zones: Access to resources and expertise for communities most in need Section 3 Guidance: Today’s Topic! #8
Partnership Toolkit and Webinar: “From the Ground Up” Jobs Plus NOFA: ia_advisories/2014/HUDNo_ ia_advisories/2014/HUDNo_ Promise Zones: Access to resources and expertise for communities most in need nning/economicdevelopment/programs/pz nning/economicdevelopment/programs/pz Section 3 Guidance: Today’s Topic! #9
#10 HUD-DOL Joint Partnership Letter
#11 Collaborating to bring graduates of DOL’s YouthBuild Program together with HUD-funded contractors to: 1)Strengthen local apprenticeship opportunities for at-risk young people trained in the construction trades; 2)Promote self-sufficiency for residents of public housing; and 3)Connect contractors working on HUD-funded projects to DOL Registered Apprenticeship programs.
Registered Apprenticeship Communities Public Housing Authorities and Other HUD Grantees Contractors YouthBuild #12
DOL’s Office of Apprenticeship HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity DOL’s Division of Youth Services- YouthBuild #13
U.S. Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship #14
Registered Apprenticeship is an employer-driven model that combines on-the-job learning with related classroom instruction that increases and apprentice’s skill level and wages. Apprenticeship is an “earn and learn” model-apprentices receive a paycheck from day one. #15
Employer Involvement Is Integral Employer is the foundation for the RA program and must be directly involved and provider of OJT Structured On-the-Job Training with Mentoring Minimum of 2,000 hours Structured and Supervised Related Training and Instruction 144 hours recommended per year Parallel | Front-loaded | Segmented Options National Occupational Credential National Occupational Credential Nationally recognized credential showing job proficiency Sponsor certifies individual is fully competent for career Rewards for Skill Gains Increases in skills brings about increases in earnings Core Components of Registered Apprenticeship 16# 5
1 24 System with Nationally Recognized Credentials All workers that graduate from a Registered Apprenticeship receive a national, industry-recognized, portable credential The credential is a 100% guarantee to all employers that graduates from Registered Apprenticeship programs are fully qualified to do the job
18# For Job Seekers: Earn and learn Career pathways to higher skills and wages Nationally-recognized credentials and potential to earn college credit For Employers: Develop highly-skilled workers through a flexible, customized training approach Reduce turnover, increase productivity, and improve the bottom line
#19 Locate Registered Apprenticeship Programs Visit and click the “Apprenticeship Sponsors Database” link. Contact State Apprenticeship Offices Visit to find the apprenticeship office in your state. Reach out to Registered Apprenticeship State and Local contacts
Pre-apprenticeship programs can play the role of providing a pathway to middle class for underserved or disadvantaged populations Pre-apprenticeship programs can support the efforts of Registered Apprenticeship to reach out to under- served populations #20
Resources to Support these Partnership Training and Employment Notice-TEN Provides a Definition and quality framework for pre-apprenticeship #21
“Pre-Apprenticeship” is defined as a program or set of strategies designed to prepare individuals to enter and succeed in a Registered Apprenticeship program and has a documented partnership with at least one, if not more, Registered Apprenticeship program(s).
The Pre-Apprenticeship program provides training and curriculum based on industry standards and approved by the documented Registered Apprenticeship partner(s) that will prepare individuals with the skills and competencies needed to enter one or more Registered Apprenticeship programs(s) Did you know? YouthBuild programs are considered pre-apprenticeship programs!
The pre-apprenticeship program will have strategies that increase Registered Apprenticeship opportunities for under-represented, disadvantaged or low-skilled individuals, such that, upon completion. They will meet the entry requirements, gain consideration, and are prepared for success in one or more Registered Apprenticeship programs(s). The TEN provides more detail on these strategies
STEP-UP- is registered Apprenticeship programs STEP-UP provides a broad range of work experience to the participants. STEP-UP apprentices may be employed at wage rates which are less than the journeyworker's wage for the type of work they perform. STEP-UP apprentices can be employed on any Federal worksite, including worksites which are subject to Davis-Bacon wage rates STEP-UP apprentices can be referred to other public and private work sites cooperating with the program. #25
26# U.S. Department of Labor – Apprenticeship Program Website 21 st Century Apprenticeship Community of Practice American Apprenticeship Initiative Workforce System and Registered Apprenticeship Partnerships /info
Links to Additional Information: Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)- Grant Notice - ETA-15-02Grant Notice - ETA Fact Sheet and Frequently Asked Questions – Whitehouse Link - for more detailswww.whitehouse.gov Links to New Resources: New Apprenticeship Website – Apprenticeship Toolkit – Quick Start ToolkitQuick Start Toolkit Federal Funding for Apprenticeship Playbook - Federal PlaybookFederal Playbook Employer’s Playbook to Building an Apprenticeship Program –Employer’s PlaybookEmployer’s Playbook Apprenticeship Staff Contact Map - #27
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Economic Opportunity Division #28
Designed to provide jobs, training and contracts generated by HUD funded projects for the local community. Applies to 5,000 agencies that receive annual allocations, including public housing authorities, States and local municipalities Covers up to 50% or more of HUD’s Budget Authority #30
Section 3 applies primarily to construction, rehabilitation and infrastructure related activity and public housing operations and maintenance Covers HUD funded projects, including those leveraged with state, local or private funding Section 3 is race and gender neutral #31
Section 3 Residents: Public Housing Residents, or Low- or very low-income persons per HUD defined household income limits. DOL YouthBuild is a priority category Section 3 Business: Substantially owned by, employ and facilitate the employment of Section 3 Residents. Race and gender-neutral. #32
60,000 Total New Hires 27,000 Section 3 new hires $14.2B Total Contracts Reported $916.6M Section 3 Contracts 7,600 Section 3 Businesses awarded contracts #33
Self Certification of Eligible Businesses Facilitates the award of contracts to Section 3 Businesses Helps Grantees Meet their Section 3 Obligations Expanded Nationally During FY 2014 #34
Funding for PHAs to develop programs to increase employment outcomes for residents Strategies include work readiness, employer linkages, job placement and financial literacy Minimum development size of 250 households Total Program Funding: $24M; Award ceiling $3M per applicant 50% of target households must be unemployed Excellent opportunity to explore creative job development with selected sites #35
YouthBuild Graduates Developers/ Contractors Apprenticeship Opportunities PHAs and Other HUD Grantees #36
#37 NYCHA’s Painter Apprenticeship Program
Section 3 Website Section 3 Business Registry Public Housing Authority Contacts Community Development Program Contacts ams/contacts Jobs Plus Pilot Program avail/nofa14/jppp HUD-DOL Fact Sheet on Registered Apprenticeships for YouthBuild Graduates #38
U.S. Department of Labor YouthBuild #39
Must be between 16 and 24 years of age; and A member of disadvantaged youth population; and A school dropout
YouthBuild Program Structure –50% Educational Activities –40% Vocational Activities in Construction or Construction Plus Vocational Activities in Other Industries –10% Community and Public Facilities (Optional) 50% Education 40% Vocational 10% Community/Public
Currently 12,519 Active YouthBuild Participants 18,459 DOL YouthBuild Graduates 21 are currently placed in a Registered Apprenticeships (146 since 2007) There are 75 different tracks offered under Construction Plus: (37% in healthcare; 24% in advanced manufacturing; 12% in technology; and 27% in other) More on YouthBuild can be found at #42
#43 Carpenters Joint Training Fund of St. Louis
DOL YouthBuild YouthBuild Community of Practice sources.aspx?pparams= sources.aspx?pparams= DOL/HUD Joint Letter on Apprenticeship HUD_Joint_Letter.pdf #44
What is the most exciting aspect of building this partnership? What is the most daunting aspect of building this partnership? Exciting?Daunting? 46#
#47 Please send your testimonials of partnerships to
Rafiq Munir Program Analyst U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Franchella Kendall Chief U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship 48# Toni Wilson Acting YouthBuild Program Director U.S. Department of Labor, Division of Youth Services- YouthBuild
Thank You! Find resources for workforce system success at: 49#