Located in Shenandoah County in the center of the Shenandoah Valley; rural community ~ 3 elementary schools; 3 middle schools, 3 high schools; 1 technical school; 1 Governors’ school Student Population: 1225 Grades PK-5; Teaching Staff: 94 Total Staff: 136 School-wide Title I Program this year; 16% ELL ; Approximately 50% Free/Reduced Lunch; Approximately 11% receive SPED services Action Research Project: FOCUS ON WHOLE SCHOOL
HIGHLIGHTS FROM PRE-ASSESSMENT DATA ~teachers predominately engaged in low- yield strategies ~use of engaging in oral turn taking and responding orally are high frequency tasks ~teachers do engage students in reading as a high-yield strategy
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SURN Observation Protocols as well as self- evaluation utilizing the protocols Unpacking the SOLS at each grade level Skill quick checks Grade Level Unit Overviews School Leadership Team – data walls and developing Robinson behavioral expectations Walk-through teacher engagement observation data
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WWROBINSON BOOK STUDY – Visible Learning by John Hattie Utilized Google Classroom – book study components completed individually or in grade level groups Focused on: 1. Understanding yourself as a teacher 2. Understanding impact on students and learning 3. Understanding reflective practices 4. Understanding surface and deep levels of complexity in lessons 5. Understanding high-yield instructional strategies
HIGHLIGHTS OF POST-ASSESSMENTS Engages in setting learning goals Engages in reading Engages in cooperative learning Applies meta-cognition strategies Creates/uses learning tools Engages in self-assessments of their work, what they learn, and how they learn
Fall to Spring DATA Comparisons (Most significant gains observed)
NEXT STEPS FOR THE DATA FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE SCHOOL YEAR: 1. Share the data with the School Leadership Team 2. Continue professional development with the Hattie Book Study 3. Guided Reading In-service including high-yield instructional strategies
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DURING SCHOOL YEAR 1. Continued PD on High Yield Strategies with peer observations 2. Continue focus on understanding SOLs by determining the enduring understandings 3. Focus on Balanced Literacy Program with book study: The Continuum of Literacy Learning