WELCOME TO CLASS Please sign in Please collect any graded assignments from the counter Please take the first ten minutes of class to consider your personal theory on teaching spelling and how it relates to ELLs.
AGENDA Cook Book Chapter 5 Break Cook Book Chapter 7 Review Presentation Expectations Group Time
OBJECTIVES I can evaluate my personal theory on how to teach spelling to ELLs and consider how it aligns with other educators and theorists. I will research techniques for teaching listening to ELLS. (Content) I can create a poster for a spelling rule that would assist ELLs in learning to spell after discussing rule with group. I will write a plan for how to teach listening within a content area by collaborating with similar grade level peers. (Language)
WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO TEACH SPELLING? Take 5 minutes at your tables and discuss the following questions and be ready to share in five: What spelling mistakes do your ELLs make and why? What do you do to improve your students’ spelling?
WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO TEACH SPELLING? Get in grade level groups and discuss the following questions: How does your grade level cluster teach spelling? Does it/should it look different for different grade levels? What does spelling look like for ELLs at different levels?
WHAT DOES RESEARCH SAY Keywords: Meaning based writing system: form in which written sign connects directly to the meaning (Chinese characters) Sound based writing system: form in which the written sign connects to spoken form through syllables, consonant phonemes, and vowels (Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, English) Correspondence rules: rules in sound based writing systems for connecting sounds to letters (spelling rules) Is it important for ELLs to understand English spelling rules? Why or why not?
THINGS THAT REQUIRE INSTRUCTION AND PRACTICE Students have trouble transferring various aspects of L1 to another language such as: Sound based or meaning based Direction in which writing goes on a page How to form individual letters These are all things that MUST be taught and considered when asking students to write.
INDEPENDENT RESEARCH Read pages independently highlighting key points as you read Focus question for reading: Why is learning how to spell in English so hard for so many ELLs? Be ready to discuss what the text says in 15 minutes
FIRST TURN, LAST TURN Number off in group 1-4 or ’s will share with the group one thing they highlighted and taking turns everyone in the group will comment on what that person said. 2’s will then share with the group something different they highlighted and everyone will comment on that. Repeat until everyone in group has initiated a conversation (1’s should comment last)
WHAT’S THE RULE? Your group will have 10 minutes to create a poster for your assigned spelling rule that could be hung up and used for teaching in a classroom.
SO WHAT SHOULD I TEACH? Teach English as a writing system Rules and orthographic regularities of spelling Punctuation and capitalization rules Individual spelling of frequent words and frequently misspelled words
THE ART OF LISTENING Listen to how Flowerdew and Miller (2005) describe a task based exercise for practicing listening and be ready to answer questions.
THE ART OF LISTENING How many steps are in the exercise? Do students get to practice all domains of language? What technology is used? How many times do students hear the information? How many different ways are students configured? Write your answers on a sticky or piece of scratch paper and DO NOT SHARE! Was this hard? Why or why not?
THE ART OF LISTENING TAKE TWO Now that you have listened once and know the questions, let’s listen again. Answer the questions again and see if you have different or more answers. Was it easier second time around? Why or why not?
STRATEGY BY FLOWERDEW AND MILLER 1.Teacher introduces topic and has students discuss 2.Teacher plays CD and students listen for ideas 3.Teacher plays CD AGAIN and students listen for specific information/key points 4.Students work in small groups to discuss key points 5.Students fill in a graphic organizer on key points 6.Students practice giving oral summaries of the key points from the CD with a partner How often are students HEARING information?
HOW TO LISTEN BY MARY UNDERWOOD (1989) Pre-listening: students activate their vocabulary and background knowledge While-listening: develop the skill of eliciting messages and meaning Post-listening: extensions and developing of listening task How might this look different for different levels of ELLs?
LISTENING AS THE LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE In grade level groups create a listening activity you could do while teaching a content area other than ELA. (WIDA Standard: Language of Math, Language of Social Studies, Language of Science) Be ready to explain the lesson to us in written and oral form in 20 minutes Consider what students will do before, during, and after listening, how many times will they hear the same information, and how you could formally or informally assess what they heard.
OBJECTIVES I can evaluate my personal theory on how to teach spelling to ELLs and consider how it aligns with other educators and theorists. I will research techniques for teaching listening to ELLS. (Content) I can create a poster for a spelling rule that would assist ELLs in learning to spell after discussing rule with group. I will write a plan for how to teach listening within a content area by collaborating with similar grade level peers. (Language)
GROUP TIME Review Rubric Answer Questions Final Group Time in Class
DUE DATES Presentations are next week, January 23 rd in class Personal Theory of Language Acquisition is due January 30 th (in class, MOODLE, )