WHAT CAN WE ACCOMPLISH TONIGHT? Timelines Resources Basic understanding of PDP Parts I and II—creating the plan. Overview of PDP Parts III, IV & V- implementing Reassurance-PDP relates to your job! Reassurance-the process is manageable 3
SIX MAIN STEPS-NOW, SOON, LATER PDP at a Glance 1.Reflection 2.Writing the Plan 3.(for initial Educators) Goal approval by PDP Team reviewers 4.Annual review of the plan 5.Documentation of the completed plan 6.Verification by the PDP Team (3 reviewers ) 4
TIMELINE-WHEN DO I WRITE? Now if license expires in 2016 Next spring if license expires in 2019 Now or next spring if license expires in 2017 or 2018 Now if this is year 2 in current job Next spring if you just started a new job Extend or renew your IE license if your license expires in
WHERE DO I CREATE MY PDP? ARE THEIR CHOICES? You can create a draft on YOUR COMPUTER: Download a PDP form from DPI link Final is in THE CLOUD: Complete an online PDP at 1. WECAN 2. QEI 6
Where Can I Get Other Information I need? USEFUL WEBSITES in packet WISEdash – Site to find information about your district that is required for your PDP DPI License Look-up – check your license and also check that another professional is qualified to review pdps. introduction introduction 7
WHAT IF I WANT STEP-BY-STEP HELP? SEWNTP PDP CLASSES SEWNPT- Click on PI34/PDP Support in Gray on the left to register for courses 1. EDU 584 May 6, 13, 20, 2015 SEWNTP member $ EDU 584 Online- Call Katie Kurtz at $ Annual Review: March 11, 2015, 5-7; free WEAC also has support for union members Your local CESA also provides support Fees for support services vary. 8
CLARIFICATION OF SOME TERMS Initial Educator -educator with an IE license, any teacher who has not yet completed a PDP and ADVANCED to the professional educator license Goal –sometimes means your one or two sentence statement of the plan. (Step II B) Goal -sometimes used to refer to PLAN through Step II E. PDP Team -Not really a team at all, but the 3 reviewers in specific roles who independently verify your PDP-do not need to be the same people in the beginning and end Goal Approval -three reviewers have read Step I and Step II A-E and at least two reviewers verified it met requirements. Verification - three reviewers have read the COMPLETED PDP & verified you have met the requirements. 9
PDP AT A GLANCE Ben’s plan is in the Initial Educator Toolkit which can be downloaded from DPI (currently unavailable during revisions) Now Lets Walk Through Ben’s Plan-see handout 10
STEP I: REFLECTION What does Ben do well? What does Ben feel he needs to work on the most? When was Ben thinking about his strengths and challenges? Where are YOU in the reflection process? When will YOU begin writing your plan? 11
STEP IIA. DESCRIPTION OF SITUATION What does Ben teach? 2. Where does he teach? 3. How long has he taught? 4. Is his district urban, suburban, or rural? 5. What % are minorities, SPED, low socioeconomic? 6. Is “viewing education as a lifelong journey” a building or district goal? Where did Ben get this information? Where will YOU get your information? Why does it matter to think about your district, not your class?
IIA. CHECKLIST FOR DESCRIPTION OF SCHOOL & TEACHING SITUATION 1.Describe your current teaching/pupil service or administrative situation 2.Include the number of years in the current situation 3.Describe the location of your school 4.Describe the population demographics WISEdash SITE and look at your district website 5. Include district and/or building goals 13
IIB. DESCRIPTION OF THE GOAL (2 PART STATEMENT) State what you will learn and apply to impact your growth (what will you do that you haven’t done before? Describe the effect of that growth on student learning 14
RECOMMENDED LANGUAGE FOR WRITING A GOAL Part 1: “ I will ________... Part 2: …so that students______________ 15
B. BEN’S GOAL I will learn the content… and plan a variety of lessons SO that students will engage with literature… and successfully pass assessments.. Is there new learning for Ben? Is there improved learning for kids? *See more sample goals in packet 16
BAD GOALS LEAD TO WEAK OBJECTIVES I will learn about new technologies so that I can integrate new technologies in my lessons. Better… I will learn about new technologies and implement them in my lessons so that students with varied learning needs can access the information in my lessons. I will learn writing strategies so that I can teach writing in my Spanish courses. Better… I will learn writing strategies used in English composition and ELL classrooms and implement them in my Spanish courses so that students become more effective writers in Spanish.
COME ON DOWN! LET’S TALK TURKEY! Who would like to have a PDP GOAL interview? 18
IIC. RATIONALE FOR THE GOAL - 2 PARTS Rationale pulls from all sections done so far and adds standards. In other words given your interest from your reflection, and considering your building and district’s goals and needs, explain in the rationale why are you passionate about this goal and FINALLY what are two standards that relate to the goal. 1. Reflection + Current Situation leads to goal. 2. Two of the teacher standards must be embedded (pupil services standards for counselors and psychologists) You must write out the standards that apply to your goal in the Rationale (use wording from standards) 19
IID. PLAN FOR ASSESSING THE GOAL- 2 PARTS 1. List methods to assess your growth (think of what you will know and do differently; what will change in your delivery of instruction) 2. List methods to assess the effect of the growth on student learning (student learning can be socio- emotional, behavioral, or academic) 20
ASSESSING BEN’S PLAN Read and underline Ben’s ideas to evaluate himself as he implements this plan? (How do you evaluate your professional growth?) Read and underline Ben’s ideas to evaluate student learning as he implements the plan? (What are typical ways you assess student learning?) 21
Initial/ Professional educator brings the goal statement to life by… …creating objectives, a minimum of 2 overall statements restating the goal and bridging the goal to activities that achieve… …the GOAL and reach the destination of Professional growth AND Student learning. 22 PDP as a Narrative
23 Objective 1: Your learning ActivitiesTimelineCollaborationDate Completed IIE: THE PLAN TO MEET THE GOAL Objective 2: Student learning ActivitiesTimelineCollaborationDate Completed
OBJECTIVES 1. FIRST objective restates professional growth part of goal (your knowledge & skills) Possible activities: courses, workshops, study groups, in-services, teaming with colleagues 2. SECOND objective restates student growth part of goal (student new knowledge and skills) Possible activities: new groupings, technology, strategies, lessons, assessments 3. THIRD (optional*) objective stating how you will assess & analyze data to measure effect on professional and student learning (Possible activities include assessments you create or data you collect from already available sources) *Optional because you must also do this in Part II D-the Assessment section of the PDP 24
BEN’S WRITTEN GOAL FLOWS INTO OBJECTIVES… I will learn the content of the Literature in a Diverse America Course” and plan a variety of lessons so that students will engage with literature that provides diverse perspectives and experience academic success on formal assessments. I will critically read and understand the themes/ideas in the course. I will use what I learn to create engaging lessons that will enhance my student’s knowledge. I will assess my students in both formative and summative ways. 25
ANOTHER EXAMPLE… GOAL: I will increase my knowledge of authentic assessments and develop new assessments so that my students have practice applying fitness and wellness principles to daily living. Objective 1: I will learn P.E. assessment strategies Objective 2: I will create assessments that guide my students toward authentic principles of physical fitness. Objective 3: I will gather data that allows me to analyze changes over time in the development of authentic principles of self assessment. 26
IIE-ACTIVITIES, TIMELINE, COLLABORATION OF ACTIVITIES Include activities that extend through the end of licensure cycle 5 years timeline for Initial Educator (shortened to 4 and 3 in special circumstances) 5 years for Professional Educator Include estimated timeline for activities Include collaborators on some activities 27
NEXT STEPS: YEAR 2 Select 3 PDP reviewers: 1 administrator, 1 peer, 1 IHE representative Submit PDP to team by Jan. 1 Create your PDP online at OR You often qualify for free access to WECAN through your own or school’s membership. You will not have a signed goal approval form, since this approval is done electronically. 28
HOW TO FIND A TEAM? Your school may have a list of your trained colleagues or a “review day” SEWNTP has a data base of reviewers and you may them with a request WECAN site allows you to search by name or district DPI maintains a list Reviewers can be requested as part of the online process It is your responsibility to contact reviewers in a timely fashion by phone, , or in person and ask them to review. Reviewers are not required to review. 29
GOAL APPROVAL CHECKLIST IS EMBEDDED IN PDP Goal approval is best done on-line PAST PRACTICE of paper PDP is not recommended: In If you submit your PDP to reviewers via attachment or paper, they will need to sign a paper goal approval form. It will be your responsibility to enter their reviewer information for verification only on one of the two sites: 1. 2. Keep the forms in a safe place. You may not send them to DPI—another reason to do electronic PDP 30
PARTS III, IV, IV-Pages The implementation of the plan is covered in detail at the workshop, “Annual Review and Final PDP Requirements.” March 11, 2015, 5-7 p.m. at Cardinal Stritch Foxpoint Campus 31
IMPLEMENTATION VISIT YOUR PDP OFTEN! Update your plan each spring: Record dates when activities are completed. Collect evidence of your learning and student learning-save electronically Write an Annual Review each year of implementation 32
III. ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE PDP IN YEARS 2-4 Is the responsibility of the Educator. You write each year; but all the annual reviews go to team in the last year Annual Reviews, written each spring prior to final year, include: o Reflection-how you and students grew o Revisions-substituted activities, change in teaching assignment. YOU CANNOT CHANGE GOAL. 33
IV. DOCUMENTATION OF COMPLETION OF THE PDP A. Evidence of Growth and Impact on Student Learning o Numbered, Labeled, and Described evidence B. Reflection and Summary o Growth Linked to Standards o Impact on Student Learning o Collaboration 34
35 DOCUMENTATION TIPS o Be selective. Choose quality over quantity. o Include 3-5 pieces of evidence of growth over the licensing cycle. o Include at least some evidence for each; professional growth and student learning
36 IV. DOCUMENTATION EXAMPLES Letters of recommendation Attendance at professional meetings-with reflection of what you learned Supervisory evaluations Peer evaluations Journals, diaries or published articles Action research projects and results College course work with evidence of learning Student work or assessments-formal & informal Student surveys and evaluations Photos, videos, website,
37 YOUR PDP TEAM AT VERIFICATION YEAR 5 OR LAST YEAR CHECKLIST P. 13 Contact 3 persons trained to be on a PDP Team Initial Educators: IHE, Administrator, Peer Initial Educators: IHE, Administrator, Peer Professional Educators: 3 Peers from your category Professional Educators: 3 Peers from your category PDP Verification Teams must be given access to your online PDP at the WECAN or QEI which provides: Goal approval history Goal approval history Copy of your completed PDP Copy of your completed PDP Attached pieces of your evidence (3-5 pieces) Attached pieces of your evidence (3-5 pieces) Embedded Checklist of Verification Questions Embedded Checklist of Verification Questions
PlumpDeliciousPoultry NOW AND LATER! Initial Educator ready for PDP Goal Approval Professional Educator ready for PDP Verification 38
THANK YOU FOR COMING! Contact Mary with questions you may have. 39