Technological Design Process Mr. Geesey
At the end of this presentation you should be able to… Describe the steps of the Design Process Apply the Design Process to a Design Challenge Provide detailed documentation of your journey through the design process. Objectives
-A series of steps through which anything can be designed, invented, or innovated. What is the Design Process? Define the Problem Research Ideation/ Sketches Generate Solutions Choose Best Solution Model/ Prototype Solution Testing/ Evaluation Present your Solution
Design Decide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment, or other object), typically by making a detailed drawing of it. Invention The action of creating something new or never before thought of. Ideation The process of coming up with ideas/possible solutions for the problem Innovation The action of producing new ideas, processes, or methods, for things that have already been created. STOP!! Vocabulary Check
NOT the solution What are you trying to solve? You should provide a detailed explanation of the problem. Step 1: Define the Problem
Find out as much as you can about… Previous solutions Current Market Customers Other Valuable Information Step 2: Research
When in the Ideation Stage… RECORD EVERY IDEA YOU HAVE Sketch your ideas Mind Map/ Brainstorm Doodle Drain your Brain- Then think some more Step 3: Ideation/Sketches
When Generating Solutions… Detail, Detail, Detail Minimum of 4 Solutions Combine the Problem Definition, Research, and Ideation into possible solutions Step 4: Generate Solutions
Steps 1-4 of The Technological Design Process Define the Problem Research Ideation/Sketches Generate Solutions Questions/ Comments?
The first four steps of the Design Process are? What is the Difference between Invention & Innovation? Why is it important to research before sketching solutions? What are some good ways of recording your ideas/thoughts? Review
When Choosing the Best Solution… Take into account all factors & design criteria Consider the difficulty & time involved Create a final sketch of the chosen solution detailing all of the features and materials. Step 5: Choose Best Solution
Step 6:Model/Prototype Solution When Modeling/Prototyping your solution… Decide if a Model or a Prototype is needed
Step 7:Testing/Evaluation When Testing your solution… Does it solve the problem? Any modifications needed? Now is the chance to go back and change your Design
Step 8:Present Your Solution When you present your solution… Provide a detailed explanation of the solution Why should the customer buy your solution?
Steps 5-8 of The Technological Design Process Choose Best Solution Model/ Prototype Solution Testing and Evaluation Presenting Solution Questions/ Comments?
The last four steps of the Design Process are? What is the difference between a model and a prototype Why is it important to test your solutions? What are some things to consider when choosing the best solution? Review
The Deep Dive Part 1 –Define Problem, Research, Ideation, Generate Solutions The Deep Dive Part 1 The Deep Dive Part 2 –Generate Solutions, Choose the Best Solution, Model/Prototype, Test & Evaluate The Deep Dive Part 2 The Deep Dive Part 3 –Present the Solution The Deep Dive Part 3 The Deep Dive Video