MARK YOUR CALENDARS! 4/1 Field trip permission forms were due. Contact me if you have any questions or concerns. If you are thinking of chaperoning on May 4 th, please contact the office to make sure that all of your clearances are updated and on file. Thank you. 4/4 Summer Uniform Exchange Begins 4/8 – 4/14 Spring Book Fair 4/15 No School, Teacher In-Service 4/22 Earth Day 4/28 Spring Pictures 5/2 April Reading Log Folders are due 5/4 Adventure Aquarium Field Trip 5/5 Ascension Thursday 5/8 Mother’s Day Always make sure to check our school website for additional news and upcoming events. First Grade News April 4 th – 8 th 2016 A healthy and hearty breakfast and a restful night’s sleep fuel the body for learning! As the weather begins to warm up, please remember to pack a water bottle and nutritious snack. Thank you! Happy Spring! School Supplies Please check with your child to see if they need any additional school supplies. Supplies may include a new pencil case, colored pencils, crayons, or pencils. Thank you! April is National Poetry month. I encourage you to read and discuss a variety of poetry as a family. In April, we also celebrate Earth Day. Remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle. We all have to do our part to keep our Earth green. April Showers Bring May Flowers Spring into a good book!
This Week’s Curriculum Notes Math – Chapter Eight, Time and Money. This week, we will continue to identify and count mixed coins. Please practice counting mixed coins at home for additional reinforcement. Thank you! When time allows, review addition and subtraction math facts. Replay some of the math games that have been sent home. Create double addition fact flash cards. Mastering these facts are important. We’re having a ball learning! Beach balls are an excellent way to get outside and make learning fun. Purchase a beach ball and write math facts or sight words on each stripe. Go outside and toss the ball to one another, reading the facts/word your hands land on. Reading – This week, we will read, Mister Bones: Dinosaur Hunter, from our reading textbook. Genre: Biography. Comprehension Skill: Author’s Purpose. Our reading goal this month is 15 minutes of reading, 5 days per week. I know everyone can do it! Parents - Remember to have frequent book talks with your child. A list of comprehension questions are inside your child’s reading log folder. New spring poems have been added to this month’s reading log folder. Please remember to reread our weekly decodable readers, sight words and poems to build fluency and confidents. Phonics & Spelling – This week, we will focus on long o (oa and ow), inflected endings and three-letter blends. This week’s spelling words and sight words are attached. A hard copy was sent home on Friday. Grammar & Writing – All about adjectives! Students will identify adjectives within a sentence. We will also review possessives. When reading with an adult this week, identify nouns, verbs and adjectives within a story. Religion – This week, we will continue Chapter Ten, Jesus Sends the Holy Spirit. In this chapter, we will learn that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to his followers. Social Studies and Science – This week, we will discuss ways we can reduce, reuse and recycle goods. April 22 nd is Earth Day. Discuss ways your family can go green. Have a great week! Spring into good study habits!
Spelling Words Long O: oa and ow Test Date: 4/8 boatloaf road coat snowsoap rowblow yellow pillow High-Frequency Words: oncewild Challenge Words: happiest studies triedsunnier Words to READ once wild found took mouth
Long o; oa and ow Sight Words Have your child read this week’s list of sight words to you. Add additional long o: oa and ow words to this list to challenge your child. coach poach roach broach load road toad soak cloak goal foam know bow mow blow crow grow show slow snow stow low tow thrown flown roam groan coast roast toast boat coat goat float throat boast