Safe Sandwich Making Retail Meat & Poultry Processing Training Modules Training Modules
Produced under a Cooperative Agreement from the United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) Developed by: Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Dairy and Food Inspection Division Hennepin County Environmental Health Minnesota Department of Health Minnesota Department of Health University of Minnesota Extension Service September 2004 September 2004
Topics Sandwich Types Sandwich Types Sandwich Safety Concerns Sandwich Safety Concerns Bare Hand Food Contact Alternatives Bare Hand Food Contact Alternatives Hand washing Steps Hand washing Steps Single-Use Glove Single-Use Glove Avoid Cross Contamination Avoid Cross Contamination Temperature control—cold & hot Temperature control—cold & hot Cooling Methods Cooling Methods 5 Steps to Effective Cleaning 5 Steps to Effective Cleaning Storing Wiping Cloths Storing Wiping Cloths Washing Raw Produce Washing Raw Produce Listeria Control Listeria Control Self-Service Sandwich Items Self-Service Sandwich Items Packaging & Labeling Requirements Packaging & Labeling Requirements Safe Vending Storage Safe Vending Storage
Learning Objectives 1. Identify personal hygiene practices that prevent foodborne illness. 2. List alternatives to bare hand contact with ready-to-eat food. 3. List 3 ways to prevent cross-contamination. 4. Recite cold holding and hot holding temperature requirements. 5. Explain the difference between cleaning and sanitizing. 6. Apply food safety practices to make sandwiches safely.
Sandwich Types Ready-to-Eat(RTE) Cooked
Sandwich Safety Concerns Ready-to-eat sandwiches will not have a cook step or a “kill step.” Ready-to-eat sandwiches will not have a cook step or a “kill step.” Making sandwiches may involve bare hand contact by the food handler. Making sandwiches may involve bare hand contact by the food handler. Ingredients may include raw produce such as lettuce, sprouts and tomatoes which may carry disease causing organisms. Ingredients may include raw produce such as lettuce, sprouts and tomatoes which may carry disease causing organisms.
Bare Hand Food Contact Eliminate use of bare hands where possible when handling ingredients. Eliminate use of bare hands where possible when handling ingredients. Effective hand washing is essential when bare hands are used to handle ingredients. Effective hand washing is essential when bare hands are used to handle ingredients. Glove use is one option to avoid bare hand contact with food. What are other options? Glove use is one option to avoid bare hand contact with food. What are other options?
Hand Washing Steps 1. Wet hands using warm water. 2. Apply soap. 3. Work up a soapy lather. 4. Rub lathered hands together for 20 seconds. 5. With fingernail brush, work lather under fingernails. 6. Rinse well and dry with single-use towel.
Single-use Gloves Never reuse gloves. Never reuse gloves. Always change gloves between handling raw foods and cooked or ready-to-eat foods. Always change gloves between handling raw foods and cooked or ready-to-eat foods. When do you need to change your gloves? When do you need to change your gloves? Change gloves hourly when doing the same task. Change gloves hourly when doing the same task.
Hand washing with Single-use Gloves Wash hands before and after wearing gloves. Wash hands before and after wearing gloves. Wash hands when changing to a new pair of gloves. Wash hands when changing to a new pair of gloves. Sufficient time is always needed for effective hand washing. Sufficient time is always needed for effective hand washing.
Avoid Cross Contamination Improper storage of ingredients can result in contamination. Improper storage of ingredients can result in contamination. Store ready-to-eat ingredients separate from raw ingredients. Store ready-to-eat ingredients separate from raw ingredients. Cover ready-to-eat ingredients properly. Cover ready-to-eat ingredients properly.
Raw Versus Ready-to-Eat Use separate cutting boards for raw food and ready-to-eat ingredients. Why? Use separate cutting boards for raw food and ready-to-eat ingredients. Why? Use clean and sanitized equipment for each different task. Use clean and sanitized equipment for each different task.
Temperature Control Keep hot foods hot and keep cold foods cold to control microorganism growth. Keep hot foods hot and keep cold foods cold to control microorganism growth. Pre-chilling of ingredients is a key to temperature control during some sandwich making. Pre-chilling of ingredients is a key to temperature control during some sandwich making.
Cold Holding Temperature If you are “cold holding” a sandwich ingredient, it must be stored at 41º F or below. If you are “cold holding” a sandwich ingredient, it must be stored at 41º F or below.
Hot Holding Temperature If you are “hot holding” a sandwich ingredient, it must be held at 140º F or above.
Cooling Requirements Cooked foods must be cooled: To 70 ° F or lower in 2 hours. To 70 ° F or lower in 2 hours. AND AND From 70 ° F to 41 ° F or below in 4 more hours. From 70 ° F to 41 ° F or below in 4 more hours.
Cooling Requirements Foods at room temperature must be cooled to: Foods at room temperature must be cooled to: 41 ° F or below within 4 hours.41 ° F or below within 4 hours. In summary, different handling processes may require different cooling processes. In summary, different handling processes may require different cooling processes.
Cooling Methods Shallow pans Shallow pans Separate Foods Separate Foods Rapid cooling Rapid cooling Ice Baths Ice Baths Addition of ice Addition of ice Other effective means: Other effective means: Loosely cover or uncovered if protected from overhead contaminationLoosely cover or uncovered if protected from overhead contamination
Cleaning Food Contact Surfaces Clean and sanitize slicers, choppers, and other equipment after each use, before next use. Clean and sanitize slicers, choppers, and other equipment after each use, before next use. Cleaning and sanitizing is required between raw animal species. Cleaning and sanitizing is required between raw animal species.
5 Steps to Effective Cleaning 1. Pre-clean 2. Wash 3. Rinse 4. Sanitize 5. Air dry
Cleaning Ingredient Storage Areas It is important to clean sandwich ingredient storage areas such as: It is important to clean sandwich ingredient storage areas such as: Full service display casesFull service display cases Refrigeration areasRefrigeration areas Self service display casesSelf service display cases
Cleaning Packaging Equipment Properly clean and sanitize packaging equipment and packaging areas. Properly clean and sanitize packaging equipment and packaging areas. Properly store all packaging materials to protect from contamination. Properly store all packaging materials to protect from contamination.
Storing Cleaned Equipment Store cleaned and sanitized equipment so surfaces are protected. Store cleaned and sanitized equipment so surfaces are protected. Avoid storing already cleaned and sanitized items where they may get recontaminated. Avoid storing already cleaned and sanitized items where they may get recontaminated.
Wiping Cloths Store wiping cloths in properly mixed chemical sanitizer when not in use. Store wiping cloths in properly mixed chemical sanitizer when not in use. Store wiping cloths and sanitizer in properly labeled containers when not in use. Store wiping cloths and sanitizer in properly labeled containers when not in use. Change sanitizer in container when necessary. Change sanitizer in container when necessary.
Sandwiches with Raw Produce Fresh produce must be thoroughly washed in water to reduce contaminants before use. Fresh produce must be thoroughly washed in water to reduce contaminants before use. Use a clean produce sink for this step. Use a clean produce sink for this step.
Raw Produce Washing If chemicals are used in the washing step, the final step must be a rinse with water to remove residues as much as possible. If chemicals are used in the washing step, the final step must be a rinse with water to remove residues as much as possible.
Pre-washed Produce Ingredients Pre-washed produce must be prepared and stored safely Pre-washed produce must be prepared and stored safely
Fresh Ingredients Do not exceed the manufacturer’s use-by- date for each ingredient such as ready-to-eat deli meats. Do not exceed the manufacturer’s use-by- date for each ingredient such as ready-to-eat deli meats. Do not combine “old” sandwich items with “new” ones. Do not combine “old” sandwich items with “new” ones. Some prepared sandwich items held more than 24 hours, may require date marking. Some prepared sandwich items held more than 24 hours, may require date marking.
Transportation Properly protect sandwiches while being transported to prevent any environmental contamination. Properly protect sandwiches while being transported to prevent any environmental contamination. Provide proper temperature control for sandwiches while in transport. Provide proper temperature control for sandwiches while in transport.
Listeria Concerns 95% of individuals who are infected with Listeria monocytogenes are hospitalized 95% of individuals who are infected with Listeria monocytogenes are hospitalized This disease is the leading cause of death from a foodborne illness This disease is the leading cause of death from a foodborne illness
Listeria Control in Sandwich Making Listeria is a microorganism that is associated with ready-to-eat sandwich ingredients. Listeria is a microorganism that is associated with ready-to-eat sandwich ingredients. Clean and sanitize to eliminate Listeria. Clean and sanitize to eliminate Listeria.
Listeria Controls Effective and frequent cleaning process. Effective and frequent cleaning process. Cleaning “Flow” Cleaning “Flow” Effective sanitizer use. Effective sanitizer use. Safe product storage. Safe product storage.Area How Often EquipmentDaily DrainsDaily GarbageDaily WallsWeekly FloorsWeekly CoolersMonthly Drip Pans Monthly FreezersTwice/year
Environmental Sources of Listeria Contaminated equipment Contaminated equipment Raw product and ingredients Raw product and ingredients Air Air Water Water Sewage Sewage Pests Pests People People Dirt/soil Dirt/soil
Facility Sources of Listeria Floors Floors Drains Drains Moisture from cooling units Moisture from cooling units Cleaning Tools Cleaning Tools Walls Walls Ceilings Ceilings Hollow equipment parts Hollow equipment parts Slicers/Dicers Slicers/Dicers Underside of conveyors Underside of conveyors
More Facility Sources of Listeria Knives/Holders Knives/Holders Air ducts Air ducts Refrigerated areas Refrigerated areas Wooden Pallets Wooden Pallets Cracks in storage equipment Cracks in storage equipment Movable equipment Movable equipment Maintenance tools Maintenance tools
Self-Service Sandwich Displays Food handlers should minimize bare hand contact with ready-to- eat food. Food handlers should minimize bare hand contact with ready-to- eat food. Instruct consumers to use utensils provided for handling condiments by posting signs. Instruct consumers to use utensils provided for handling condiments by posting signs.
Self-Service Sandwich Condiments Monitor temperatures of condiment display units. Monitor temperatures of condiment display units. Condiments such as ketchup may be individual packages. Condiments such as ketchup may be individual packages. Bulk ingredients must be filled and dispensed to prevent contamination. Bulk ingredients must be filled and dispensed to prevent contamination.
Cleaning Self Service Sandwich Displays Clean and sanitize at least every 4 hours: Clean and sanitize at least every 4 hours: UtensilsUtensils TongsTongs Food contact surfaces—counter tops, cutting boardsFood contact surfaces—counter tops, cutting boards What else?What else?
Consumer Reheat of Sandwiches Clean and sanitize microwave as needed. Clean and sanitize microwave as needed. Make sure sandwich labels include proper reheat instructions. Make sure sandwich labels include proper reheat instructions.
Labeling Prepackaged Sandwiches Product identity Product identity Complete ingredients and possibly nutrition facts Complete ingredients and possibly nutrition facts Address information of manufacturer Address information of manufacturer Net weight Net weight
Labeling Prepackaged Sandwiches Continued Quality assurance dating for the consumer and for proper rotation with prepackaged product. Quality assurance dating for the consumer and for proper rotation with prepackaged product. Lot coding/production dates for recall purposes. Lot coding/production dates for recall purposes. Consumer reheat instructions for immediate consumption if applicable. Consumer reheat instructions for immediate consumption if applicable.
Safe Vending Storage Good sanitation and servicing practices are key to safe products. Good sanitation and servicing practices are key to safe products. When loading, keep product out of refrigerator for as short a time as possible. When loading, keep product out of refrigerator for as short a time as possible. Rotate product so that quality assurance dates are not exceeded. Rotate product so that quality assurance dates are not exceeded.
Vending Storage of Sandwiches Machine must have easily readable thermometers. Machine must have easily readable thermometers. Maintain cold foods at 41°F or below and hot foods at 140°F or above. Maintain cold foods at 41°F or below and hot foods at 140°F or above. Some machines may have automatic shutoff. Some machines may have automatic shutoff.
General Vending Condiments—individual or dispensers. Condiments—individual or dispensers. All food must be properly labeled. All food must be properly labeled. Only a properly working machine can vend a safe product. Only a properly working machine can vend a safe product.
Summary for Safety Ready-to-Eat (RTE) sandwiches do not have a “kill step” or a cook step. Ready-to-Eat (RTE) sandwiches do not have a “kill step” or a cook step. 5 step cleaning process of equipment is needed for thorough cleaning. 5 step cleaning process of equipment is needed for thorough cleaning. Controls includes effective employee hygiene, safe use of single-use gloves and safe ingredient storage. Controls includes effective employee hygiene, safe use of single-use gloves and safe ingredient storage. The food handling process must control microorganisms such as Listeria. The food handling process must control microorganisms such as Listeria.
Wrap-Up Do you have any questions? Do you have any questions? What information was new? What information was new? How will you apply what you learned today? How will you apply what you learned today? Posttest Posttest