OP – Workshop 2014 BI-SIS18 Piotr Kowina für LOBI - Abteilung aufbereitet für Operating ckw.


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Presentation transcript:

OP – Workshop 2014 BI-SIS18 Piotr Kowina für LOBI - Abteilung aufbereitet für Operating ckw

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop 2014 Outline 2 New position of several Beam Instrumentation (BI) components within SIS18 Lattice New BI electronics NEW DAQ New Software Beam Instrumentation is not only hardware and software – it is also an INTERPRETATION and UNDERSTANDING: new ways of data analysis and extraction of beam parameter Wahl der Mittel Kombination der Diagnostik für korrektes Einstellung Erarbeiten von routine Einstellprozeduren bei verschiedenen Strahlen

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop 2014 Diagnosequipment 3 S09 DT_ML alter standard Trafo Radio schmalband Intensitätsmonitoring S09 DT_S schneller Trafo für Injektion S01 DT_ML hochstromfester Trafo von Bergoz S01 DT_FP schneller Trafo von Bergoz ( FTC ) S12 DG first Turn Gitter S12 DP_X Sonden mit großer Bandbreite in 50 Ohm S03 DI PH/V Restgasmonitor (IPM) Sxx DX Positionsonden TOPOS Schmalbandmessung im ELR (Analogsignal) S01 BO_x BTF TOPOS Schottky Energiematching etc. S06 DF Ausschussleuchtarget TE1 DT1 Trafo schnelle Extraktion ABLASS Verlustmonitor Vacuum Druckmessung

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop 2014  Loaded current transformer I sec = 1/N · I beam  Inductance of a torus of μ r  Goal of Torus: Large inductance L and guiding of field lines. Definition: U = L · dI/dt 4 Beam Current Measurement using Transformer  Beam current of N charges with velocity   cylindrical symmetry → only azimuthal component Example: 1 μA, r = 10cm  2 pT, earth B = 50  T Idea: Beam as primary winding and sense by sec. winding. I beam v out R Torus to guide the magnetic field A voltages is measured: U = R · I sec = R /N · I beam ≡ S · I beam with S sensitivity [V/A], equivalent to transfer function or transfer impedance Z

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop The DC Transformer  Modulation without beam: typically about 1 kHz to saturation → no net flux  Modulation with beam: saturation is reached at different times, → net flux  Net flux: double frequency than modulation  Feedback: Current fed to compensation winding for larger sensitivity  Two magnetic cores: Must be very similar.

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop Specification of Bergoz type DCCT: 6 S07 DT_ML and DT_FP Transformers -> Sector S01

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop 2014 New DAQ for FCT 7 Fast Current Transformer (FCT) has extremely wide bandwidth 9 kHz < f < 650 MHz 50 Windings resolution 1V/A in 50 Ohm ~30 μA for FCT with 500 MHz bandwidth upper pulse current limit 1000 A max. rms current 25 A FCT installed in same shield as DCCT DCCT Exemplary realization at GSI FCT signal was amplified by 20 dB (miteq AM-1422) and digitized a 500 Ms/s ADC via ~100m HQ coax cable

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop Ref.: O. Chorniy (BI) GSI Darmstadt Longitudinal signal from Capacitive Pickup Longitudinal signal from Fast Current Transformer Capacitive Pickup Vs. FCT For longitudinal diagnostics use FCT – it has much better resolution!

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop 2014 Longitudinal Bunch Diagnostics using FCT 9 Exemplary observation of RF capture over the full acceleration cycle at GSI SIS18 Synchrotron

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop 2014 Longitudinal Bunch Diagnostics using FCT 10 4:2:1 Bunch Merging at SIS18 Synchrotron H. Klingbeil, U. Hartel, et al. (GSI/RF) Cycle time

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop 2014 RF Capture at Different Beam Intensities 11 Measurement at GSI SIS18 Synchrotron Main beam parameters: Ion type: Ar 18+ Energy: 11.4 MeV/u RF ramping time: 3 ms O. Chorniy (GSI/BI)

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop 2014 RF Capture at Different RF Ramp 12 GSI SIS18 Synchrotron, Ar 18+, constant energy 11.4 MeV /u, Ion Intensity 2x10 10 part/cycle fast RF capture (1 ms) slow RF capture (20 ms) O. Chorniy (GSI/BI)

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop NEW IPM installed in S03

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop IPM: Magnet Design for SIS18 Design by G. de Villiers (iThemba Lab), T. Giacomini (GSI) Maximum image distortion: 5% of beam width   B/B < 1 % Challenges:  High B-field homogeneity of 1%  Clearance up to 500 mm  Correctors required to compensate beam steering  Insertion length 2.5 m incl. correctors  read-out on  1  s turn-by-turn scale by multi-anode photo-multiplier Magnetic field for electron guidance: Corrector 480mm Corrector Horizontal IPM Vertical IPM Insertion length 2.5 m 300mm Compensation scheme:

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop 2014 Ionization Profile Monitor: Principle 15 Advantage: ‘4  -detection scheme’ for ionization products Detection scheme:  Secondary e - or ions accelerated by E-field electrodes & side strips E  50… 300 kV/m  MCP (Micro Channel Plate) electron converter & fold amplifier  either wire array down to mm pitch  high time resolution  or Phosphor screen & CCD  high spatial resolution of 100  m Signal strength scales with energy-loss dE/ dx  1/E for SIS parameters CCD Phosphor MCP 2 MCP 1 Light Electrons Channels  10  m Residual gas ion Ion beam

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop 2014 Signal Strength for IPM Target electron density: Proportional to vacuum pressure  1/E kin (for E kin > 1GeV nearly constant) Strong dependence on projectile charge for ions A Zp Physics: Energy loss of hadrons in gas dE/dx  Profile determination from residual gas  Ionization: about 100 eV/ionization pc [GeV] Proton energy loss in mbar N 2 using SRIM ion source LINAC, cyclotron synchrotron Ionization probability proportional to dE/dx by Bethe-Bloch formula: 16

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop Example: U 73+ beam at GSI for intensity increase s tacking by electron cooling and acc  400 MeV/u IPM: Observation of Cooling and Stacking Task for IPM:  Observation of cooling  Emittance evaluation during cycle | 5 injections + cooling | | acc. | horizontal IPM: Profile recording every 10 ms measurement within one cycle.

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop New BTF Exciter Old position of the Combined KO/BTF Exciter in Sector S07 New position of separated KO and BTF Exciters in Sector S01 KO-exciter (HOR) BTF-exciter (VER) BTF-exciter (HOR) KO and BTF exciters are now mechanically separated. Vertical part of KO-exciter was exchanged with new developed BTF exciter consisting of two separated parts for VER. and HOR plane. The length is the half of those for KO- exciters.

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop 2014 Tune and BTF Measurement 19 Generator spectrum (short region around expected tune is excited) Part of the GUI in GSI control room

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop New BTF Electronics Old 25 W amplifiers and control electronics installed in SIS18 tunnel New 50 W amplifiers in ELR 50 W BTF Amps. 25 W BTF Amps. 400 W KO Amp. (now moved to BG 16 [SIS-HF[ )

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop 2014 Tune Measurement 21 Generator spectrum (short region around expected tune is excited) 21 (HKR, Rack 74 & 75)

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop 2014 Tune Measurement Using Position Data 22 Hor. Ver. Hor. Ver. Tune (at given time) Beam Position Tune over the cycle Tune on the tune diagram TOPOS= Tune Orbit POsition System at GSI SIS18

OP – Workshop 2014 Schottkydiagnostik

OP – Workshop 2014 ABLASS

P. Kowina, Strahldiagnose-Umbauten OP – Workshop 2014 Strategien & Konzepte 25 S09 DT_ML alter standard Trafo Radio schmalband Intensitätsmonitoring S09 DT_S schneller Trafo für Injektion S01 DT_ML hochstromfester Trafo von Bergoz S01 DT_FP schneller Trafo von Bergoz ( FTC ) S12 DG first Turn Gitter S12 DP_X Sonden mit großer Bandbreite in 50 Ohm S03 DI PH/V Restgasmonitor (IPM) Sxx DX Positionsonden TOPOS Schmalbandmessung im ELR (Analogsignal) S01 BO_x BTF TOPOS Schottky Energiematching etc. S06 DF Ausschussleuchtarget TE1 DT1 Trafo schnelle Extraktion ABLASS Verlustmonitor Vacuum Druckmessung Lebensdauermessung

OP – Workshop 2014 Thank you for your attention