live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: B RIDGING THE G AP : JWCC’ S S TAFF AND F ACULTY C OMMUNITIES A Presentation By: Jill Hart, Web Administrator Tiffany Taylor, Portal/SSB (Banner) Administrator
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: Fast Facts Fall 2011 Faculty & Staff: Full-time Faculty: 56 Associate and Part-time Faculty: 202 Full-time Staff: 131 Part-time Staff: 19 Fall 2011 Students: Enrollment: 2,390 PORTAL Accounts: approximately 6000
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: L EGACY I NTRANET Built on FrontPage and classic ASP using multiple Access databases Clunky and cumbersome to manage Not in line with the college’s new image Everybody saw everything – not role-based
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: No SSO to services Document Center was hard-coded links Every department had access to see every item
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: O UR P LAN Utilize myCampus and SSO technology Build upon the Communities and Roles in myCampus (portlets and pages) Integrate and re-use portlets across multiple communities Eliminate one more system to maintain
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: W HO IS I NVOLVED ? Staff Communities built per service area/per department Ever growing Faculty Learning Center (CETL) for faculty Faculty Senate soon
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: QuickLaunch on left on every page Quick Links added to QuickLaunch Kept the same tabs across the top Interior tabs have additional right column menus specific to their area. N EW N AVIGATION
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: Easy access to Magna Mentor videos eCollege Tip of the Week Links to library database, categorized for faculty Help for online instructors, including Mentor videos On-Campus Programs “Admin” role utilized for CETL committee F ACULTY L EARNING C ENTER A DDED
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: Problem: We have content in our Intranet that can be accessed by faculty and staff, but students also need access, without duplicating effort. Solution: We can’t give access to students to our intranet, so we created a second community and granted permission to students, staff and faculty. The required content was then pulled into the intranet community.
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: Web content display portlets made this easy. Content was created in Campus Police community. Descriptive page titles made the relevant content easier to find later
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: In the intranet community, we added web content display portlets and used “Select Web Content” to pull in what we already had in the Campus Police Community.
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: Problem: Faculty want to be able to watch Mentor videos on or off campus, without checking out the Magna Mentor CD from the library Solution: First we had to figure out how these videos could be watched on the portal. We knew that the portal could not host videos, but because of licensing, we couldn’t upload them to YouTube. When we started looking through the CDs, we discovered everything we needed was on the CD.
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: The video player was built in Silverlight and saved into a HTML file. We created a new site on an IIS web server. Each video has its own folder on the server. Since everything was on the disc, no extra development was required
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: In the portal, a group of pages were created in the CETL community, one page per video. Pages are of type “URL” The page linked directly to the video player e.g. The video is then ready to be viewed by faculty
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: L IVE D EMONSTRATION CETL Mentor Videos Tip of the Week On-Campus Programs …and others! Intranet Document Center Water Cooler Campus Police …and others!
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: B LAZER N ET D EMONSTRATION Live Presentation Happens Here
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: R OADMAP Intranet Create a role for certain users to update their own documents or content, and train these users Turn frequently used document sections into template/structure so it will be easier to update with new documents
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: R OADMAP CONTINUED CETL Switch Mentor videos to a pseudo-SSO, no longer require another login to view them Making the community uniform with Intranet Add template/structure for the commonly updated pages to make it easier
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: S UMMARY Eliminated a legacy system Ever-growing communities New PR-driven branding in place One stop shop to all JWCC Online Services Ease of Navigation (Quick Launch & Launch Pad) Reuse of portlets across communities
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: Q UESTIONS AND C ONTACT Contact Information Tiffany Taylor - Portal/Self-Service Banner Administrator