OPERATION SYNERGY Los Alamitos, California March 2004
Objective Demonstrate integration and interactions of Federal, state, and local response management to a nuclear / radiological emergency response.
Participants DHS DOE –Bechtel Nevada –LANL –LLNL (NARAC) –SNL –RAP FBI CA State Dept. of Health CA State OES Local LA County Local Orange County A-Team EPA NRC
Scenario The Secretary of Homeland Security and the FBI report an unknown terrorist group has targeted the Los Angeles area for attack.
Inject 1 Shipment of radioactive transport was hijacked en route from Hanford Reservation to the Nevada Test Site. –70 kCi of Cs-137 and 150 kCi of Sr-90 Terrorist hotel room raid in Tijuana, Mexico reveals RDD bomb plans & maps of Southern California. Federal Response – DHS, FBI & DOE State Response - California Local Response – Los Angeles County
Inject 2 What Federal Plan are we operating under? If bomb blows up, who is LFA? What is position on Public Affairs? What is position on special events? What are you going to do with bomb if you find it? What are the resources available for this problem?
Inject call. Explosion in Stanton Park. Fire chief reports gamma radiation News helo begins circling. Shows dead bodies on the ground. Federal Response – DHS, FBI & DOE State Response - California Local Response – Los Angeles County
NARAC Prediction
Inject 3 continued Who is responding? What are you telling the Governor, mayors, councilmen, President, press? What are the rules of evidence collection?
Inject 4 Simultaneous radiation hit on source found in storage facility. What to do? Lease is under a false name. Press overhears on radio and reports radiation dispersal device found in Los Angeles U-Rent-Em Storage Facility. Federal Response – DHS, FBI & DOE State Response - California Local Response – Los Angeles County Who will pick it up? Who will dispose of it? What do you need to cut lock? Should we evacuate? Owners of facility – who is paying for damage?
Inject 5 FBI apprehends terrorists. Lone insurgent. Focus all attention on consequence management activities.
Data Product
Inject 7 Issues: Population Affected: 200,000 Dead Bodies in Highly Contaminated Area Collapsed school nearby with 2 people trapped in building. Hospitals / doctors saturated with worried well Pets in evacuated area Agriculture – see next slide
Ingestion Pathway Plume
Lessons Learned Several instances of players dismissing of problems. Crisis to Consequence Management is a complicated process not practiced enough. Intensity of public officials, press, and public demands cannot be simulated. More Synergy Type Exercises are Needed in Major Metropolitan Areas.
Ground Truth