The NPR Assignment Everything is online off course web page List of papers: –Choose one –First to me gets the paper –Some pairings of tightly related papers Also copies outside my door (6387) I have some videos and proceedings
Computer -Generated Watercolor Semi-physical model of watercolor painting Includes many effects and a little lesson on transmission through layers
Computer-Generated Pen and Ink Illustration of Trees The title says it all From this year’s SIGGRAPH
A Non-Photorealistic Lighting Model for Automatic Technical Illustration Defines a lighting model that results in images shaded for technical understanding Companion paper about how to do it interactively
Paint by Numbers: Abstract Image Representations The first paper, by a long way
Painterly Rendering with Curved Brush Strokes of Multiple Sizes Produces images that look painted in various styles Companion paper about applying the process to video and interactive settings
Illustrating Smooth Surfaces Pen and ink Focused largely on the operations that must be performed on the surfaces to prepare for artistic rendering
Art-based Rendering of Fur, Grass and Trees Looks like Dr Seuss Raises many issues with animating stylized renderings Companion paper that fixes most of the problems
Processing Images and Video for an Impressionist Effect Title says it all Resulted in an Electronic Theatre video First to manage video
Painterly Rendering for Animation Seminal paper on animating stylized rendering Has spawned many class projects
Digital Facial Engraving Completely different: Produces images that look like printed engravings
Computer-Generated Pen and Ink Illustration Seminal paper Focus on architectural pen and ink illustrations Several companion papers
Issues to Address in Your Talk What is the target style? Single image? Animation? Photos/Video? 3d Model? Interactive? Good things? Bad things? Details about one or two problems they had to solve
Giving Your Talk Aim for 30 minutes or less Heuristically, one slide lasts for two minutes Color slides are possible Passing a book or image around might be easier Talk to me if you want video
Grading Approximately 20% of your grade Based on: –How well you convey the essence of the paper –How well you appear to understand the contents Feel free to talk to me about your presentation before you give it I’ll try to give feedback - this will be a learning experience