WGISS Working Group for Information Systems & Services Andrew Mitchell NASA– WGISS chair WGISS-41 Canberra – Australia 14 th March – 18 th March 2016 Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Chair Summary
WGISS 41 GA/CSIRO, Canberra, Australia 14 th – 18 th March 2016 Thank You for a productive meeting!
WGISS 41 GA/CSIRO, Canberra, Australia 14 th – 18 th March 2016 CEOS Work Plan CARB – The CEOS Carbon Subgroup (recommended in Carbon-Action-38) will develop guidelines for appropriate data use of satellite data and data products. This will require improved interaction between the carbon cycle community and the satellite community; comprehensive review of the current use of data products, including current data limitations; and reconciliation of methodological differences and spatial compatibility. Such interactions may include co-sponsorship of joint workshops targeting specific data needs and investment in community product assessments, especially for key in comparison exercises. WGISS and WGCV will present jointly at the 31 st CEOS SIT Meeting (April 19-20) how the two WGs are performing an analysis of the Carbon Action Items in order sufficiently address them. WGCV WGISS Joint Activities
WGISS 41 GA/CSIRO, Canberra, Australia 14 th – 18 th March 2016 Support Metadata Requirements for Quality (Quality fields) Review and comment on GEOSS Data Quality Requirements (DDQ - Documentation on Data Quality) Include validation metrics (possibly calibration metrics and sensor performance indicator) Make the reference to validation guidelines into the metadata information Develop a White Paper on Recommendations for improving Data Quality in Metadata Develop Best Practices on Data Reprocessing – including current and future practices (i.e on-demand ARD Processing) WGCV WGISS Joint Activities
WGISS 41 GA/CSIRO, Canberra, Australia 14 th – 18 th March 2016 DATA-7: Study on future data architectures The study, delivering on an initiative of the 2016 CEOS Chair, will examine: Relevant initiatives and plans being undertaken by CEOS and related agencies. Lessons from early prototype activities underway with the governments of Kenya and Columbia. Key issues and opportunities resulting from trends towards Big Data, Analysis Ready Data, etc. The study will make recommendations on the way forward for CEOS and its Agencies, including in relation to standardization, interoperability, and how CEOS priorities might benefit from their implementation. Status report at SIT-31. Review of relevant CEOS & agency activities & ambitions [Individual sections as appropriate - CSIRO as compiler] ARD, USGS [AL, TC, ??] [Reviewers: AvB] Data Cube & Pilot Projects [AL, RW, BK] SDCG Global Data Flows Study [GF] ESA TEP, Big Data [MA?] Data Hubs, inc Copernicus [AL,...] - EC did work on "Copernicus dissemination platforms and Big Data", where they might have inputs to the paper (TBC Daniel Quintard) Op met agencies eg EUMETSAT WGISS efforts on Big Data & Cloud Computing [AM]WGISS efforts on Big Data & Cloud Computing [AM] JAXA material goes here [TC] Provide Technology Exploration Interest Group summary on past discussions of Big Data and Cloud Computing. CEOS Work Plan
WGISS 41 GA/CSIRO, Canberra, Australia 14 th – 18 th March 2016 Analysis Ready Data – Enabling Analytics for the masses! WGISS will work with the SEO, WGCV and LSI on defining the ARD definition and enable discovery of ARD data to directly support Data Cube implementations. Will provide guidelines for the metadata for ARD to ensure the information needed to describe a measurement is available. Focusing on GFOI and GEOGLAM. ARD and Data Cubes
Additional Additional WGISS Support Needed GDGEOSS Development and GCI Operations GD-01Advancing GEOSS Data Sharing principles GD-02GCI Operations (including access to Knowledge) GD-03Global Observing and Information Systems (new) (includes systems like WIGOS. GCOS; …. And reference datasets) GD-04GEONETCast Development and Operations GD-05GEOSS Satellite Earth Observation Resources (includes advocacy for continuity) GD-06GEOSS in situ Earth Observation Resources (includes inclusion of citizens’ observatories) (includes advocacy for continuity) GD-07GCI Development (includes development of Data Management guidelines) GD-08SBAs processes: Systematic determination of user needs / observational gaps GD-09Knowledge Base development GD-10Radio-frequency protection GD-11Utilization of Communication Networks CDCommunity Development CD-01Capacity Building coordination CD-02Reinforcing engagement at national and regional level CD-03Assess the benefits from EOs and of their socio-economic value SOSecretariat Operations SO-01Management and Support SO-02Communication and Engagement SO-03Monitoring and Evaluation SO-04Resources Mobilization
Current Architecture for WGISS Assets 8
Unified Architecture for WGISS Assets 9 CEOS Systems Supporting WGISS Interoperability Standards
WGISS 41 GA/CSIRO, Canberra, Australia 14 th – 18 th March 2016 FUTURE Tech. Expo Webinars 1.Big Data, HPC and Cloud Computing a.What CEOS needs? CEOS Challenges b.Distributed data centers c.Data processing (incl, Data cube) d.Data distribution e.Data Analysis f.API and use of standards (quality judgment scheme, may be with WGCV) g.Network (bandwidth, application) h.Advantages and disadvantages 2.Searching for free satellite data from CEOS agencies a.In suitable forms (related to FAD) 3.GCMD/IDN Keywords – what are they, how to add to these lists
WGISS 41 GA/CSIRO, Canberra, Australia 14 th – 18 th March Search Relevancy for Collection searches 5.Data Quality (may be with WGCV) a.ISO? 6.Semantics a.Augmentation of meta data 7.Visualization of Data a.Web-based visualization b.Volume rendering c.Tiling d.Augmented Reality 8.Using authentication/SSO 9.Metrics of usage, metrics of datasets 10.Crowd Sourcing FUTURE Tech. Expo Webinars
WGISS 41 GA/CSIRO, Canberra, Australia 14 th – 18 th March 2016 Thesaurus (EO keywords) Interoperability of : Metrics User Requirements User Profiles Metadata Model Metadata Catalog that supports the CEOS Handbook Additional New Initiatives
WGISS 41 GA/CSIRO, Canberra, Australia 14 th – 18 th March 2016
WGISS 41 GA/CSIRO, Canberra, Australia 14 th – 18 th March 2016