- The eSafety Label EMINENT 2014 Jan De Craemer
- The challenges schools face 2
- Assessment at 3 levels : –Infrastructure: back-up, data protection, access rights management,… –Policy: AUP, staff policy, incident handling,… –Practice: curriculum, staff training,… Accreditation: an eSafety label personalized workplan Access to specific resoures The eSafety Label for schools and teachers What it is
- Improved accreditation workflow with online Assessment Form, notification and immediately downloadable Action Plan. 10 questions per Assessment Form –POLICY: AUP, incident handling procedure, role of the ICT-coordinators, in-service training, social media policy password management… –INFRASTRUCTURE: back-up, anti-malware, removable hardware, use of mobile phones… –PRACTICE: teaching e-safety, cyberbullying approach, info sessions for parents… School profile page with Label obtained Label “embed” code for schools to display on their website eSafety Label : Basic Features
- Resources area both national and international (through LRE) Fact sheets, templates and glossary User-friendly website & community area including forum, poll, member list, and profile pages. An Incident handling report, which will lead to valuable insights and a better school support. Evidence upload School comparison graph, in which a school can identify its strengths visually and also compare itself to other schools. eSafety Label : Extra Features
- Supported by Industry, MoE, National Organisations 15 languages supported: –bs,cs,de,en,el,es,et,fi,hr,hu,nl,ro,pt,sr ~1000 registered users ~350 Assessment Forms completed > pupils reached Teachers from 22 countries use the platform eSafety Label : Some facts
- Ready for roll-out More countries More languages Development/management All info: next steps