Commuter Rail Studies Summary of MAG High Capacity Transit Study June 2003 Commuter Rail Summary
Commuter Rail Studies Comparison of Rail Technology and Peer Systems Comparison
Commuter Rail Studies High Capacity Transit Alternatives
Commuter Rail Studies Los Angeles Metrolink Inland Empire Orange County San Diego Coaster San Jose Altamont Commuter Express 59 Miles43 Miles82 Miles 11 Stations8 Stations10 Stations Started 1995 Started ,900 Daily Riders 4,300 Daily Riders 8,200 Daily Riders Commuter Rail Detailed Review
Commuter Rail Studies MAG Region Rail Status
Commuter Rail Studies No Existing Signal System MAX Speed: 49 MPH 100 Foot Right-of-Way 4-5 Trains Daily BNSF: Existing Conditions
Commuter Rail Studies Existing Freight Operations Limit Passenger Operation Right-of-Way is Suitable for Second Track Upgrades/Changes Desired for Implementing Commuter Rail New Signals Second Track Lengthen Sidings Reduce Main Track Switching Activity BNSF: Commuter Rail Potential
Commuter Rail Studies Main Track is Signalized MAX Speeds: 15 to 60 MPH 100 Foot Right-of-Way 6 Daily Trains UP: Existing Conditions
Commuter Rail Studies Requires Coordination of Schedules with Freight Traffic Future Upgrades: Replace Signal Systems Upgrade Rails Replace Ties Industrial Branches Require: Signals Protected Grade Crossings UP Commuter Rail Potential
Commuter Rail Studies Ownership Agency Purchases Rail Line Agency Leases Rights Freight/Passenger Capacity Conflicts Scheduling Dispatching Track Capacity Enhancements Grade Crossings Noise Impacts Track Noise and Whistle Noise Operational Issues
Commuter Rail Studies Capital Needs Track Enhancements Stations Rolling Stock Station Impacts Traffic Issues Governance Structures Local Transit Agency Joint Powers Authority Regional Planning Agency Operational Issues (cont.)
Commuter Rail Studies Phase 1 Service 3 Peak Period Trains, inbound a.m., outbound p.m. Phase 3 Service 15 minute peak service inbound 30 minute peak service outbound Off-peak service (30 to 60 minute frequency) Reverse commute Intermediate phasing will vary by corridor, ridership, funding Commuter Rail
Commuter Rail Studies Commuter Rail Phasing Corridor & Phase Capital Cost (millions of 2002 $) Annual Operating Cost with Locomotive (millions of 2002 $) Total Daily Ridership (2040) BNSF PH 1$353.48$4.906,391 BNSF PH 3$741.64$ ,145 UP Southeast PH 1 $282.88$3.052,235 UP Southeast PH 3 $608.84$17.506,471 UP Yuma PH 1$190.28$3.604,722 UP Yuma PH 3$471.67$ ,034
Commuter Rail Studies Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Subsidy per Passenger Source: Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) FY 2005 Business Plan FY 02 – FY 04 = Actual; FY 05B = Budget; FY 06P = Projected
Commuter Rail Studies Commuter rail study update Review of peer commuter rail systems Rail conditions & operations Statewide and region Freight Ridership projections Capital & operating costs Implementation steps
Commuter Rail Studies Possible Next Steps Coordinate with ADOT on statewide strategy. Commuter rail Freight issues Convene regional stakeholders. Develop draft scope of work to update commuter rail study. Issue RFP and select consultant. July 2007 begin work.
Commuter Rail Studies Dallas Trinity Railway Express Source: Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) FY 2005 Business Plan FY 02 – FY 04 = Actual; FY 05B = Budget; FY 06P = Projected
Commuter Rail Studies Dallas Trinity Railway Express Key Performance Indicators Source: Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) FY 2005 Business Plan FY 02 – FY 04 = Actual; FY 05B = Budget; FY 06P = Projected
Commuter Rail Studies Dallas Trinity Railway Express FY 2005 Cost Model