What do you know about guide dogs Guide dogs Guide dog puppies
What are guide dogs? Guide dogs are dogs that help blind people [people that can’t see]find their way around places such as the parks and train stations. Guide dogs are highly trained working dogs.
What Guide dogs do Guide dogs are assistance dogs trained to lead blind and visually impaired people around obstacles.assistance dogsblindvisually impaired Although the dogs can be trained to navigate various obstacles, they are partially (red– green) colour blind and are not capable of interpreting street signs. The human half of the guide dog team does the directing, based upon skills acquired through previous mobility training. The handler might be likened to an aircraft's navigator, who must know how to get from one place to another, and the dog is the pilot, who gets them there safely.colour blindstreet signshuman
Sight loss Sight loss will increase by 18% from 2002 to People who are blind will sometimes need a guide dog if they are mobile. They won’t if they are immobile.
Working Dogs Guide dogs are working dogs so please do not pet them or feed them human food as they are at work. Guide dogs are not the only disability dogs. There are also hearing dogs, guide dogs and many others.
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