The Railway Children E. Nesbit Tziliel Giterman 8 th Grade
Main Characters Main Characters Roberta The oldest girl, and the smartest. Peter 10 years old, always wanted to be the boss. Phyllis The youngest girl.
Summary "The Railway Children" is about three kids: Roberta, She is the oldest and the cleverest. Then there is a boy, Peter And the little Phyllis, she is the youngest. They live with their mother and father in a house near the city, and they have everything. Expensive toys close and etc. Until one day that two men came to take their father to jail for 5 years, they thought he was a spy.
The family moved into another house away from the city. Below the house were the railway line, a big bridge and dark tunnel. Later the children met the station master and Perks, he worked at the railway and they become good friends. Summary
. They very miss they're father so one day they decided to wave to the people in the train so they could pass their love to their father that was in the city. And in the train was only one old man that waved to them back. Week later the children saved a boy that fell down on the Railway and hurt in his foot. Summary
Apparently that old man that waved to them on the train was the grandfather of the boy that the children saved. The old man asked them if he can reward them, and Roberta told him about her father. Day later the train came exactly at the usual time, and the children came to wave the people, and then all the people waved back to them! The old man wasn't at the train on that day, But their father came instead! Summary
The story has happy end, when the old man helps the children to release their father from the jail and he come back home to his wife and his children. How did the story end?
Hope you enjoyed