Samuel F.B. Morse Messages sent over wire Messages were able to be sent far quicker than mail or the Pony Express
Elias Howe Revolutionized the way that clothes are made in homes and factories
Henry Bessemer Process for purifying iron, resulting in strong, but lightweight steel Led to construction of skyscrapers, suspension bridges, etc.
Elisha Otis Develops a mechanism that prevents elevator cars from suddenly falling
Edwin Drake Found in Titusville, Pennsylvania Helped spur growth of many other industries, such as automobiles, construction, etc.
Gustavus Swift and J.B. Sutherland Food able to be transported from coast to coast without risk of spoilage
George Westinghouse Helped trains stop more quickly and safely
Alexander Graham Bell Communication between people faster, and more efficient
Thomas Edison Extends the length of the workday for many Americans Eventually, he installs a street lighting system in New York City
John Augustus Roebling First suspension bridge Longest suspension bridge in world at the time
Granville Woods Helps run steam powered trains
Made it easier to set train schedules between towns Globe divided into 24 time zones, one for each hour of the day
Granville Woods Communication improved between train stations
Guglielmo Marconi Leads to the development of the radio
Factory production of automobiles began, making travel quicker and cheaper Automobiles transformed how we live
Orville and Wilbur Wright Revolutionized travel and communication (quicker, cheaper, easier)