Covers YA Home Support (Domiciliary Care), Supported Living and Housing with Care (“Extra Care”) Today we are focused on Supported Living Open Book 3
Understand actual local costs of care including staff and non-staff costs Understand local and national context of these costs e.g. What are the challenges and pressures affecting costs, both now and expected in the future? Understand occupancy, capacity and future plans of the local market Objectives
Creation of questionnaires and reporting tool Manage data gathering process Support providers through the process Validate provider responses Consolidation, aggregation and analysis of data Independent report of findings KPMG Role
Key Principles KPMG have done this before One of the ‘Big 4’ accountancy firms Professionalism KPMG will work at ‘arms length’ ‘Evidence based analysis’ from data gathered Independence
Key Principles We will discuss approach and share output We will have the evidence for every assumption and result Transparency Our tools have been refined through previous work KPMG will support and validate the data Engagement and Support
Cost data should reflect local market dynamics and structure Minimise use of industry/national averages and assumptions – local data is critical! Grouping questions will be asked and used to segment data – facility size, areas covered etc. Maximum coverage – sent to all providers Not a lengthy process – 3 ½ weeks response time Questionnaire Principles
Timescales StepProposed Timing Questionnaire sent to providers1 st June Ongoing support, calls, updates, FAQs and visits if required 1 st – 24 th June Closing of response period24 th June Data analysis and clarification of any outstanding questions with providers 25 th June through July Share findings with providersEnd of July
On receipt by KPMG, your questionnaire is manually validated Your questionnaire is uploaded into a database and all identifying data in the tool is removed (care home names, contact details, second part of postcodes) All data will be treated as confidential. It will not be possible to identify individual homes either in the dataset or in the report. Confidentiality
There will be three reports covering the three services outlining the costs of care in Birmingham The reports will be transparent – we will share summary information with all providers and share the same information with the Council The reports will clearly state the sample sizes, approach to data analysis (e.g. averages), any exclusions and assumptions made Sharing the Output
There will not be a direct link made between this report and fee levels There will be no reference to individual, identifiable homes in this report Sharing the Output
We will provide as much support as is required FAQ’s Calling a sample of providers on a daily basis Visiting providers if additional support is required Providing a help number and for queries In Addition
Benefits Reports created will be made available for both the Council and providers A chance for providers to voice their thoughts on the costs, issues and challenges in the market All data collection, analysis, and reporting is being undertaken by KPMG at ‘arm’s length’ from the Council KPMG conducted ‘Open Book 2’ for the Council with a finding from the report that costs in some areas were above the prices being paid by the Council
The Questionnaire