LNBA to Integrate and Optimize DERs for Maximum Value DRP--LNBA Methodology and Demonstration Workshop Dr. Eric Woychik, Strategy Integration, LLC 1 February
LNBA History & Future, to Integrate & Optimize Developed a 4-step method to integrate resources, with Duke Energy, NVE, AVISTA… 1)Customer targeting & consumer engagement 2)Distribution location (load-flow & DMCs) 3)Covariance/option value 4)Optimize DER locations Found Net-present-value benefits from DER to be 2x to 5X greater compared to prior expectations => We must do this! LNBA defines the basis to integrate power-flow control, but requires grid security analysis as DER percentage increases 2
Five Ideas Surrounding LNBA 1.LNBA is economic DER integration and optimization 2.LNBA is about management of big-data to achieve vastly superior DER results (2x to 5x greater) 3.Granularity matters hugely to maximize benefits 4.*LNBA compares Distribution marginal costs (DMCs) to create outcomes from least-cost to most-cost 5.Steps in LNBA are looped; iteration is required 3
How LNBA Will Be Used Estimate changes in value (NPV) from ICA scenarios with/without DER integration/optimization Connect each DER to a circuit/line-segment Calculate with/without distribution marginal costs (DMCs) Hosting can increase with optimal DER packages Calculate value/cost-effectiveness of DER packages Select packages of DERs for customer sites (delta of DMCs) Provide short-term DMCs to dispatch DERs
Basic Data Flow – Day Ahead Integrated Valuation of DERs Based on CYME/Synergi Load Flow to define Distribution Marginal Costs Historical Data Loads Prices System Cond. DER Assets Static Data Weather Forecast Near Real- Time Data Loads Prices System Cond. Generate Forecasts DER, Gen LMPDMC RMCP Load DERMS { Control Signals DER Controllers AMI data (loads, volts, VAR…) SCADA data Distribution cost data Electric market data Weather data Planning/demographic data Other big data CAISO market prices Distribution marginal each DER/ customer location Distribution losses Covariance of forecasts, DMCs; weather, loads, prices…
LNBA Leverages Data and Analytics LNBA enables maximum DERs based on economics to increase DER hosting -- ICA alone is WRONG without LNBA LNBA defines which DER resources, where, and sizing => least-cost DER hosting A DER “loading order” based on LNBA will “max value” Use of “all-in” DMCs simplify and clarify resource tradeoffs LNBA results can be automated, based on DMC engine 6
How Granular? Depends on the Markets Where Value is Captured Distribution/transmission power flows => at least hourly data CAISO real-time/ancillary services markets => 5 minute data CAISO frequency regulation and Reg-up/Reg-down markets => 1 minute to 4 second data (?) Locational distribution benefits => at customer line-segment Use at least 576 custom load shapes, with covariance analysis (weather, prices, loads, demographics) 7
Rough Breakdown of 2x to 5x Greater Value Increased granularity alone can add 1x (100%) – CA’s 16 average load shapes (in CE calculator), data limit, compared to 576 custom load shapes, plus… Customer targeting with grid constraints (load-flow) can add another 1x to 2x (100% - 200%) to benefits Covariance of weather, loads, prices… nets at least another.6x (60%) just for DR Distributed optimization of grid and customer benefits can add another 1x to 2x (100% - 200%) + to benefits 8
Forecast Integration (simulated data) 9 Red = Target EE/DR/PV/ST Green = Load Building is Least Cost for EV Charging or New Economic Development
Four Dimensions of Distribution Marginal Costs 10
Steps to Integrate DERs – 1 st Stage LNBA Develop acre-level, customer-based hourly load-forecast Define base-case build-out (supply/distribution) without DERs – calculate customer line segments. Assess DER program implementation input, by location Define where DER value is increasing and costs incurred based on DMCs (and need for distribution assets) Measure value added, capital/variable costs reduced Define number of DER installs/circuit for each measure 11
Optimize DER Dispatching as Well Customers Market Price $0 StorageStorage Energy Market Market Price Regulation Market Storage “Grid” PV Array
Optimize Location DER Packages and Portfolio – 2nd Stage LNBA Optimize operations to minimize DMCs (kW, kWh, kVAR) Apply look-up table of expected costs, define $ impacts and show DMC “stack” (based on SPM Tests) Overvoltage, exceed thermal limit, phase imbalance, reactive power limit, grid security Review/refine pivot tables/interfaces to large data => Optimize the locational operation of DERs based on DMC engine that acts as a cost-control algorithm 13
Using DMC to Define the Optimal Mix of DERs by Local Zone (service transformer) Integrate & Optimize
Red = DR reduction Blue = Battery Charging Yellow = Fed to Grid Use of DR+Battery Customer
LNBA for Distributed Optimization with DMCs Distributed optimization captures customer and utility value from all aspects of the grid (wholesale/distribution) and DER resources Utility optimization (minimize costs, improve reliability, integrate renewables) Load and DER optimization (maximize customer comfort and minimize costs) Deploy the flexible virtual power plant – two-way power flows Optimization is based on continuous comparison of DMCs… Alter load shapes, choreograph DERs -- maximize portfolio benefits
Final Notes on LNBA Need granularity beyond day-ahead to max DER value Power flow controls/smart inverters need more granularity DMCs, (“with and without” DERs/new technologies) will require confidentiality, to avoid gaming/manipulation Will need grid security analysis, before DER dispatch We have the tools – models & data – to proceed now… 17