New Kingdom Egypt Lindsey Koester Kassidy Menges Hannah Thomas Lilly Duley-French
Location Thebes: Northern Egypt
Time period 1550–1070 B.C
Society Soldiers were much more appreciated by the average Egyptians and respected members in the community As the need for soldiers increased so did their rewards. They were given good food and wine and paid in gold and land
Politics The pharaoh Amos expelled the Hyksos from Northern Egypt and inaugurated the New Kingdom Pharaoh Tuthmosis II died, and his queen Hatshepsut claimed the royal title She used male pronouns to talk about herself and drew herself as a women’s face with a beard and mans body Then Akgenaten (beneficial to the Aten) took over. He spread belief in Aten as the supreme deity and closed the temples of other Gods, tried to have monotheism. He wanted the kings to be superior to the priests and have king’s divinity After his death, the temples were reopened and Amon was chief God
Religion polytheistic beliefs and rituals. centered on the Egyptians' interaction with many deities practices of Egyptian religion were efforts to provide for the gods and gain their favor pharaoh who was human but believed to be descendent from god belief in the afterlife and funerary practices hey had temples for dead pharaohs and temples to worship gods
Intellectual endeavors New Kingdom Egypt did a whole lot with designing and building grand temples. -With each new Pharaoh, the temples were either rebuilt or redone to fit the tastes of that particular ruler. -Hatshepsut was an Egyptian queen who made statues of herself and built temples, but they were later defaced by new rulers. -Each new ruler had a distinctive design in their paintings and art. You can tell whose drawings were whose by certain features in the paintings and drawings, such as kind, smiling faces in one to sharp and rigid smile- less faces in another. -They were one of the first societies to write about more than money transactions in their writings. They branched out to write about things like love and romance.
Technology They were responsible for making a device to lift water from a waterway onto the land: called a shaduf -They invented the hoe to garden -They ground up papyrus into a pulp and laid it in sections to dry that they used as paper to write on -Canoes were invented and made out of papyrus. They were used to go short distances -They developed a wooden lock that would only open with the right key, like we have today -They pyramids were developed by these people. They held pharaohs and their belongings that they intended to take with them to the aterilfe
Economics The New Kingdom territory extended north into Syria- Palestine and South into Nubia Egypt gained access to timber, gold, and copper Gold gave Egypt a superpower; they were respected and courted by their friends and enemies Dessert regions gave a rich amount of salts; natron, brine, soda, that were used in medicine, flavor and preservation of food, and to tan animal hides Egypt lacked timber and it was imported from Lebanon Had papyrus weeds that made paper Nile flooding: great fertile soil; grew emmer wheat and barely
Important People Akhenaten: sometimes called the world's first individual. Amun was the most important god during the New Kingdom. Tutankhamun (King Tut) succeeded Akhenaten, he was the son of Akhenaten. Originally known as Tutanhkaten (living image of Aten), he changed his name to Tutankhamun, and brought back the Amum as chief god, along with the other gods and goddesses. The short-lived religion of his father, Akhenaten, came to an end Hatshepsut's- women pharaoh, reigned BCE Ramsey II- (reigned c BC) used diplomacy, a massive building program and endless propaganda to become the greatest pharaoh of the New Kingdom
Terms Tuthmosis II Akgenaten Hatshepsut Ramsey II shaduf
Big Picture this civilization was the first to use the writing system for more than money and business transactions. One change is they went from multiple gods to one god to multiple gods again They share the same social classes as ancient Egypt